Fresh Baked for June 29, 2012

Do you realize that this is the last week of June. June only has two more days left, if you count today. I cannot believe that it’s already almost July! That means even more hot temps. It’s already hit the triple digits. The heat is making me just want to sit in front of the computer and scrapbook.

Well, I think that’s what I’m going to do! The designers have some gorgeous designs coming out, something for everyone, no matter your subject! You’ll find something you’ll enjoy!

You still have a couple more days to get a chance at some coupons and discounts, if you participate in the challenges! You should join us!

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you receive an amazing grab bag. This month’s grab bag is by Unforgettable Moments. It’s perfect for the males in your life! June is the month of Father’s Day (at least in the States), so this would completely suit a hybrid project or layout for the special man in your life!

Word Art:
QP Album:
Add-on Alpha:

Fresh Baked for June 15, 2012

It’s almost summer! Summer officially starts June 20th in this hemisphere. That’s less than a week from now! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for all those summer activities to start. Do you have any big plans? This week, the designers have definitely had summer on their minds. Spending time with family, playing in the dirt, getting fit, all of that good stuff!

Before I give you the amazing kits that the designers have cooked up, we have some sales we want to share with you.

Roseytoes is also having a sale! 50% off most items, collab kits are $5, bundles are $8!

Don’t go just yet! There’s still some amazing kits to come!

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you receive an amazing grab bag. This month’s grab bag is by Unforgettable Moments. It’s perfect for the males in your life! June is the month of Father’s Day (at least in the States), so this would completely suit a hybrid project or layout for the special man in your life!

Journal Cards:

PreDeco Papers:
Border Clusters:
Extra Paper:
Word Bits:

Stacked Papers:
Quick Pages:

Stacked Papers:
Quick Pages:

Stacked Papers:

Polka Dots:
Worn Papers:

Team Spotlight: Jill DZines!

Good morning scrappers! Rise and shine!

Today we’re talking with Jill, designer of Jill DZines.

She is hosting our store grab bag for the month of April. If you spend $10 in the store (NOT hard to do with all our great designers!) you get the grab bag for FREE! Awesome, I know, right?


First a little bit about Jill,

I have 2 kiddos – 20 yo daughter, Eliza, and 15yo son, David… both awesome, fantastic kids that make me proud every day.  I also have a wonderful, supportive husband, Paul, who works hard both at work and home – he is a fantastic gardener and we are lucky to have abundant fresh garden-goodies (especially FABulous tomatoes) from about mid-July through November!  (I often wish we lived a bit further south, as Minnesota has a pretty short growing season!)   We also have one pampered-pooch, Ellie, a cockapoo, age 5 (I think?) and one beautiful Siamese-cross kitty, Jasmine, about 13 years old… I hate to think about how old she is because I don’t know what I’m going to do when she goes…she is my favorite pet, EVER, and is almost always in my lap or laying on my stomach if I’m in bed!   I love my pets almost as much as if they were kids!

Besides digi-design, I LOVE reading – and especially love my Kindle.  Also love listening to audio-books while I’m doing anything else.  I am a multi-instrument musician, and have played in several bands over the years, and been professionally recorded on a couple of CDs (as an instrumentalist, not “my own” CD).  I play piano/keyboard (and taught piano for about 13 years), banjo, multiple percussion instruments (bongos, congas, djembe, and any other fun things I get my hands on), and harmonica – blues style.  I haven’t played my banjo in a few years though, so not sure how nimble I would be at that now!

Now THAT is something! Who knew we had such a musician among us?! I think that’s pretty freaking neat!

Lets talk a little bit about your kits.

My first kit was called “Slightly Shabby” (LONG-ago retired!); best-seller ever was “My Favorite Boy” (also retired); and my favorite is probably “Fresh” – which I don’t have in my GS shop, but you can see what it looks like by visiting my blog, as that is the kit I used for my current blog-wear.

I know that my your Artful Blends Papers are my favorite! They are so beautiful!

How did you get into designing? 

Oh that’s easy… as soon as I finally figured out how to digi-scrap, I started learning to make my own stuff, because I love creating and have always had interest in artsy stuff.  

What inspires your designs?

Usually I am most inspired by color-combos, or by wanting a certain kind of kit to scrap my own family photos. I do really like GingerScraps Buffet, because the “thinking” part is all done already – all I have to do is follow the colors and theme – that makes it much easier, IMO!

I love the Buffet too! It’s so neat to see a combination of so many of our designers come together to create a giant mix-n-max collection! This month we have the Happy Hopscotch collection which is so BRIGHT and fun (check out Jill’s gradient papers!)

In one word, Jill, sum up your style.

One word???  Impossible, I think! LOL!   How about “Eclectic”?  😉

What is the one thing you can’t do without when designing: be it music, coffee, quiet, specific software, any one thing you can’t live without!
Illustrator, definitely!   I don’t do a ton of doodles, but I ALWAYS open a new Illustrator file every time I start a kit, because I always have to make something or another in there!
Do you have some advice for aspiring designers?
Learn absolutely everything you can about using your program (I use, prefer, and recommend Adobe Photoshop  and Illustrator).  Do lots of different kinds of step-by-step tutorials, even if they don’t seem to apply to digi-scrapping, because by doing those, and following the steps and directions, you will learn a lot of things about your software that you might not have ever discovered on your own.  Also, spend time experimenting with the different filters and effects in the software before you decide to purchase any additional filters and/or plug-ins.  Chances are you can do the same thing in Photoshop, maybe with just a bit more time and work.
Excellent advice!
Now for a little bit more fun!
If you could time travel to any time, where would you go?
Oh my, hmmm… I’m not sure I would want to live in any time other than now – I’m too spoiled by modern conveniences!
Last month we read Hunger Games for the GingerScraps Book Club, which most of the world is away was made into a HUGE blockbuster movie. What is your favorite book to movie series?
I think that would have to be Lord of the Rings.  Those movies are some of the best-done book-to-movies that I can think of! 
There you have it! Thank you Jill for letting us get to know you just a bit better!
I’m off to refill my cup of coffee and be super lazy today! Hope everyone has a terrific weekend, a very happy Easter  and lots of pictures taken to scrap! I look forward to seeing all those new Easter Layouts! 😉  (and remember, calories don’t count on holidays, so don’t feel guilty about having an extra Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg -or two.. 😉 )



Team Spotlight: Luv Ewe Designs

It’s Saturday, YAY!  My name is April, and I’m quite new to the GingerScraps community but I am so excited to be here!  Today we’re going to take a moment to chat up Jennifer, owner of Luv Ewe designs!


She is currently hosting the grab bag this month (FREE when you spend $10 in the store), so get it while you still can!


I asked Jennifer a little bit about herself, about her family and some of her other interests:

I am married and had a wonderful wedding on a beach in Jamaica. I have three boys and four step kids. We also have six indoor kitties!  Hmmm we have a boring family life. LOL  I toy around with photography so my kids are getting bored with me taking pictures of them.  But you have to capture these moments because they grow up too fast!  My boys are teenagers now and that is just hard to believe! They were little just yesterday! Besides designing, I enjoy scrapping too. I spend too many hours on Pinterest and playing with my camera.

How did you come to be a designer?

 I started designing before I ever scrapped! I started making siggies in a forum and created some elements that I wanted to use or these, and there started my Photoshop addiction!

What inspires your designing?

What inspires me when designing…I do ask my CT for theme ideas.  That helps me get started so that I can come up with some kits that they are looking for.  Pinterest has a lot of inspiration too!  I am addicted to that site!  I found lots of color palettes on there.  I grab one that I like and it leads from there.  I jot down some ideas of what would be some great elements and such for the theme.  Sometimes I look at kits from my fave designers to get my mind rolling.

I then asked her about her kits, her very first, best selling and her most favorite.

Well I don’t have my first kit that I ever made. It is long gone! LOL It was horrendous! I do remember it was named Blueberry and Bubblegum. It was pink and blue. My fave kit right now is Friends For Life and my best selling is Now Showing.

Both of which are available in the shop (and totally now on my wishlist- look at how awesome they are!)!

In one word how would you describe your design style?

Versatile.  I love seeing my themed kits being used for non-themed layouts.  My kits can be used in so many ways!

I’d love to know what is the one thing you can’t do without when designing?

I design with PS CS4 (Photoshop Creative Suite V.4). I do all my designing while sitting on my couch. I hate sitting at the table! One thing I usually have to have while designing is my Dr. Pepper. I am addicted to that stuff!

Finally, do you have any advice for aspiring designers?

Just keep learning!  There is always something new to learn with your program, networking, marketing, etc.  This will help you grow as a designer! I am learning new things all the time and still have a lot of room to grow!

I want to thank Jennifer (super much!) for taking the time to talk with me, and having the patience to deal with my many emails the past few days!  All while feeling a bit under the weather, sure hope you feel better soon!  We can’t wait to see what you create for us next!

I hope everyone has a spectacular weekend and I can’t wait to for next Saturday when we talk with March’s Grab Bag designer… and no, I can’t tell you who yet! 🙂