Archives for July 29, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: Got your eyes on the prize?

Good morning ya’ll!

Late start for me this Sunday, woke up with a crick in the neck and while I was putting away clean dishes I suddenly needed to reorganize my Tupperware cupboard. Yup. So, now I’m here, with my fresh cup of Butter Toffee flavored coffee (just a quick splutz [that’s a word, I promise] of milk) and ready to dawdle on through what will undoubtedly be a very lazy Sunday.

Enough about me!

Let’s talk scrap!

The biggest thing happening around here is our Christmas in July celebration! Please kindly crawl out from your rock if you were unaware of this. 😉 We’ve been so excited about all the activities and PRIZES – OH THE PRIZES! – that it’s been quite difficult to contain our exuberance. Today wraps up our celebrations, so if you’ve got any last minute layouts to finish for the special challenges, or want to pop into one last chat (a story speed scrap!) with Pixels by Jen (2:00PM EST!) then now is your chance! Have you been keeping track of your event points? Got your eyes on the BIG prize?

If you earn a total of 10 points by Sunday July 29th at midnight EST, you will receive this special gift from our GingerScraps Designers!!

Check out the Christmas in July thread for all the details!

One of the challenges you can complete for our Christmas in July(CiJ) celebration is the Hybrid Ornament – which I am working on making several of for Holiday gifts! Simple, personal and, obviously, awesome.

Christmas Hybrid Ornament

Even after the CiJ has wrapped up there is no reason NOT to get a jump on your Holiday gifts! I know with the endless supply of goodies that GingerScraps creates for us I’m certain to actually get my gifts completed BEFORE December 24th this year. You know, like December 23rd. 😉

December will be here before you know it- yes summer is still in full swing, and I am expecting some very warm August days to come but yes, AUGUST! There are only three days left of July! HOLY MOLY! I’ve come to the conclusion that there is indeed a time thief among us. Get ready though, August is bringing some phenomenal things to GingerScraps (as if any other day doesn’t already 😉 ). However, soak up the last few days of July by shopping PsychoZoe’s Retiring Sale.

For example, the must-have Fun With Tulle Templates

Don’t miss these, get them now before they are gone! Don’t forget to browse our ENTIRE store either, so many of our Designers having many items on sale through today. If you’re new to us (HELLO!) totally take advantage of our Christmas in July extravaganza!

And remember if you spend $10 in our store you get this HUGE Grab-bag for FREE!

Speaking of new, I’ve seen so many fresh smiling faces (emoticons 😉 )in the forum that it warms my scrappy heart! WELCOME WELCOME! I hope each and every one of you gets your fluffy bunny slippers on and makes GingerScraps your cozy little corner of the web. We LOVE having you here!

With that, I’m wrapping up this wrap-up to go and get scrappy with it.

Have a scrap happy Sunday my friends!

Daily Download July 29