Archives for October 5, 2011

New GingerBread Lady! 10/5

 Guess who?  Yup!  It’s me with another HUGE announcement!  We are very lucky here at GingerScraps to constantly grow our store.  This designer that is joining us is yet another one of the designers that I stalk.  As you know from last week, there are a few designers that I follow on twitter, on facebook, with newsletters, and their blogs.  I just can’t seem to get enough of them.  When Ginger told me that this designer will be joining us, I believe my exact words were “Are you serious?”.  Since we all know that Ginger is always 100% serious I knew it had to be true.  Ok, you got me.  Ginger has a huge sense of humor..but this time she really was serious.

It is now time that I tell you who this designer is.  Please, have a seat.  I don’t want anyone to faint and get hurt.  Ready?  Are you sitting?

Our new GingerBread Lady is….the one…..the only…..

Luv Ewe Designs!

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I asked her to tell us a bit about herself.  This is what she had to say:

Hey guys! It’s Jennifer from Luv Ewe Designs here! I am super excited to join the Ginger Scraps team! I am a mom of three boys, a step mom to four kids and have 6 indoor kitties. Yes it can be quite crazy! During the day I am a supervisor for an agency for the mentally and physically challenged. By night, I am a mommy and photoshop junkie! I have been playing with photoshop for over 4 years. I started making siggies for a forum, then I started creating elements to make the siggies with and it grew from there! I love photoshop because you can be creative in so many ways and there is always a new technique to learn! Hope to get to know you guys and catch you in the forums!

Isn’t she a doll?  I can’t wait for you all to get to know her better.  You know…what is better way then for you to take a look at her kits!




October Daily Download #5

Happy Wednesday!

Today I want to mention this fun challenge over in the forum.  It’s called the Makeover Challenge.  It’s hosted by Pretty in Green this month… and you just have to see the layout she re-did.  It looks amazing!!!!    We all have those layouts from when we first started that we want to re-do. 🙂  Check it out and join in the fun! 🙂

Here’s day #5:

*Link has Expired*


Have a great day!