Archives for June 2012
Challenge Spotlight – Color Challenge
Good morning, ladies! Sorry I’m a little late on this morning’s blog; it’s been a hectic, emotional week for me, BUT I’m psyched to bring you this week’s challenge spotlight! This week, I’m spotlighting June’s color challenge hosted by Roseytoes Designs! Ryan has picked a really great palette for us to work with this month, it’s a little masculine just in time for Father’s Day, but neutral enough to work with any layout! Here’s what she’s chosen:
So pretty! I love that sage green and beige. (Am I biased because this is essentially my bathroom color palette? Maybe!) Ryan has picked out some great kits that include these colors; make sure you stop by the color challenge thread to see those and get some ideas on which kits to use!
The ladies in the forum have already been hard at work creating some lovely LOs with these colors. If you need a little inspiration for your own scrap, take a look at these!
By skcosti
By sparkysgirl
By hivart
From a masculine father layout to a lovely, feminine heritage layout–you ladies did an excellent job making this color palette your own! I can’t wait to see what YOU will do with this, too! 🙂
That’s it for me! If you have any questions about this or any of our other monthly challenges, you can direct those to the Cookie Jar! All the fabulous GS ladies are ready to help in any way possible and answer any questions you may have about the challenges or scrapping in general! Until next week! <3
Out lastest LOTW winner is dotcomkari!
Congratulations to dotcomkari for winning LOTW! Her layout is simply striking. I love how she added a title using the word tags. Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.
This LO was created using 3 different products by Blue Heart Scraps. Check them out!!
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.
As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.
Weekly Wrap-Up: Sales, CT Calls, Book Club OH MY!
Good morning!
I’ve got lots of little tidbits to share with you!
First, today is the LAST day to get Pixelily’s shop at 50% OFF! In honor of her grand opening here at GingerScraps her entire shop is on sale!
She’s definitely become a fast favorite of mine, and I’ve certainly taken advantage of her Grand Opening Sale! 😉 If there is anything you’ve had your eye on, today is the last day to grab it at half off!!
In case you missed last week’s wrap-up, there are two CT calls happening right now, one for Z Pink Boudoir Designs and one for JenC Designs!
I’m happy to see that we’ve had a few new members join our forum! It’s always exciting “seeing” new faces, meeting new friends! I love watching our community grow and grow. 🙂 One of the things I love most about the DigiScrapVerse is just how..vast it is! People from ALL over the world come together to share themselves through digital scrapbooking. Truly awesomeness.
Let’s see, what other little exciting tidbits do I have to share with you?
How about another sale? And with Father’s Day just a week away this is doubly awesome!
Connie Prince’s Dear Dad kit is on sale for over 50% OFF right now! I have had my eye on this kit for quite some time, and took this opportunity to snag ALL the coordinating packs to it as well!
In addition, there are some great wordart pieces by Kathy Winters Designs available in our store as well!
Before I wrap up the wrap-up 😉 I’ve got to stick in just a couple more quick little bits!
One, don’t forget about GingerScraps Book Club! This month we’re reading Nicholas Sparks’ The Lucky One. I’ve, personally, never read a Nicholas Sparks novel, but am quite looking forward to it! Also, make sure you go vote for next month’s book in the Pick Our Book Poll! There are some terrific books on the poll for July, don’t forget to vote for the one YOU want to read! 🙂 And now that I got totally excited about our book club, I forgot the other thing I wanted to say! …and with a little prodding of my crazy mind I totally remembered! The second little bit I wanted to leave you with was our Ask the Designer upcoming post! We need YOU, our gorgeous community to come up with questions to ask the designers! Have a burning question you’re just dying to know? Check out the forum thread where you can pose it to all three of June’s featured designers or just one specifically. 🙂
Okay, now it’s time for me to refill my empty coffee cup and get some good scrap time in today! The heat is forcing me inside- to which I don’t mind one bit 😉 Time to get scrappy with it! Bwahaha! 🙂
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, wherever you are spending it!
Inside the Designer Studio: Meet the Designers
It’s Saturday! Happy weekend to you all!
I’m here to introduce you to our three featured designers this month. Our guest designer, May of Siamese Studio. The lovely Jennifer of Luv Ewe Designs has created our Daily Download for the month of June. Last but not least, Amy of Unforgettable Moments put together a beautiful free-with-purchase kit for us.
Here is a little bit more about each of these fantastic women:
Hi, my name is May. I live with my hubby of eight years in Bangkok, Thailand. We have one daughter, Janice. I could say that Janice is the one who introduced me to digital scrapbooking. I was pregnant at that time, and was reading other mom’s blog post. Then I saw a layout using some digital scrapbook stuff. It was so pretty! At the same time, I also heard people talking about “scrapbook” and was wondering what is it all about. So I did some search and found lots of digital scrapbook kits. I became a freebie hunter first, then joined a contest at a digital scrapbook store. That was the first time I’ve scrapped so many pages and fell in love with digital scrapbooking since then. After being only a scrapper for almost a year, I started to design and now it is my second love, besides of writing. I’ve been designing for almost four years already. I also love to cook and bake, but I could never get a successful result when baking a sponge cake. My new addiction is Paper Scrapping! I’d never ever did any physical layouts but I would love to try one day.
Hey everybody! This is Luv Ewe Designs! My real name is Jennifer. You can call me Jenn or Jennifer, just not Jenny. I am one of the hundred Jenns among the designers here! lol I live in Missouri. I married my husband on a beach in Jamaica 6 years ago. I have three boys and four step kids. I also have 6 indoor cats. We have a big house with room for everyone! So I have lost track of how long I have been designing. I think it has been about five years now. I actually started designing before I scrapped, which sounds weird. I love looking through galleries at everyone’s craftiness. So much inspiration there!
I am Amy Peck of Unforgettable Moments. My family and I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest just south of Portland, Oregon. We have two little boys Nolan who just turned five, and Ian who will soon be three. We are also helping raise our little nephew who we took into our home. He is the same age as our youngest. We have a busy household with three little boys running around. I am in love with photography and enjoy learning my camera and equipment and taking pictures when I can. I am four credits away from earning my masters degree in education. I worked about 10 years in the early childhood education field before my first child was born, and when I became a mom I became a stay at home mom. [Aside from designing] My first digi-love is to scrap, and record all of our families unforgettable moments! I love working with my scrap software so much that I was given the privilege of naming my father-in-law’s cat and I named her Adobe!
Thank you ladies, for taking time of your busy busyness to introduce yourselves! But…that’s not all! We always want to know more- at least I do! 😉 So, I am going to put it to you, our readers, to ask the designers what YOU want to know! Check out this thread in our forum, and post your question! Next week Saturday we’ll find out just what we want to know! 🙂
Have a scrap happy Saturday!