Hello and happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already the third week in December?! Only a little over a week left in 2012–eep! Where did the time go? Now that school is over (all A’s–go me!), I can finally start scrapping again! Since I’m a little rusty now, I definitely want to use a template and what better way to get a freebie template than by joining in on the second template challenge hosted by one of our new designers, Isabel of Crisdam Designs! Check out the super cute template Isabel has made for us to create with the second half of this month…
Awesome, right? I love the curve along the right side and I’m always a sucker for a little paper stacking! Even though this template challenge just started, we’ve already got some wonderful layouts in the forum. Check out a few ladies’ creations here for inspiration!
I’m always thrilled to check out these challenges and see the amount of talent we have in the GS community! 🙂 I love that snowy spray Sarah has, all the vibrant ribbons Debbie used and the softer non-holiday pastels Ricki used for a little break in strictly holiday scrapping. 🙂 Wonderful work, ladies!
If you haven’t started tallying your completed challenges, you need to head over to the December Challenge Points Tracking thread and start counting up those layouts! At the end of the month, you’ll get a lovely little prize depending on how many challenges you complete. It’s not to late to get scrapping and earn a fun reward! 😀
Well, dinner’s just about ready, my tummy’s rumbling and I need to finish a Christmas craft before bed, so that’s it for me! Y’all have a great week, finish up your Christmas shopping/wrapping and I’ll see everyone back here next week for the LAST challenge spotlight of 2012! CRAZY! See you next week! 🙂
Beautiful eye candy as presented showcased with the useof this wonderfully-designed template. Wonderful design with multiple photos. Hugs. 😉