Dec Daily Download – 06


  1. Good morning. Thanks for today’s gift. 

  2. Thank you for Day 6! Gosh, I wish time would slow down .. ….  I can’t keep up, lol !!!

  3. Thank you. This looks lovely!

  4. Thank you  one more time !

  5. Thank you – i really am enjoying watching this kit unfold!

  6. Thank you!!

  7. Thanks so much for this cute kit. I am loving the colors.

  8. Thank you!!

  9. thank you

  10. I am so glad to receive another part of your so grand daily download collab. I had my home health aid laughing bnecause I wanted to do the download so that I could aah over the contents. It is so generous of you to leave the previous link available because after infusions or taking my regular meds, I have the tendency to crash. With the previous link sill available, It tells us that your hearts are open to change. It is a blessing to visit with you and to receive these fantastic gifts of love. Hugs. 😉

  11. Tanja Blaufelder says

    Thank you so much!

  12. Thank you!!

  13. Betty aka boop52245 says

    Such a wonderful kit thank you for sharing

  14. Thank you!

  15. Thank you.

  16. nancypinct says

    Thank you very much for these wonderful goodies!  I was wondering where Netherland has the kits that those amazing pages were made with at the beginning of this days posts?  I looked at her store, and also under Holidays and did not find anything.  I love those traditional colors used on a Christmas page.  Thanks for any help you can give.! 

  17. mischalaneous says

    THANKS so much! I’m loving this kit so far!

  18. Thank you!

  19. Thank you!

  20. Thanks so much for today’s portion & for leaving them OPEN ‘n Available 🙂

  21. Thank you!

  22. crystalnva says

    So cute THANK YOU ;~}