Archives for September 2011

Daily Download #5 and #6

Hi there!

Did everyone have a great Monday?  I was moving this weekend and yesterday was just as busy… but I think we are just about settled now.  🙂  So what better way to kick back and relax than a speed scrap!?!  If you agree – we are in luck!

Now… if you really want to have some fun at this speed scrap – go have a look through the store and pick up some new goodies to scrap with today!  🙂  There are still lots of goodies ON SALE for ONLY $1.  Plus if you spend just $10 you can get this amazing bundle of 4 brand new products FOR FREE!!!!

And now… here is day #5 and day #6 of this fun kit from Scrappy Cocoa.

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Day #5

Day #6


Have a great day!  Hope to see you later at the speed scrap.  🙂

September Daily Download #4

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Here’s your next piece to this great kit from Scrappy Cocoa!

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Have a great day!

September Daily Download #3








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September Daily Download #2

Wow!  The end of August totally snuck up on me.  🙂  And now its already September.  So… I do have the full reveal for August’s Daily Download.  🙂

Summertime Citrus by Kathy Winters (linked to store)


Don’t forget that the $1 Bake Sale is going on for the rest of  the week.  There are some great kits and even CU products for ONLY $1!!!!

Also – there’s a speed scrap tonight:

Hope to see you there!  And now here’s day #2 of this great kit for September:

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Have a great Friday!!!

FreshBaked!! 9/2

Hello again! I know you just got a massive Newsletter yesterday.. but we have Fresh Baked Goodies today!!! Hot out of the oven and soooo yummy!!!

I will do a quick recap just in case you missed yesterdays newsletter, If you want to read it in its entirety, HERE IS A LINK for you to go check it out.

It’s GingerScraps birthday! We are turning 3 this week!!
To celebrate our Birthday we are having Sales, Speed Scraps, Chats and lots of fun Goodies!
The monthly $1.00 Bake Sale will be a WHOLE WEEK!
September-1-BakeSale Ad

And throughout the shop you will see Sales, Sales, Sales! Have fun shopping, you will not want to miss these deals.
GS Party

We have a new Free with purchase over $10.00 Grab Bag!! Brought to you this month by Unforgettable Moments.This grab bag is packed with some incredible products! All you have to do is put $10 or over worth of products in your cart, and this Grab Bag will be automatically added to your order for FREE!

In order to Celebrate in style our Buffet this month is called “It’s My Birthday!” I am totally in love with this color palette, and the GingerBread Ladies knocked themselves out with all their parts and pieces!

It's My Birthday Image Sep Grab Bag Preview

And now on to our Fresh Baked Goodies!!! mmmmm they sure are delicious!!



Kat Fresh Baked








SugarPie FreshBaked

It’s My Birthday! New Guest, New Buffet, Bake Sale and MORE!!

Hello my wonderful Friends! This is Ginger here today 🙂 My lovely Shannon is stuck in post hurricane misery, no power, no water for possibly 2 weeks!! Good news though, she and her family are safe! I miss her so much!! Hopefully she will be back online soon.

Now lets talk about the fun stuff! And boy do I have a LOT of fun stuff to tell you about today!!!

First of all, guess what….

It’s My Birthday!!!

Well not MY birthday, but GingerScraps birthday! We are turning 3 this week… and I must say, we are lookin’ Good.

To celebrate our Birthday we are having Sales, Speed Scraps, Chats and lots of fun Goodies!

The monthly $1.00 Bake Sale will be a WHOLE WEEK!

September-1-BakeSale Ad

And throughout the shop you will see Sales, Sales, Sales! Have fun shopping, you will not want to miss these deals.

GS Party

We have a new Free with purchase over $10.00 Grab Bag starting today!! Brought to you this month by Unforgettable Moments.

This grab bag is packed with some incredible products! There is a huge full sized, super cute kit with a fun theme that everyone can use, with a gorgeous color palette. The bag also contains a word art pack that coordinates with the kit. A full template pack with pages that contain the popular multi-photo/paper blocked composition (the template pack contain .PSD, .TIFF, and .PNG files). There is also a pack of photo clipping masks to really add something special to your layouts. This is truly a fun and special grab bag that has a $14+ value.

And all you have to do is put $10 or over worth of products in your cart, and this Grab Bag will be automatically added to your order for FREE!

Sep Grab Bag Preview

In order to Celebrate in style our Buffet this month is called “It’s My Birthday!” I am totally in love with this color palette, and the GingerBread Ladies knocked themselves out with all their parts and pieces!



Of course we also have a new Guest GingerBread Lady for September!

GS_Guest_Header_Lilacs In Bloom

*GingerScraps Shop*….. *Blog*….. *Fan Facebook*

Here is a little more about Gina… in her own words,

“Hi, I’m Gina and a mother of two children, Marisa who is 7 and Tristan who is 2. I named him after Brad Pitt’s character in Legends of the Fall. I have been married for 14 years this coming October. I lived in Sarasota, FL since 2001. I started out my digi/scrapping hobby now career with paper scrapping back in 2003. I worked part time at a scrapbook store and was on the design team. I have always loved computers and before I switched my major in college to Fashion Buying and Design I majoring in Advertising with Graphic Arts. That was before it was on computers though. So when I found out about digital scrap-booking in 2007, I naturally switched over. I ended up over the years being on 11 CT’s and at the end of last summer I decided I wanted to design. I am pretty much self taught with PS and now just starting to learn Illustrator. But last November when I debuted as a guest designer, it was just templates. Only recently did I start designing kits. I am still learning and love it when I find out a new tip or trick or way of doing something in PS. I use CS 5 for both PS and Illustrator. I also use Art Rage and Repper. I can draw but not very well, so that is a goal of mine to try to draw more myself. Besides digi, I love to make jewelry and have a store at Etsy and I love reading. just got a Kindle earlier this year and am so very happy with it. I was lucky enough to go to a digi convention this past March in Vegas and will go again this coming March. Since I also work a full time 40 hour a week job, I cherish spending time with my two kiddos and only spend time on my digi after they go to bed, which means very late nights for me and hardly any sleep. I am have been so fortunate to have made some truly remarkable and lasting friendships with some of the girls I have met online through this wonderful hobby!”

Take a look at some of her Delicious Goodies!!






And guess who is sticking around GingerScraps…. Sugar Pie Scraps!! And not only is she a permanent GingerBread Lady, she is also going Exclusive! Whoot!



And Kat has decided to make GingerScraps her exclusive home too!! Wooohooo!


Today the Sep issue of the GingerScrapsStreet magazine hit stands! It is full of amazing eye candy, and of course a full size kit for Free!


We also have a new Daily Download starting today… brought to you this month from Scrappy Cocoa- here is a little sneak peek: You can get a new part daily right here on the GingerScraps Blog….  Download Day One HERE!

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Of course if you happened to miss any of the pieces of the August Daily Download, will be available tomorrow in Kathy Winters shop! So keep an eye out for that 🙂