Archives for October 1, 2018

Fresh Baked: October 01, 2018

I cannot believe that we’re already to October! The rest of the year is just going to fly on by! The time of year with a zillion holidays is upon us! The designers will be, and are, hard at work with kits perfect for all the holidays and seasonal bucket lists.

It is the First of the month, and that means the reveal of our new Buffet!!

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles, one easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!

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DD: Oct 01

Let’s celebrate making a house a home with this month’s Daily Download! But before I show it off, here’s last month’s AMAZING kit!


And here’s this month’s:


Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.