Hi ladies!
Here’s day #22:
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Have a fabulous day!
It’s LOTW time again…Congratulations to vicki23. Check out her winning layout. Yup, that’s a baby in the mouth of a croc! Don’t worry she said there were no babies eaten in the taking of this pic! She did a wonderful job showcasing the pictures! Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.
As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.
Hello all!
Here’s day #20:
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and here’s today’s as well (#21):
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Hope you have a fabulous day!!!!
Hello all! Happy Monday!
I think I finally got a little creative mojo back and turned in my layout for Scrapping Survivor last night. It felt good – really it did. After so long of no scrapping – I’ve done 2 layouts in a few days. 🙂 Now we got lucky and Ginger has posted challenge #2… only thing is – its gotta have a recipe and picture of food. Yikes! I don’t have any pics of food… so now I’m off to figure out what I can make to eat that will make a nice picture and layout as well. 🙂
Okay… enough about me… here’s day #19 for y’all.
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Hope you have an amazing day!
Happy Sunday!
I’m going to get my Scrapping Survivor layout done and watch some football today! That’s it. It’s a nice relax day for us here. 🙂 Hope you all have a great day!
Don’t forget that today is the last day to grab the Fresh Baked Goodies while they are on sale!
Here’s day #18:
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Have a fabulous day!!!!
Hello all!
Happy Saturday! I hope you have a fabulous day.
Here’s day #17:
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Enjoy your day!
Hi there! Happy Friday!!!
I have a few things to share with you today. First of all – there’s a speed scrap today!!!
Next up – I just heard about an amazing party going on over at the Unforgettable Moments blog. I heard there are going to be lots of freebies and fun too! 🙂
One other thing – don’t forget about all the Fresh Baked Goodies that are on sale this weekend!
And now… here’s day #16 of this month’s download:
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Happy Friday! Is anyone else as excited as I am about the weekend finally being here? This week was the first full week everyone was at school (Labor Day was last week, the week before we had the hurricane so school was canceled). I’m not sure what it is but I feel like I’m constantly behind the eight ball. Do you feel that way? I was talking with some of our wonderful creative team members and most feel that way. What do you do to feel more caught up? I’m thinking at this point I need to actually schedule some “scrapping” time. I have no idea how else to make sure I take care of me, and let me have fun.
I know how to have you find time to scrap. Curious how? I know when I find an awesome kit, I can’t wait to sit and scrap. So for you, I have some great new kits for you! Remember if you spend $10 in the store you can get a FREE grab bag by Unforgettable Moments!
Here are our new releases to help get you inspired!
Hi y’all!
I hope today is going to be a fabulous day for you. I am feeling particularly lucky today… got out of the house to the office this morning. No kids, a big iced coffee from Dunkin’s, good music… I am planning to get tons of stuff accomplished today! I hope your day is as productive as mine will be! 🙂
Not to rush or anything… but here’s today’s piece to this wonderful daily download:
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Have a GREAT day!!!!
It’s LOTW time…Congratulations to Still a Doll. Check out her winning layout. Fabulous layering! I love all the paper layers and the school elements. Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.
As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.
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