Archives for April 18, 2015

GingerBread Girl Inspiration | Deanna

Hello scrappers! It is another happy scrappy Saturday! Today I thought we would get a little inspiration from one of the talented Gingerbread Girls. I enjoy looking through the gallery and finding inspiration. The GingerBread Girls are some of the most talented scrappers out there! Let us take a look (and get some inspiration!) from team member Deanna.

I might be a little biased when it comes to enjoying Deanna’s layouts. I’ve been scrapping on teams with her and digi-friends for a few years. I enjoy watching her grandchildren growing up via her layouts. To me, Deanna is a traditional scrapper but doing it digi-style. She scraps the everyday, her history, and those fun moments. Her title work on her layouts are something I wish I could do. They are well done and grab-your-attention titles! So, without more of me talking, here are some of Deanna’s latest layouts that inspired me.


Cute Froggy

Love you

Boy Explorer

Define “Play”

What did I tell you?! Great inspiration, right? Where as I struggle at title work, Deanna knocks it out of the park. She does so much more with her layouts that make them stand out. From the subject matter, the journaling, and the sweet sentiments to the page. I get inspiration from Deanna’s gallery. I hope you do too! On the look out for more inspiration, check out her gallery HERE!


DD: Apr 18

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Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.