Mystery Designer #4 – 3/23

This week our sneak peek was made by …  a designer!  What?  You thought I would tell you that easily?

Here was our Sneak Peek.

Who did you guess?  This week’s designer was…..


Would you like to see the full kit?

Did you guess her?   Well actually, you didn’t.  No one did.  That’s ok because we’re glad you tried!  Here are our 3 random winners!!

Facebook: Rachel DeVaughn

Blog: RJ

Forum: JSmith84

So let’s get right down to this week’s Sneek Peak!

You know what to do!  Leave you guesses on Facebook, in the Forum, and on the blog!  We’ll pick a winner and maybe it will be you!


  1. Amy Peck

  2. My Guess is Unforgettable Moments

  3. mscrafts8 says

    My guess is – Creations By Julie

  4. My guess is Colie’s Corner

  5. Please delete that guess. Aprilisa doesn’t sell here (it’s super early and the brain is not functioning!).

    My real guess is Blue Heart Scraps. 🙂

  6. My guess is Connie Prince

  7. Hi There…

    I Was One Of The Random Winners You Picked…From The Last Mystery Designer #4…Harmony Star-Forget Me Not…I Was Wondering How I Claim
    My Prize?…I Checked My E-Mail & My PM’s In The GingerScraps Forum &
    There Wasn’t Any New Messages There With A Code Or Explaining How I Pick-Up My Prize…Can You Please Contact Me To Let Me Know How I Do This?…

    Thanks So Much!

  8. RJ I emailed you a coupon yesterday. I’m so sorry you didn’t get it (maybe it is in your spam folder?). Email me at shannon at gingerscraps dot net and I will give it to you again!

  9. Hi There…

    Thanks Shannon!…Just Wanted To Say “Thanks A Lot!”…I Got The E-Mail!
    Am Downloading The Kit As We Speak!

    Thanks Again…
    Have A Great Weekend!

  10. My guess is Creations By Julie 🙂