Challenge Spotlight – Desktop Challenge

Hey howdy hey and happy turkey day! How is it already Thanksgiving? Where did the year go?! The weather is FINALLY cooling off here in Texas and the winter holidays are quickly approaching! As I like to say, it’s the super bowl of crafting and scrapping! 😀 This week I am spotlighting a challenge with a freebie, the desktop challenge hosted by Ivonne of Craft-tastrophic Designs! I really, really like her template for this month’s desktop challenge!

 Isn’t it just the cutest template?! It’s reminiscent of ornaments and I love the overlapped circles. With a fun freebie template like this, you know the creations are just rolling in! Here a few I like from the forum:

By mamaape

By dodgeladee

By Lisa

Lovely, all of them! I love Suzanne’s patterned wall that reminds me of a chimney, Lisa’s pine needles and I especially love the crafty realism April accomplished with the buttons and ornament stickers. Awesome job, ladies–you rock! 🙂

Now that you’ve got some inspiration going, it’s your turn to join in the fun! All of our monthly challenges are worth points towards a superfun prize! Check out the rewards system and see what you can win just for playing along! Keep track of what you’ve completed in the November Challenge Points Tracking thread so we can get you a reward once the month is over. As always, any questions about this or any of the other monthly challenges can be sent over to the Cookie Jar. 🙂

Alright, I’ve got to get back to school work and holiday crafting. And I guess I should do my desktop for next month, as well! 😉 Y’all have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving to my US friends! See everyone next week for the last November challenge spotlight! Adios! 🙂



  1. Super cute template. Thank you. I love the example layouts too. 

  2. THANK YOU ;~} for the temp.