GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Brenian4ever

Good Monday morning! I am trying to find the motivation I need to get everything done today. Scrapping some layouts is part of that. Whenever I am lacking in mojo or ideas, I go looking around the galleries. The GingerBread Girls is a great place to do that! What are GingerBread Girls, you ask? Today we are going to take a look at one of those talented ladies. Get some inspiration from the GingerBread Girls. Today’s inspiration comes from Bren (Brenian4ever).







I told you there is some great inspiration to be had from Bren! She really knows how to take a layout and make it compliment her photos. She doesn’t shy away from bold & fun patterned papers. On top of everything, she has some lovely cluster and title work. All the images shown here are linked to her gallery. Run over & leave her some love. While you are there take a look around an see what grabs your attention!

Let’s Celebrate! Food!


Food!! Gosh, I love food. Good for you food, bad for you food, comfort food, and snacks. Just love them! I thought, it would be fun to celebrate all things food. There are food moments worth scrapping, right? I am here to take the leg work out of finding those kits for you. Did you know that here at GingerScraps, we have a section dedicated just to all things food? Well, we do! Here are just a few fun food items (say that 5 times fast!) for your scrapping pleasure. (all items linked).







Guys, there are just a small bit of the items GingerScraps has to scrap your foodie pages. If these are not what you are looking for or you want more, make sure to check out the FOODIE section of the store. We would love to see what you are scrapping! Got a food-themed page you have scrapped using some of the GingerScrap goodies? Upload those lovely layout to the gallery & come back and link us up! We love to see what you are scrapping!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration: trina513


Today we are going to show you some inspiration from one of our very own GingerBread Girls! She isn’t just any GingerBread Girl!! She is one of the creative team leads. If you are asking what is a GingerBread girl, let me explain who they are. They are GingerScraps creative team. The ladies who bring you inspiration week-after-week using the GingerScraps’ designers latest and greatest designs.

Here are a few of Trina’s layouts that just jumped out of the gallery and grabbed me. Trina has a very clean and no-nonsense way of scrapping. Her layouts are scrapped in a way that the focus is on her great photos. Most all her layouts have journaling on them. Great composition, perfect element choices and placement, and just the right papers really make Trina’s layout standout and show off the memories. Here are just a few of those layouts. All images are linked. Make sure you run over and drop her a line!

GS_Survivor_2015_Week-2 GS_CMG_SnowMuchFun




Lovely layouts, right? Make sure you run over and leave her some love. If you are looking for some inspiration to get those creative juices flowing or looking for something to scraplift, Trina’s gallery is a place for that! Happy Scrapping!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration: craftytam


Have you checked out our team page? If you haven’t, you should! I’ve been known to go there tiem-to-time when my mojo has gone on vacation. You can find links to store, galleries, and more there. Today though, we are going to focus on one of the GingerBread Girls. That is what the creative team members here at GS are called.

Today’s GingerBread Girl that we are going to check out is craftytam.

Tammy (if you didn’t catch that by her forum name) is someone I want to scrap like when I grow up! I love well done cluster work and she takes the cake! You want to see what I am talking about, right? Let us take a look a just a few of Tammy’s great layouts!

Are they not lovely?! Of course one of the main things that stand out from her layouts is the great cluster work. Wonderful shadowing and knowing just where to tuck elements in to make it appealing to the eye, isn’t always easily done. Tammy makes them look just that, easy!

What else is noticeable about her layouts is that she doesn’t shy away from bold colors and fun patterns. Sometimes people are scared from a stand out and shout at you patterned paper. Tammy knows how to take those kinds of papers and make them work for her. And of course, great photos!!

That is all we have for you today. We hope you find some inspiration by taking a look at the Tammy’s layouts. It is always an honor to have someone scrap lift you! If you got inspiration from this and scrap-lifted a layout, make sure to link us up! Run over to the gallery, load that lovely layout up, and come back here. One thing we like to do around here is leave layout lovin’!


Creative Style | Journaling


Good morning everyone! Today we are going to talk about a creative style of scrapping. Well, it isn’t really a creative style. However, I’ve had conversations with scrappers about this. Some do it & some don’t. Some do a little & some do a lot. Today we are going to talk about journaling on your layouts.

Do you journal on yours?! I’ve been known to scrap with no photos & a lot of journaling. There are very few pages that do not have a bit of journaling (or more!) on them. For the most part, we are scrapping for the future. To look back on. I’ve been surprised, when looking back on pages that I’ve not put a date or journaling on, and really cannot remember at what time in my life that took place.

Journaling is important! It helps tell the story. It also can be cathartic. Just a jot down of what is going on, how you felt, what people said, or the date. These things can help you remember in the future, your family to recall those times, and evoke feelings you felt for the day/person/so on that you scrapped.

I’ve talked to scrappers in the past. A lot of us are on Creative Teams. We might not want our personal notes and feeling advertised with the products we are creating for. Even the layouts we are not making for creative teams, or if you are not on any, some people might not want those things broadcasted in the galleries.  Don’t let that hold you back from journaling! Pop those layouts up in the galleries and then go back and journal for your own eyes. Here are some great examples of journaling that I found in the gallery. (Images are linked to their gallery post. Go leave some love!)

There are SO many options to help you get to journaling in the store. Actually, you can journal with any kit, template, and so on. Since that is the case, I am going to show you what was used for the journal pages above. Look around the store yourself. What gets those words flowing for you?!

Be-you-tiful by Just Because Stuido


Wings Of Hope – Kit by Connie Prince


Going Places Bundle by Luv Ewe Designs, Blue Heart Scraps and Dear Friends Designs


This Is My Story by LJS Designs


One Little Word – 2014 by Cornelia Designs

If you need a place to get those creative juices flowing, there is a journal challenge in the forum. You can get started with journaling on your layout & take part in a fun challenge. Do you have some journal pages?! Make sure you upload them in the gallery & link us up! We love to see what you scrap with our products.

Happy Scrapping…and journaling!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | emscraps


It is that time again scrappers. Time to take a bit of inspiration from one of our very own GingerBread Girls. GringerScraps has a very talented group of ladies scrapping for us. They take all those beautiful designs our designers give us and showcase them like a boss. Today we are going to take a look at one of those ladies. Emelyn. Otherwise known as emscraps.


You can see her gallery HERE & see what inspires you!

The first thing I noticed when I was looking around her gallery were her photos. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun. So much doing, sight seeing, & smiles. I picked a few of my favorite out to bring you today. If you are looking for inspiration, head on over to her gallery and see what talks to you. (images are linked)

Great, right?! My favorite is the one just above. The fun cut out and the photo. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun in Em’s layouts. She takes her great photos and scraps them beautifully! What are your favorite layouts brought to you by Em?

Pinspiration | Big Titles


Happy Saturday scrappers! Are you over your iNSD hang over by now? Time to scrap all those goodies you got during the sale! I was perusing around Pinterest today looking for ideas. I stumbled upon a lovely layout (will show you below) with a big title. That got my scrappy gears moving in my brain. So, I thought I would share that inspiration with you.

So often we allow the photos or a great paper to be the focal point of our layout. We plop a title on at the very end of it all (if we do at all). Personally, I struggle with coming up with a great title. Really, as I scrap mostly my son, I feel like slapping “Isaiah” on every page. lol. I searched “scrapbook big title” on Pinterest & was inspired! Here are some great examples of making the title your focal point. Making a statement with a big title.


The Pin | The Original Source

I really like the idea of the large number that signifies something. It works at the title as well as a great backdrop. The choice of alpha allows for the large number to blend perfectly to the layout & not over power it. Who doesn’t have a number that is significant to them. A person’s age, an anniversary, or a reunion. The next time you are scrapping a memory that has a significant number marker, think about making that your focal point. Scrap it with a big title!



The Pin | The Original Source

This really is the focal point of the layout. I really like how the paper is cut around the title. I feel like when it is time for me to go to the beach, I want to yell it to everyone. Just go around yelling, “BEACH!” lol. This large titled layout really brings all the pretty and fun beach photos together. Your eyes are drawn to the large title to start with. At the same time, it is bringing your eyes to the photos around it. This would make a great title page to a vacation book too!



The Pin | The Original Source

Does this title not grab your attention?! It really gets the whole theme of the layout across. Cutting the photos to go under it and frame around it really makes it all work together. You cannot help but read the title and take in the amazing photos at the same time. A great statement layout. Not one element on this layout. It isn’t needed! The great photos and the big title is all this layout needs. Could you scrap a layout without ellies? I love to cluster. It would be a struggle for me. I think I am going to give it a try though. Take this years vacation photos and scrap nothing but a big, catch your attention title, and my photos.



The Pin | The Original Source

This only came last because I saw it last in looking around pinterest. It is Actually my favorite of the bunch & I am going to take this idea and scrap it. I’ve been known to tuck and hide little I’s around my layouts with my son in them. Just one letter. You could dress a layout up so much with just one letter. How would you do it?!

Are your creative juices flowing yet?!You know that GingerScraps has an entire section dedicated to just alphas, right? Here are just a few of what I came across in looking for the right alpha for my big titled layouts. (images linked)


I would love to see your take on the big title. Make sure you link me up!



Weekly Wrap-up: It’s a new month!

I do so love it when the new month starts on a Friday- it’s like super bonus with the buffet and new releases and new challenges and and and..!

Since our newsletter just delivered you the royal treatment, I want to quick go over some things coming up. The end of the month can be so drab and quiet with all the finishing of challenges and some of us still  recovering from iNSD, plus Summer is in full affect most places and I sure hope that means everyone is outside  making memories!

First up, GingerScraps Book Club!

Our read for the month of June is The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks!  I personally have never read a Nicholas Sparks book, but I hear they are fantastic so I can’t wait to start this one as my first! JoyLynn is also looking for some input, she wants to know what you want to see every month in the book club, she’s open to any suggestions!

Next, make sure to check out the Bake Sale happening RIGHT NOW!

You only have until June 5th to grab as much as your can for just $1 and let me tell you, there are some real surprises in this months bake sale! Do NOT miss this!

Did you know there is a brand-spanking-new challenge this month hosted by Jenn of Joyful Heart Designs? It’s a brush challenge! For the first month, she chose a wicked cool bird brush set. Brushes can be used for anything!  I know Jenn can’t wait to see what you all come up with, and neither can I!

Guess what? Z Pink Boudoir Designs is having a CT call! Join the Zeee-speration!

Guess what else?! JenC Designs is having one too! JenC is looking for Guest CTs for the summer months – but there’s a twist! More than one way to enter and more than one way to grab some of her super cute goodies!

Good luck to BOTH designers on their calls!

Now, to wrap-up the wrap-up (HA!), with the sunny days and the weather heating up, who’s ready for their summer do’s? Renee (MnMommy2) got everyone talking about hair (cuts, styles, color)! Which of course, got me thinking-  I need a hair cut myself! Except, I’m one of those that loves the cut for a few days then immediately misses my long hair so any drastic cuts are out of my future- but what about all of you? Who is getting a new do for summer, and more importantly will you scrap the before and after? 😉



Team Member Spotlight – ME!

For those of you who don’t know who me is, my name is April, known as [mamaape] in forum(s). For the past couple months I have been bringing you your weekly “get-to-know-you” interviews of our designers and team members. This month I thought I’d act out on all my selfish desires and interview myself! It is the month of April after-all.

In order to make this fun and not me just droning on about all the exciting boring tidbits of my life, I asked YOU to ask me anything you wanted to know. Silliness was encouraged, and I absolutely got what I asked for. 😉


The first question asked, by Julie (Juliemomof4) was “What is the color of your kitchen?”  Cream and blue, except it’s totally yucky and cheap- we live in an older apartment and though the appliances are newer YAY!, the counter tops are this hideous blue and cheap. It’s a tiny little (currently messy) kitchen “closet” I like to say, but the cabinet space is ridiculously plentiful!

Julie also asked, “If you had a free day all to your self, where would you go and what would you do?”  Oh man, I would of course get a mani/pedi, then I think I would go to the poshest hotel, rent a room on the top floor and just sleep. 🙂

Barbara (nutsaboutgabe) asks “What’s your favorite color and what’s your biggest pet peeve?” My favorite color varies depending on mood, but I have a few always-favorite colors I gravitate towards more than others. The majority of the shirts hanging in my closet are purple, and I’m pretty sure that’s my favorite color 99% of time. I also love greays, greens, and a dash of hot pink.

Biggest pet peeve? Oh man, I have so many it’s hard to pick the biggest! HA! Not picking up after oneself (I’m talking adults here), and maybe people who chew loudly, and not using your vs. you’re properly (or their and there and they’re) Ohemgee, that really gets me… and I better stop there or this is going to totally turn into a rant against humanity’s faults.  Hahaha!

Barbara then asked how I met my husband which has a fun twist to the story. We met at work (where neither one of us still works at). I saw him from across the warehouse and just wondered who he was, he was talking to another older coworker. That was the first I saw him, we didn’t actually introduce ourselves until a good month or two later being on two different shifts. The funny bit is that the older guy he was talking to is a giant goofball (and a little crazy) and what they were talking about was ME! The older guy was joking with my husband saying that he was going to marry me some day (even though neither of them knew who I was). SAY WHAT!

Christina (Ambelleina) asks, “What’s your favorite meal?” My answer is simple: the one I don’t have to clean up after.  She then asked if I was a cat or dog person to which I will reply dog dog dog. That’s not to say I’m not a cat person, because I have a cat (and she’s so awesome, stinky, but awesome), but I’ve grown up been dogs, have always had a dog and will always have a dog.

Alfie, who's full name is Alfred Charles. His birthday is next week, he'll be 5. My furry baby boy.


Terra wants to know what my favorite sandwich is, which is a tricky question because I’m not a huge sandwich person. It must have avocado on it though to be my favorite.  There’s this “California Club” or something like that (pretty sure that’s totally not the name of it, but generally sandwiches with “California” in the name have avocado), at Chili’s restaurant that I totally love.

Lisa makes me chose, “Howard, Leonard, Raj or Sheldon?” Without hesitation I say Sheldon.

“If you could be one person in history, who would you be?” (from dodgelade) This is a really good make me think question, which is not something I like to do on a Saturday morning. 😉 There are so many great people in history that I’d much rather meet them than be just one. Pretty sure most of them are writers or singer/songwriters. Some dead, some still alive. J.K. Rowling, Adele, Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald, Sylvia Plath, Anne Boleyn and Queen Elizabeth I.. the list could go on and on.

Colleen wants to know “How many states and other countries have you visited?”  I have visited California, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida. I have driven through nearly every state west of the Mississippi, and a few east of the Great Lakes on my way to Toronto – which is my only other country I’ve visited.

Let’s talk some scrap shall we?

I was asked,

What is your one “can’t live without it” element in a kit? Right now I am obsessed with templates. I know it’s not an element, but I can’t not use a template lately. There are just SO many awesome ones out there!

Who is your MOST FAVORITEST designer? This is totally a loaded question 😛 I like designers for different reasons- SOME of my favorite designers are obviously those that I am lucky enough to be a part of their creative teams (Blue Heart Scraps, LauraMarie Scraps, Kathy Winters Designs and Sugar Kissed Designs) but I also love Jen Yurko and Inspired Designs (Crystal).

What kind of elements are your favorite? Which ones do you absolutely detest? I love frames – I don’t always use them, but I feel like I need them. I also NEED wordart, since journaling is not my forte, even though… I’m writing an awful lot right now. 😉

How many hours a day to you spend doing the following: Designing layouts, “surfing” Gingerscraps, Facebook? I’m not exaggerating when I say, all day long.

I wish I could keep answering your questions but I’m already late and I can only hold everyone’s attention for so long! 😉 If you (for some awesome reason) want to see ALL the questions and remaining answers, go here). Thank you EVERYONE for submitting your questions, silly and serious. This was so much fun for me!

I’ll leave you with my favorite recent layout I created as a homage to my three year anniversary (celebrated last week).

Template by Jen Yurko, Kit Kathy Winters Designs

Have a happy Saturday!




Please Vote for Team Ginger Scraps!

Our GingerBread Girls are entered into the Battle of the Creative Teams.  We can use all the support we can to win!  You can see their layouts here and you can vote for them here.

Thanks for voting for team GingerScraps!!