Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

Before we start, I want to extend well thoughts and wishes of peace for those directly affected by the bombing at the Boston marathon yesterday. <3


Hello and happy Tuesday to everyone; hope your week is starting out well as we begin the middle of April. 🙂 Today I am going to be spotlighting a challenge with a freebie: the mini kit challenge hosted by Ivonne of Craft-tastrophic Designs! This is always a fun challenge because you get a freebie AND points towards an awesome reward come next month: win/win! Let’s see the cute mini Ivonne has for us this month:

Love the colors here, pretty and spring-y, but still earthy and warm. Thanks, Ivonne! The mini kit challenge always draws lots of participation and this month is no exception. Need some inspiration for your own creation? Take a look at these lovely layouts:

By lulutoo

By Lyndsfairne

By bekfek

WOW, these are all awesome. Not only are they pretty layouts, but they’re completely different styles and all had a unique take on the mini. I love how this small mini has been stretched and almost looks to be a full kit on these pages–very cool, ladies! 🙂

This is the middle of April, so we’re halfway through our challenges…already! Make sure you’re keeping track of all your completed challenges this month in the April Challenge Points Tracking thread so we can tally them up and get you a lovely little reward next month for playing along. If you have any questions, be sure to stop by the Cookie Jar and ask away–we’ll get back to you asap!

That’s it for this week, all. Hope the rest of your week is fabulous and peaceful…now get to scrapping! 😉


  1. Thank you for including my layout! I agree these styles are all so different–it’s fun seeing how many different looks you can get with this same mini. 🙂


  1. […] Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge – 1 freebie(s)? […]