Archives for October 6, 2022

Designer Spotlight: October 2022



I had intended to bring you this transcript of my visit with Christina, aka Wimpychompers yesterday but life had other plans. Now, before I forget the important details, let’s get after it!

J: As usual, we talked about the mundane first. Inspiration and motivation are big things, even if they might not be titillating. So first off, what made you decide to design?

C: I admired the digital signatures people were using and wanted to learn how to make them.  I started writing tutorials and learning Paint Shop Pro (I later switched to Photoshop).  Eventually I found digital scrapbooking and moved to that!

J: I think most of us have been drawn to digi-scrapping by seeing what others have done and a desire to be just like them. What do you use to create your designs?

C: Photoshop with different actions and add-ons such as Alien Skin.

J: [Editor’s note: I’d never heard of Alien Skin and had to look it up. It’s called Exposure now and it looks crazy good! Standalone photo editor or PS/LR plug-in, free trial… might be worth a look!]  Who or what motivates and inspires you as a designer? I’ve noticed many of your designs have a childlike influence.

C: Holidays, color palettes on Pinterest, clothing, inspiration is everywhere…

J: Oh, I know what you mean! When I’m shopping for kits, my mind is always sorting through my photos and significant events, and often layouts are creating themselves in my imagination. My family calls me The Brain that Never Sleeps. What one word would your friends and family use to describe you?

C: Passionate!
J: That’s a good quality to have, as long as it’s channeled in a positive direction. That’s a clumsy segué… What would you do if you won the lottery?

C: Pay off my house and loans (of course) as well as those of family members.  My kids would have college paid for and we would save it until they are older of course.

J: Financial freedom is pretty sweet. But then your family would need to call you passionately generous! This next question is one I’ve give, a lot of thought. If time travel was possible, would you go back in time or ahead? Why?

C: Back to visit my kids when they were babies

J: So far, nobody I’ve asked that has chosen to visit the future. I wonder what that means. As an armchair genealogist, I have some ancestors I’d love to spend time with… I have questions!!!!!! If you could have a super power, what would you like it to be?

C: Time travel would be pretty awesome… or speedy travel so I could get to my parents faster (they moved away two years ago).

J: So would you be a Quantum-Leaper, going back and righting wrongs? Or just a curious visitor? Oops, forget I asked that! I think teleportation would be SO handy! Can you play a musical instrument?

C: I played flute all through school.

J: Did you see the You Tube video of Lizzo playing James Madison‘s crystal flute? That woman has mad skills!! And she’s 100% comfortable in her skin. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

C: I get social anxiety and I hate it!

J: No kidding! It’s such a hard thing to manage when you HAVE to be in certain social situations. I’m finding it really amps me up when I have to be out in public these days, because people have stopped thinking about COVID and I have a family member who could die from it. Knowing I’m going to dread going out makes me want to go out less and less. But that’s enough doom-and-gloom. Let’s end on a high note! What did you want to be when you were small?

C: A mom, an author and a ballerina.
One out of three is pretty good! Thank you so much for letting us into your world for a few minutes. Enjoy your time in the Spotlight!
Before I go, here are the usual reminders: Christina is the hostess-with-the-mostest this month. She is providing this month’s Daily Download right here on the Blog. Links for the day’s piece of the kit are active for 5 days, so don’t stress about checking in every single day. If you miss a day or two, (or you KNOW you’re not going to be able to collect them all) the whole kit will be available in the Shop next month. You can find her Designer Spotlight Challenge here.

I’m starting to think WordPress has it in for me… the formatting curse is REAL!!

Next month we have TWO Designers in the Spotlight. You’re not going to want to miss them! See you then. [Read more…]