Fresh Baked: FEBRUARY 12, 2021

Happy Friday Everyone!! Do you have big plans for Valentine’s Day? Our newsletter is full of great kits to scrap those Valentine’s Day photos. We have some great things in this weeks newsletter.

Hello lovely scrappers! We have a special treat for you, our 2021 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our participating designers newsletters and collect a ton of fun free goodies!

All you need to do is sign up to receive the following list of newsletters BEFORE February 24th.

The newsletters containing a new freebie will begin to arrive in your inbox on February 12th. If you are already a subscriber to a newsletter, don’t worry, you will also be receiving the new freebie too!

For a full list of all the participating designers and newsletter links, visit the forum here:!
Don’t forget to scroll down all the way to the end of this newsletter for the FREEBIE from the shop!

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this fabulous kit for free!

Let’s see what our designers have for us this week!

How are your challenges going? We’re almost halfway through February. Any 10 completed challenges gets this great reward!


Fresh Baked: FEBRUARY 5, 2021

Happy Friday everyone. I hope this week has treated you well. I’m ready for the weekend. We’re getting away for a long weekend to the beach.

Remember, any $10 spent in the store gets you this fun collab for free!

Let’s see what the designers have for us this week.

Have you gotten started on your Challenges for February? What is your favorite of our challenges?

Any 10 completed challenges gets you this beautiful kit as a reward.

Fresh Baked: February 1, 2021, a New Designer, NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix, and More

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

I love the February Buffet colors. You know the designers came up with some great ideas for the Buffet.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. I love the theme of this one!

It’s time for a new Monthly Mix. This is perfect for all those Valentine photos.

Now to the February Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Scraps N Pieces. It looks delicious.

I’m excited to announce that our guest designer from January is staying on and becoming a member of the GingerScraps family.

Heartmade Scrapbook

Look at this awesome new Challenge Reward for February. Complete any 10 challenges and get this full kit as your reward!

Now, let’s see a little of what our store CT put together for these. You can see more in the Gallery.

Fresh Baked: JANUARY 29, 2021

We’ve made it to the last Friday in January. That didn’t take long. I hope that your January was a fresh start from the craziness of 2020. We’ve got some fun things coming up, so make sure you check the newsletter each week.

If you spend $10 in the store, you get this awesome kit for free. Last chance to get it free. If you miss it, it does go into the store and can be purchased on February 1st.

Let’s see what our designers have for us on this last Friday of January.

Aimee’s GingerScraps Store

Tami’s GingerScraps Store

Have you picked up the Monthly Mix for January. I love that snowman in the preview.

How are your challenges going? You still have a few days to finish them. Remember, any 10 challenges completed gets you this full kit as a reward.

65% OFF Retiring Products & Fresh Baked: JANUARY 22, 2021

It’s Friday! I hope you all are ready for some major deals and some beautiful new goodies! We have our annual “Out With The Old” Retiring Products Sale, starting today! Make sure you check it out and get these products before they are gone for good! There are over 500 products at 65% OFF!…le-65-OFF-SALE

Remember when you spend $10 in the store you get this beautiful collab for free.

And now, let’s look at what our designers have for new releases this week.

We’re halfway through January. How are your challenges going? Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: JANUARY 15, 2021

Welcome to another Friday. We’ve got quite a full newsletter today.

Remember when you spend $10 in the store you get this beautiful collab for free.

Today starts the January Bake Sale. Take a look at some of the great goodies our designers have put on sale for $1. The sale runs from today until the 20th.

And now, let’s look at what our designers have for new releases this week.

We’re halfway through January. How are your challenges going? Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: JANUARY 8, 2021

Happy Friday everyone. I don’t know about you but I’m glad this week is just about over. Having had the week between Christmas and New Year’s off, this week was rough to get back into the swing of things. I’m tired.

Remember, when you spend $10 in the GingerScraps store, you get this great full kit for free. Perfect for those snow pics.

Let’s see what our designers have in the store this week. I’m seeing a trend to what 2020 was and what 2021 can be.

I love the sneak peek of the challenge reward kit. Any 10 challenges completed gets you the great collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: January 1, 2021 & NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix and More

Happy New Year!! 2021 is coming in with a bang here at GingerScraps. There is so much information packed into this newsletter. January Buffet, Fresh Baked, GingerBread Lady Collabs and a new guest designer. Make sure you read all the way to the end.

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

I’m loving these buffet colors. So refreshing for the new year.

Let’s see what our designers are releasing with this gorgeous palette.

Aren’t those lovely?

Now, let’s see some new Fresh Baked releases for January 1.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. These colors!!! Here’s hoping for lots of {January Joy}.

It’s time for a new Monthly Mix. Are you ready for some {wintery days}? This will be great for those snow pictures.

Do you like to read? It’s one of my favorite things to do. My total for 2020 (including audio books) was well over 170 books. Do you keep track of what you read? This sneak peek looks like a perfect kit for us readers.

We have a guest designer joining us for January.

HeartMade Scrapbook

I’m the mother of 3 boys (6, 15, 18 years old) and I’m 44 years old this year. I live in Hochiminh city, Vietnam.
I’ve started making digital scrapbooks since 2012 and have made thousands outs for my kids. Since 2020, I’ve begun trying to become a scrapbook designer! Hope you enjoy my designs!

Look at this awesome new Challenge Reward for January. Complete any 10 challenges and get this full kit as your reward!

Fresh Baked: DECEMBER 25, 2020

Merry Christmas everyone!! Hopefully Santa brought you everything you wished for.

Hop over to the store and check out the great sale featuring the Christmas and Hanukkah categories.

40% off these two categories : December 21-31

When you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free. Perfect for those tree photos.

Let’s see what the designers have for us this Christmas Day.

How are your challenges going? One more week to get them done. Any ten completed will get you this kit as a reward.

All of us at GingerScraps wish you and your families a happy holiday season and hope for a happy and healthy 2021.

Fresh Baked: DECEMBER 18, 2020

It’s ONE WEEK until Christmas. Are you done with your preparations? Sadly, I haven’t even started. My Christmas tree is up though. That definitely counts as something.

Before we jump into other goodies, remember the Bake Sale is on-going though Sunday. Some great full kits or template sets for just $1 each.

And also remember, when you spend $10 in the store you get this awesome kit for free.

Now let’s see what is new in the store for this week.

Have you picked up the Monthly Mix Collab for December? I think this kit will be very beneficial to scrappers in the northeast US this week.

How are those challenges coming? Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great kit as a reward.