Archives for November 2011

November Daily Download #19

Happy Saturday!

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November Daily Download #18

Hey there!  Happy Friday!  🙂  I’m off to the NH Conference for Women today… so looking forward to networking with local business women!  Should be a fun day for me!  I hope you have a fabulous day today as well!

If you aren’t busy Saturday morning – we’d love for you to grab a cup of coffee or tea and come scrap with us!



And now here’s today’s piece to this amazing kit from Colie’s Corner!  Enjoy!

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Have a great weekend!

Annoucing two weeks of LOTW winners!

So once again I’m running SO far behind and I aplogize to the LOTW winners for not getting this posted earlier. Ocassionaly I have a month here and there that get the best of me. This month was because of a late October snowstorm that hit the area where I live. It knocked out power to my office for 1 week and also my son’s preschool for 1 week. I did have power at home and while this sounds like an ideal scenario for catching up on my things, let me assure you it was not. I love being home with my son, but not when I have to try to work from home and entertain a 4 year old who is used to his preschool schedule at the same time. Once I finally got back to work, there was loads of work waiting to be taken care of and I’m still trying to get caught up, but thank goodness it’s Friday because I need a break (from work, that is!)

On to the news.

On to the news…an extra special congratulations to beancounter for winning LOTW for the week of October 29th and Melinda H for winning LOTW for the week of November 5th. Fabulous LO’s ladies!

Click on the image to leave beancounter some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

Here is the winning LO by MelindaH. Click on the LO to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps gallery.
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Fresh Baked! 11/18

Hello and Welcome to the Friday edition of the GingerScraps Newsletter.  I’m so delighted to have you joining me today for some new, incredible releases from our talented designers.  Wow, that sounded very formal.  I have no idea why I’m writing all formal, but it would be funny if you pictured me wearing my hair in a bun, had my hands clasped together, while standing at my front door welcoming you to my house.  I think today is going to be one of those days.  I think I need a vacation…anyone want to go some place warm?  No?  Well that’s ok.  I can’t go anyway…too many holidays coming up.  What I can do though is show you the great new releases we have.

You know the drill though.  Before I can show you what our designers have created just for you, I have to tell what about something you can win!  Tell them what they can win Bob!  “Why, they can win a free grab bag by Statements by Jodi!”  No way!  How do they win that, Bob?  “It’s easy!  All they have to do is spend $10 in the store!  Then the grab bag is all theirs!”  Wow!  That is easy!  Everyone can be a winner!!  Sorry, that vacation is sounding better and better.

Before I start rambling on again let me just show you our new releases.















November Daily Download #17

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November Daily Download #16

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Have a great day!!!!



New GingerBread Lady!! 11/16

Boy do I have a surprise for you.  Let me tell you a story though to explain it.  Once upon a time there was a guest designer at an amazing digi scrapping store named GingerScraps.  GingerScraps had a site manager that was just the nicest person.  Oh…sorry, I just had to throw that out there…lol.  Ok, back to the story.  One month, GingerScraps had a guest designer.  That guest designer was loved so much she was asked to stay.  This designer had to say no at the time because life was just crazy (gosh, I’m there right now…we all get that huh?).  Anyway, life calmed down and this guest designer has asked to come back.  Ginger, the wonderful owner of GingerScraps, started screaming “SERIOUSLY?  Are you serious?  YES!!!”  With that Ginger emailed the very pretty site manager (oops, sorry again) with the very exciting news.  Everyone is just so happy…so very, very happy.  This new designer stayed forever and ever and we all lived happily ever after.  The End.

 Yeah, I know, I’m not the best writer at all and my story was pretty bad.  The good news about it though is that it is true.  One of our past guests is back!!!  She is staying too!!  Are you curious about who?  Ok, I’ll tell you.  She is…the one….the only…

Jen Yurko!


*Store*  *Newsletter*  *Blog*  *Twitter*

 I asked her to tell us more about herself and this is what she said:

 i am a 39yo (EEEK!) mother of 5, stepmom of 2, and married to  THE most awesome man on the planet.  (that’s right – my husband is  better than your husband!  nannee nannee boo boo!). 

i design digital scrapbooking kits and doodles, create  blinkies, banners, signature tags, and blogs, as well as dabble in web  design.  my computer time has dwindled immensely since since  my kids started attending a public cyber school instead of traditional  brick & mortar school, but we’ve finally hit a point where we can share the 3 computers between the 5 of us without any hair-pulling, biting or kicking & screaming, LOL!most of my design work and doodles start out in  illustrator and then are finished off in photoshop.  i absolutely  l-o-v-e my bamboo tablets!  the newest tablet is a pen & touch,  which is totally cool.  i’m totally excited to be at gingerscraps — again! — and as part of the permanent team!  

Jen, on behalf of the entire team, we are so totally excited to have you back!!

 Here is just a sample of some of her work!  Make sure you check out her store (did I mention it is on sale this week?!?!?!).


November Daily Download #15

Are you still checking in the store each day?  The $1 Bake Sale is still going strong!  And remember that the designers are switching products out each day!!!

Want to send a special shout out to Colie’s Corner for making this wonderful kit.  You can find her store HERE and there are lots of items on sale – so be sure to check it out!  🙂

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Hope you are having a fabulous week!  🙂

November Daily Download #14

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November Daily Download #13

Today I just want to quickly mention our challenges in the forum that are ending on the 15th.  There are a couple to choose from:

the Template Challenge with an AMAZING free template to use and the Inspiration Challenge that encourages you to think outside of squares and circles for your picture shapes.  Fun stuff!  And a great way to get a layout done… and have a chance to win a $5 gift code to the GingerScraps store!  🙂

And now here’s day #13 for ya:


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Have a fabulous day!!!