February Featured Designer – JB Studio


Welcome to February. Hard to believe we are already through January. I wonder if it means this year will go by quickly? This month I had the chance to “chat” with the fabulous Dani of JB Studios. Here is her thoughts on my questions. Make sure to read all the way to the end for  some awesome layouts with her kits.

What is your design process?

I usually have ideas for kits from music – lyrics or rhythm… I am all about feelings and I let the feelings guide me. First thing I do is choose the name of the kit because it will lead my design process and as I am not the best at that, I always rely on my creative team to help me brainstorm. Then I build the color palette that will help me express the feelings I had, I always start from patterned papers, then elements, extras and alphas. Sometimes the process is inverted. I see a color palette that catches my eye and I let it guide the feelings. I like to take notes of moments and things I see when I’m not home because some things just may inspire kit ideas.

What do you use to create your designs (program, addition tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop CS3 (it’s old, I know. I will be soon switching to a newer version) and illustrator. Tools? Hmmm, I like using some actions and styles because they are time savers.

Describe your design workplace.

I am building my workspace through babysteps, but as we don’t have much space in the house, it is in our living room for now. I have a pretty spacious work table and some drawers, but to be honest I didn’t declutter or organized yet.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

I’m blessed for being able to be creative and call it work. And also blessed for working at home so I can stay with my daughter and take care of the family and myself.

What is your favorite or “go-to” color palette?

I like bright colors and I always add a bold one to contrast. Being honest, I love vintage colors, however I just can’t design anything vintage, I guess it’s because I’m an Aquarius. LOL

What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?

I feel guilty by answering this… a very cold glass of coke.

Do you have job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?

I’ve just quit the position of coordinator at a language school. I am now only teaching English on Saturdays, so I can have plenty of time to devote to my creative business.

Please share a photo of yourself, can be silly or serious but a photo that shows us who YOU are.

I really like this photo. It’s not perfect, I have no make up, I’m wearing glasses, I have eye circles, but I think it expresses who I am – the colors and the smile. I see myself like this – soft, feminine and happy.


What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed (that is currently in store) and why is it your favorite?

I have to mention 2 of them. One is On Cloud Nine because it was a turning point in my design style and the other is Gone Away because it was the way I could express my feelings in a sad moment when we lost a close friend in a very terrible way. I am pretty introvert sometimes and that was the way that I could put the bad feelings out of my chest.

What is your favorite thing about GingerScraps.net?

Oh, everything! I wish i could be online in the community more often because I always have so much fun. And I love how sweet and supportive everybody is. I love being a GingerBread Lady.

What is the current ringtone on your phone?

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (I just love the guys!)

If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?

I feel pretty uncomfortable answering this kind of questions because I hate to have to choose between things, I just can’t. I want everything. My decision making in this situation is stressful. I would start with my family, internet, my laptop, my books, my notebooks and all my scrapbooking supplies, my daughters’ dolls, playing cards, and I could go on forever… LOL

If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?

Mandela. I would try to learn everything I could from the guy. He was so spiritual.

What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

Unconditionally by Katy Perry

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

I love Karaoke and I sing lots of songs, but my favorite are Rolling in the Deep by Adele and I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse.

Any special message to our members?

I’d like to quote Mahatma Gandhi: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” Living with intention is having a fulfilled life. Everything is just perfect when you are in harmony.

What awesome answers to my questions. Thanks again to Dani for taking the time. Make sure to check out her GS store, her Facebook page, and her blog. Her birthday is this month and she’s giving away goodies all month.

I asked on our Facebook fan page and our group page for you to share your favorite kit and layouts with me and I received some great posts. It was so hard to choose, so… I’m just going to show them all.

The biggest response was using the Honeymoon Collection.




lorigaud shared this layout made with Rock This Way:


Sarah shared this layout using Everyday Photos:

And finally this one from missdamsel using Digital Besties:

Thanks for hanging on and reading this long!! Can’t wait to catch back up with you soon. Keep your eye out for some fun stuff coming to the blog. We have some exciting things in the works.





  1. Thank you for this wonderful interview!!
    It was so fun to get to know you 🙂
    We are so lucky to have you at GingerScraps!!