4th of July & Canada Day


Good Monday morning! For those in the states, did you have have a good Independence Day? Canadians, did you have a good Canada Day?! I hope you did and I hope you took lots of photos. I am here today to help take the chore of looking for kits for said photos. We are going to take a look at some of the great digital scrapbooking supplies in the store to scrap those 4th of July and Canada Day photos!

Just like the holiday’s before, we have an entire section dedicated to patriotic digital scrapbooking supplies. If you already have the ones I am about to showcase in your stash or just want something else, make sure to check there. Here are just a few items to get your patriotic layouts scrapped. (all images linked).





Some great designs, right? We would love to see what you are scrapping with our patriotic designs. Make sure you upload your layouts to the gallery. There is a challenge that goes perfectly with these patriotic goodies. There are a lot more patriotic items in July’s Buffet. You can take those July Buffet layouts & take part in the Buffett challenge in the forum! There is also a color challenge this month that would work well with your patriotic layouts! So, get those holiday photos scrapped & links us up!


Disney Fonts

Good morning scrappers. Team member La’Shawn here to talk about fonts. I think it comes with the scrappy territory…font addiction. I don’t think I’ve met a scrapper who didn’t have more fonts than they could ever use. That being said, if you are anything like me, you never stop to think about adding another font to your collection. Remember when we talked about Disney pages the other day?! Well, here are 7 Disney fonts for you pages!



My favorite is Monster’s Inc. one! I love the little eyes looking out at you. Now, I bet you want to know where you can get these (and more!)…right?! Below is where you can get each font. I hope you like them. If you make a page with them, come back and link us up in the comments!



Captain Hook

Lilo and Stitch

The Lion King

Mickey Mouse

Monsters Inc

Snow White

Celebrate | Father’s Day


I cannot even tell you how excited I get for Father’s Day around scrappy town. Tomorrow, is Father’s Day here in the states. A time to celebrate those wonderful men in our lives. I am surrounded by males in my life. Hardly a female in sight. So, I always look forward to the masculine kits that come out this time of the year. GS has a section dedicated to those kind of kits. You can click the image above to look around and grab what you like. I did a bit of looking around for you! Taking the hard part out of your father day kit shopping. Here are a few of what I found! (images linked)

Great kits, right?! Happy Father’s day to all the Dads out there! Take a moment to thank those men in your lives. Remember the Dads who cannot be with their families today. Happy Father’s Day!!

GingerBread Girl Inspiration | Tinci


It is that time again. Time to ooh & ahh over a GingerBread Girl’s layouts. Grab some inspiration and give them some gallery loving! The GingerBreak girls work hard to bring fabulous layouts with the goodies from our designers.

Today, we are going to spotlight Kirsztina. Known as Tinci throughout the scrapping world. Here are some of her lovely layouts!

Tinci’s layouts always grab my attention in the galleries. Her use of pattern paper is always spot on! She really knows how to take patterned papers and make them work! Not to mention her clustering are lovely. Everything tucked in and just in their right place. There is so much to be had from her gallery. All the images above are linked. Make sure you run over and leave some love!


Creative Style | Disney Inspired

Hello scrappers! Today we are going to talk about a creative style. Well, not so much a creative style as a creative theme. Disney was such a huge part of my childhood. I was really limited on what I could watch. Disney fell into one of the things I could. To this day I can start quoting and singing (usually at the top of my lungs) Aladdin, The little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and the Lion King. Those were the movies from my childhood. I am in my 30s and still love them and love most all the newer movies too.

That being said, I got into digital scrapbooking for other reasons. I have found out in the past 6-7 years though that a lot of you guys got into it (and still are into) scrapping because of Disney. There are a lot of copyrite issues when it comes to Disney. So, I am here to show you just a little (and it is actually quite a lot!) of the Disney inspired products that is in the GingerScraps store. There are so many more items that I am not going to show you. You can find these, and the rest, by searching for them. Get ready to be blown away! (all images linked to the store).

Silly, Willy, Nilly is a whimsical kit perfect for scrapping a magical vacation breakfast, your child’s favorite bedtime story, friendships, new beginnings and so much more. By LJS Designs

Sprinkle some fairy dust on your layouts with Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust! With its beautiful bright colors and plenty of magical elements, this is the perfect collection for scrapping your sweet little Fairy Princess pictures, your visits to Pixie Hollow, your Tink magic shots, and so much more! By Magical Scraps Galore!


Inspired by the popular story of Frozen, Ice Sisters is a fantastic collection filled with ice, snow, glitter, snowflakes and beautiful winter-themed patterns, that will add a magical touch to your princess and winter layouts and all your Frozen projects, such as party invites, favors, cards, and so much more! By Magical Scraps Galore!


These are the coordinating cards to Magical Scraps Galore! kit Most Magical Place, which is dedicated to Disney’s Magic Kingdom, available here.


Congratulations… it’s a girl! Or more likely for the next several years she is going to be your little princess giving you plenty of princess moments you want to capture in your scrapbooks. A favorite princess dress as she plays dress-up and pretends to have a tea party. The amazing princess party she wanted to have for her birthday – or she went to another little girl’s princess party and you were lucky to get pictures. Meeting princesses while on a magical dream vacation. Halloween fun princess style. I know & have pictures of all these fun moments and if you have a little girl, I bet you will too. Magical Princess Party 2 is part of a collection of princess kits. There are 3 more princess kits. By Clever Monkey Graphics


Frozen & Frosty – Kit Connie Prince


He’s The Mouse – Kit by Connie Prince

Change Your Fate is an homage to a new breed of “magical” cartoon princess… one who is strong and brave, who chooses to buck tradition and forge her own path. This collection is perfect for pages about pursuing your dreams, changing your own fate, being brave, and writing your own story. by Trixie Scraps & Britt-ish Designs

I am telling you, there are so many more Disney inspired goods in the store. I had to trim down my list! This has me so excited. I say often that I need more princesses in my life. I am surrounded by little boys. I am going to have to find something to scrap with these lovely items!!

We would love to see what you scrap with them. Have a Disney inspired layout using one of GS items? Make sure to upload it to the gallery and come back and link us up!




Happy Saturday everyone! Here in the South (US) it is heating up. We have seen near 90 degree (F) days already. Whew. I cannot imagine how hot it is going to be this summer. I find that during the summer, I take more photos & that we do more that finds its way on my layouts. Did you know there was a section in the shop just for all things summer? Ginger and the designers take the guess work out of it for you. I am going to make it even easier. Here are just a smidgen of what the ladies have for all things summer. Hold on to your cute summer hats (images are linked to the store)…

I am telling you, this is just a small look at what is Summer at GingerScraps. You don’t have to limit yourself to themed kits either. Get those summer photos out & let’s get scrapping. Here are some great examples, found in the gallery, that do just that! (as always, images are linked)


Creative Style | Journaling


Good morning everyone! Today we are going to talk about a creative style of scrapping. Well, it isn’t really a creative style. However, I’ve had conversations with scrappers about this. Some do it & some don’t. Some do a little & some do a lot. Today we are going to talk about journaling on your layouts.

Do you journal on yours?! I’ve been known to scrap with no photos & a lot of journaling. There are very few pages that do not have a bit of journaling (or more!) on them. For the most part, we are scrapping for the future. To look back on. I’ve been surprised, when looking back on pages that I’ve not put a date or journaling on, and really cannot remember at what time in my life that took place.

Journaling is important! It helps tell the story. It also can be cathartic. Just a jot down of what is going on, how you felt, what people said, or the date. These things can help you remember in the future, your family to recall those times, and evoke feelings you felt for the day/person/so on that you scrapped.

I’ve talked to scrappers in the past. A lot of us are on Creative Teams. We might not want our personal notes and feeling advertised with the products we are creating for. Even the layouts we are not making for creative teams, or if you are not on any, some people might not want those things broadcasted in the galleries.  Don’t let that hold you back from journaling! Pop those layouts up in the galleries and then go back and journal for your own eyes. Here are some great examples of journaling that I found in the gallery. (Images are linked to their gallery post. Go leave some love!)

There are SO many options to help you get to journaling in the store. Actually, you can journal with any kit, template, and so on. Since that is the case, I am going to show you what was used for the journal pages above. Look around the store yourself. What gets those words flowing for you?!

Be-you-tiful by Just Because Stuido


Wings Of Hope – Kit by Connie Prince


Going Places Bundle by Luv Ewe Designs, Blue Heart Scraps and Dear Friends Designs


This Is My Story by LJS Designs


One Little Word – 2014 by Cornelia Designs

If you need a place to get those creative juices flowing, there is a journal challenge in the forum. You can get started with journaling on your layout & take part in a fun challenge. Do you have some journal pages?! Make sure you upload them in the gallery & link us up! We love to see what you scrap with our products.

Happy Scrapping…and journaling!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | emscraps


It is that time again scrappers. Time to take a bit of inspiration from one of our very own GingerBread Girls. GringerScraps has a very talented group of ladies scrapping for us. They take all those beautiful designs our designers give us and showcase them like a boss. Today we are going to take a look at one of those ladies. Emelyn. Otherwise known as emscraps.


You can see her gallery HERE & see what inspires you!

The first thing I noticed when I was looking around her gallery were her photos. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun. So much doing, sight seeing, & smiles. I picked a few of my favorite out to bring you today. If you are looking for inspiration, head on over to her gallery and see what talks to you. (images are linked)

Great, right?! My favorite is the one just above. The fun cut out and the photo. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun in Em’s layouts. She takes her great photos and scraps them beautifully! What are your favorite layouts brought to you by Em?

There’s an App For That | Snapbook


Have you heard of Snapbook?! I didn’t know it was around until I went into my app store and searched, “scrapbooking”. I scrolled around and the logo for this app caught my attention. (A great logo can take you places!). So, I downloaded it and played around a bit. I thought that it was perfect for scrapbooking. Especially pocket scrapbooking. I am going to tell you a little about it and show the two photos I pulled together, sitting at work, and in less 10 minutes.


Android | iTunes | Facebook

Snapbook is a free app. There are in-app purchasing. You can buy more ellies and kits. For the free version (at least android. I’ve not played with it on an iphone) you get 5 free kits. These kits are not like something you buy here at gingerscraps. There are a few ellies, borders, and backgrounds for each. There are 11 more kits you can buy at $0.99. Everything from “magic” (think mouse) to “Spook”. Here are an image from their page on google play. To give you an idea of what they have to offer. That says pocket scrapbooking if I ever saw it!


Cute, right?! Pocket scrapbooking isn’t really my thing. I can never make my pages look as good as you guys do! I tend to want to cluster too much. Here are two images that I tossed together. Like I said, it took me less than 10 minutes. I did it while sitting at work too. Who doesn’t like a bit of scrapping away from home?!

15 - 215 - 1You will see these on my layouts! I might even give pocket scrapbooking a try! I saved these to my phone and transfered them to my computer. You can do the same & then get them on your layouts! I would love to know if you have used this app. If you download it & use it, we would love to see what you create! Link us up!

You guys gave me great ideas on our last app post. I will be showcasing those in the future. So, keep it up! Got ideas, let me know. Happy Scrapping!


LET’S CELEBRATE | Mother’s Day

I am back again today to help take the search work out of your shopping. Yesterday was Mother’s Day here in the states. Let’s be honest though…all mothers deserve their own layout page! Right?! If you didn’t know already, you can shop by holiday at GingerScraps. Mother’s Day has its very own section. We are making it even easier for you. Here are just a few of the Mother Day digital scrapbooking supplies that you can find at GingerScraps.

Best Mom Ever by Clever Monkey Graphics

Dear Mom by Magical Scraps Galore!

Mom by Neia Arantes

Mother Knows Best by Leaving a Legacy

A Mother’s Love – Kit by CathyK Designs

These are just a few of the kits I came across while searching for Mother’s Day. Also, they are themed. Don’t limit yourself to that! You can scrap those tribute page to your mother with anything in the store! If you have a page you have scrapped for Mom, link us up! As always, show it off the gallery.
