From The Archives Vol. 1

We are going to start something new here on the blog. From the title you can probably guess that we are going to go back in the archives. What archives? Well, we are going to show you some digital scrapbooking supplies that are in the store that are at least a year old. Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store. With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it! 🙂

For the first edition of From the Archives, we are going to to back as far as we can. Here are some of the oldest kits in the store. All images are linked so you can check them out in the store. They might be oldies, but I promise they are goodies!!

This is one of my most favorite kits from Pretty in Green. As a mom of a boy and Aunt to 3 more, I have been in and witnessed my fair share of dart battles. It never fails that when I move my couch to clean there are darts behind/underneath it.


This is one jam packed kit from Inspired Designs! It is only $4 as well.


Look at all those pretty flowers in Blue Heart Scraps kit! I see so many scrapping ideas for this kit. Such lovely colors as well.


Gotta a fu-ever friend in your life? I’ve got one and this kit from Aprilisa Designs is a perfect addition to your scrap stash. Never can be without too many pup kits when you got them in your life!


I am such a fan of Colie’s Corner! She doesn’t have a new release every week; but when she does they are fantastic! I suggest if you don’t have some of her designs to go check out her store. There are some great ones in there; like this one!

There are 5 kits from the archives. Maybe you have some or all of these (I do!) or maybe these designs and designers are new to you. I suggest taking a look back in the store to see what you can find. I will be back once a month to help you do just that.


Let’s Celebrate Easter!

Tomorrow is Easter. Are you ready? Make sure you take your camera long for those Easter Egg hunts and fun Easter activities. I wouldn’t suggest pulling your camera out and clicking away while you are at church…but each their own. lol. Today though, I am going to show you some of the great products GingerScraps has in store to get those photos you are going to take tomorrow scrapped.

As usual, there is a section dedicated to this holiday in the store. You can click HERE to view that. I am taking the hard work out of it for you though. I searched the store and that section and going to showcase some of my favorites. Hopefully you will like some of them too! As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart in the store.










This is just a small look at what the store has to offer! If one (or some) of these are not what you are looking for, make sure you run over to the store and take a look around. There are many many more where these came from. You can also take a look at last year’s Celebrate Easter post. There are some great items in that as well! (Some of my favorites in fact!)

For those of you, like me, who are celebrating Easter, I hope it is a great, fun and peaceful holiday. Happy Easter!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Colleen


Good afternoon scrappers! Today we are going to be getting some digital scrapbooking inspiration from one of the GingerBread girls. One of the lead GingerBread girls to be exact! Today we are going to be taking a look at Colleen’s gallery.


Colleen’s gallery is packed full of real-life moments scrapped. Each layout is filled with great photos and fun themes! Colleen can really fill a page. She knows how to take a kit and use it to make her photos shine. Everything she seems to scrap really compliments each other. She also has some fantastic two-page layouts! Here are just a few examples of Colleen’s layouts. All images are linked. I hope you get some inspiration from these & if you have the time, leave her some love.





Great, right!

Let’s Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day


Welcome to March scrappers! I really cannot believe that we are already into the 3rd month of the year. I guess I should just get used to all these years flying by. Since we are into March, let’s talk about scrapping for St. Patrick’s Day!

I am doing all the hard work for you. (Well, I like shopping around; so it isn’t hard work for me!) Here are some great items from the GingerScrap’s store to get your St. Patrick’s Day photos & fun scrapped. This is just a glimpse as to what is in the store. If these are not what you are looking for, check out the section dedicated to this holiday.

Before I get started with showing you some great St. Patrick’s Day goodies, I thought I would remind you of this month’s Mix. It is perfect for this holiday!

Monthly Mix: A Bit Of Luck: A collaboration from our GingerScraps designers.

Everyone has a bit of luck with this kit! From top hats for the leprechaun in your life, to the colors of Scouts and grass, and the hints of spring.

This collab includes:

  • 1 Full Alphas
  • 30 Papers
  • 55 Elements
  • 2 Bonus Templates- PAGE, PNG, PSD, and TIF File Formats


Now, Here is those St. Patrick Day goodies I was talking about. All images are link to their counterpart in the store.









Great, right? Like I said, these are just a glimpse as to what GingerScraps has in store to scrap your St. Patrick’s Day memories and fun. It is still early as well. There is a little less than 2 weeks until the holiday. Make sure you keep a look out on the Fresh Baked goodies to see what else might show up.


GingerBread Girls Inspiration| Bekki aka bekfek


Good morning and welcome to February! I hope you are grabbing up and scrapping with all the great buffet goodies that hit the store today. Today we hope to bring you some inspiration. You can look no further for inspiration than the GingerScraps’ talented creative team. Today we are going to take a look a some layouts from just one of these talented ladies. Today’s layouts are brought to you by Bekki…aka bekfek. You can find her layouts in her GALLERY. Let us just get right to it. (All images linked to their gallery counterpart.)









What great layouts, right? There is this and more inspiration to be found in Bekki’s gallery. She has such a great eye for paper and beautiful photos. As a lover of all things scrapbook-clustery (that is totally a real term. lol), I love all her clustery goodness! Her layouts stand out in the gallery and I hope you found some inspiration to get those layouts coming along. Happy Scrapping!


Be Pinspired | Christmas Crafts

It’s here!! If you celebrate, the Christmas will be here before you know it. 11 Day away. I know everyone is busy doing their Christmas thing. Spending time with family, decorating, baking, buying, crafting, and more!

Today we are going to take a look around pinterest and see what fun crafts we can find that we can put our digital scrapbooking twist on! We have such great designs and goodies at our fingertips. Sometimes all it takes to get a craft going is a little nudge in the right direction and some printed digital scrapbooking goodies. I did the looking around for you! (images liked to their pin).

Just imagine some of your favorite digital scrapbooking papers printed. Then you cut out your tags & use that paper. I can just see it now in my mind. I think our designers have some of the most creative and pretty paper around! Print, cut, & glue. Volia! All you need to do for the following items is the same! Print, cut & glue. Of course there is a few more steps in between. Take a look at all of these items & then think about your favorite holiday digital scrapbooking paper.




This last one my mom did for me for last Christmas. Except mine has my son’s photos on them. These would make great stocking stuffers! You don’t even have to use your holiday digital scrapbooking supplies. Think of those really fun themed kits that are Princess themed or something from space!


You don’t even have to buy new kits to do this. Just use your favorite you have in your digital scrapbooking stash. That being said, GingerScraps has a great collection of all things digital scrapbooking! Just like I’ve mentioned in the past, there is a section dedicated just to Thanksgiving. You can find that HERE and here is a small glimpse into that category. Go take a look! Rather wait? I will be back later this month with our “Let’s Celebrate Christmas” post. Where I take all the hard work out of looking for kits for you!





There you go. Just a small look at what GingerScraps has to offer. I hope you found some inspiration from Be Pinspired | Christmas Crafts! If you have gotten your digital scrapbooking & crafting on, link us up! We love to see what you are making with GingerScraps supplies! Happy crafting!




Creative Style: White Space


Good morning Scrappers! For those who celebrated Thanksgiving, have you recovered? Are you all ready for what comes next?!You know what…It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Next month for the inspiration side of the blog, we are going to be doing all things Christmas! Fonts, apps, supplies and more. I cannot wait!

Today though, we are going to be looking at the creative style of things. Scrapping white space layouts. I will go ahead and tell you that this is not my forte. I am all about messy, clustery, and filling up my pages. I appreciate what white space layouts are though & love to see them in the galleries. I am in awe of beautifully done white space layouts.

So, what is white space?

White space on scrapbook pages is not always white. It can be any color –it can even be patterned paper. The term white space refers to an area devoid of photos, embellishments, journaling, and title.

White space provides a resting point for the eye and breathing room for the viewer taking in your photos and journaling. White space has a shape that can be active or passive – Get it Scrapped 


Here are some beautiful examples of white space scrapping:







All these great layouts are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. Make sure you run over & leave them some love. As you can see, white space layouts are not layouts that are lacking!! They all have used their elements and paper to draw your eye to the photo. After all, this is about passing down memories. You can have patterned papers, fun paints, layered papers, and cute elements all on your page!

White space layouts stand out in the galleries against the big photos, layers and layers of papers, and lots of elements. Not to say one is better than the other! We are all different and we all scrap different. This is jut one of those ways. If you think that white space layouts is something you want to try, you know that GingerScraps has the supplies you need. Of course you can make a whitespace layout with any digital scrapbooking kit. Here are a few examples though of items in the store geared a little more to it.










Let’s Celebrate…Thanksgiving!


As I mentioned back on the Thanksgiving crafts post, today we are going to look at all things Thanksgiving here at GingerScraps. There is an entire section dedicated to this Holiday in the store.  So let’s celebrate Thanksgiving, GingerScraps style!












Wow! Who knew there was so many great Thanksgiving goodies in the store. There are many more where those came from. I tried to stick strictly with Thanksgiving themes. That being said, there are hundreds more kits, alphas, elements, and templates in the store that you can use to scrap your Thanksgiving photos. Don’t let a theme or color scheme hold you back! The images above are linked to their store counterpart. Make sure you enjoy your Thanksgiving, take lots of photos, and make sure to scrap them! Thank you for joining us for Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving! For all of your celebrating next week; Happy Thanksgiving!


GingerBread Girls Inspiration| Dana aka: Scrappingirl


Can you guys believe that we are in November already?! I say it every year; but, this year has just flown by! Where did 2015 get to? While I am trying to wrap my mind around that, let us get some inspiration from one of GingerScraps’ creative team members. If you didn’t know, they have the fun name of being a “GingerBread Girl”. Today we are going to get some inspiration from Dana aka: scrapingirl



The first thing I notice with Dana’s lovely scrapbook pages is she really knows how to use the papers that come in a kit (be it solid or pattern) and use them! Sometimes you run across just one or two papers layered and that is it. Which is fine! Scrap what is you. Dana really uses papers to compliment her pages & photos.

I like that she scraps the everyday, like band aids and cuddles. She is never lacking in super cute photos and her clustering is spot on! Not to mention her titles (which I struggle with!) are great! I really like the “Piles of Handsome” title. Some great inspiration to be had here! Don’t just take my word for it. All these images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. You can also check out her full gallery HERE! I hope you got some ideas and  inspiration from Dana aka: scrapingirl! 


Let’s Celebrate | Autumn (fall)


Good morning GingerScrap’s scrappers! If you remember, last month we celebrated the end of Summer. I don’t know about you, but here in the southern part of the States, it is starting to look a lot like Autumn! It is my favorite time of the year. From cooler weather, changing colors, holidays, and pumpkins. All these things make this season the best! We should of course scrap it, right? Never fear. GingerScraps has so much to offer when it comes to scrapping seasons. Autumn is no exception. There is even a whole category dedicated to it. Today, we are going to take a look at just a few of those items. Get ready for all things Autumn! (items linked to the store).





















As you can see, not everything is about pumpkins. There is such a great variety of goods to scrap your Autumn pages. Make sure you check out this month’s and past October and November’s buffets! There is so much more autumn goodness to be had. I will link those up for you here to help out. October 2015 | November 2014 | Crisp Autumn | November 2013


You don’t just have to take my word for it. I looked around the gallery and found some great Autumn layouts. Here are just a few to get your creative juices flowing. All layouts are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. I will include the credits as well. You know, since you will be wanting to check out those great Autumn/Fall digital goodness.

Fall Fun by lorigaud credits: Addicted to Shopping $5 Grab Bag by Seatrout Scraps


pumpkins by chigirl credits: -paper masks v2 by little rad trio -fall harvest by little rad trio -hello autumn by little rad trio


Fall Pumpkins by blondy credits: Pumpkin Boogie by Mandy King


Pumpkin Guts by dannie18 credits: BoomersGirl Designs’ Pumpkin Guts


The Great Pumpkin Drop by TraceyMonette credits: Where the Pumpkins Grow and Cluster Frames No4 by Clever Monkey Designs (Tracey’s own designs. Isn’t it cool to see designers using their own products?!)


So, like I said. Just a glimpse at what GingerScraps has in store for scrapping those great Autumn and Fall photos. We would love to see what you have been scrapping! Got a great Autumn/Fall layout using some of the great GingerScrap’s items? Link us up! Up load that beauty in the gallery & let us see it! Make sure you check back closer to Halloween. I will be showcasing all those Halloween goodies. Happy Scrapping!
