Fresh Baked: Christmas in July

“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.”
“Up on the rooftop, reindeer paw.”
“Walking through a winter wonderland".”

Songs of cold are more than welcome. The heat of summer is strong on us in the States. I complain about snow, but right now, I’d accept some of the cold, wet stuff.

The reasons the songs are stuck in my head has nothing to do with a desire for cold! GingerScraps is proud to announce the re-release of the December 2011 buffet, revamped! It was taken down as a precaution, and now it’s ready for release.

Our designers that weren’t part of the store back in December even created some amazing buffet pieces!

The signs of the season really inspired the CT! They went a little crazy with the layouts!

Ginger couldn’t leave it at that. No way! Nope! She got together with the designers to bring on an incredibly fun adventure called Christmas in July!!

There are Christmas/winter-themed challenges! I don’t know about you, but I’m always at least a year behind on scrapping those special Christmas memories. Now you’ll have a chance to get caught up!!

Look at all those SPEED SCRAPS! Seriously, I’m excited for all of this! Truth or Dare. Oh, that ends up being some hilariously funny stuff going on then. If you’ve seen some random Facebook status updates from designers and members of the forum, and they disappear at the end of the week, or something, that’s usually a Truth or Dare dare. They’re always fun, and humorous, guaranteed to leave you in stitches!

There are special prizes to win for doing those challenges and speed scraps and chats! You can win a goodie bag full of coupons from the designers at Gingerscraps! Could you think of a better present to be found under the tree? You’ll find more information at the forum!!

Oh! Did you think I was finished? No, there’s a Facebook Hop!! The designers all worked together, even our Guest, WendyBird Designs!

GingerScraps –
Pretty In Green –
Sugar Kissed Designs –
Blue Heart Scraps –
Z Pink Boudoir Designs –
Roseytoes Designs –
Twin Mom Scraps –
Luv Ewe Designs –
Inspired Designs –
Kathy Winters Designs –
Colie’s Corner –
Wyld Web Designs –
Designs By Connie Prince –
Unforgettable Moments –
Find Your Bliss –
WendyBird Designs –
Pixels By Jen –

There’s also a sale going on!

Remember that when you spend $10 in the store, you get an amazing grab bag. This month’s was created by Ryan, of Roseytoes, and it’s JAM-PACKED full of stuff.

Before I let you scamper off to see your presents that the designers have left, I wonder if you noticed a difference in some images. If so, it’s a sneak peek to a new look coming soon for Gingerscraps! It’s coming soon. For now, enjoy the crisp, fresh new preview images.

So, get your Christmas on, play in some fake snow, and HAVE SOME FUN! We’re SO excited for this!

Weekly Wrap-Up: It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Another week has gotten away from us!  I can hardly believe that July is more than half over- I know, each week it’s mentioned just how fast this week, month, YEAR is flying by! It’s hard not to take notice and reply as such.

It’s been a bit quiet this past week. Again, with summer in full swing it’s hard to drag ourselves away from all the fun adventures we’re having! I do hope, however, despite all those exciting adventures you’ll join us for a BIG celebration that’s only a few days away!


I know I’m excited! It’s like… CHRISTMAS! … in July. HA! Okay, I admit, I haven’t had coffee yet this morning. Not to worry, I hear it peculating as I type. 😉

Have you been reading along with us this month? The GingerScraps Book Club has been discussing this month’s book in a new way. Check out the discussion thread and join in! Next month’s book has been chosen in our pick-our-read poll: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on this read for a while, and am glad now I’ve got more reason to read it!

Less than 10 days before the end of the month, PsychoZoe‘s retirement sale ends on the 31st. Make sure you get check out her shop!

Don’t forget to grab our HUGE grab-bag this month! Roseytoes created such a generous grab-bag, that you get FOR FREE when you spend $10 in the store!

I wish I had more to share with you today, it’s certainly a lazy day here for us. Hoping to hide away from the increasing heat by getting some much needed scrapping done! Especially my challenges! Make sure, if you haven’t already, check out the new Rewards System, they’ve changed just a tiny bit. 

With that I’ll leave you to your own scrapping!  I hope you’ve had a happy weekend and have a great Sunday!

Weekly Wrap-Up: A new Facebook Fan Freebie!


All CAPS because it IS a good morning! Or should be anyway. Always start the day right, even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Words of wisdom by… me, which I just made up right now. I admit it, I’m a little goofy right now (just right now?) but I’ve got LOTS to do today before the heat advisory kicks our butts!

So, what do I have for you? Well a couple of sales for starters! I know how much you loves sales (I know I do!)!

First up is PsychoZoe’s Retirement Sale.  If you haven’t heard already, yes, you read that right, she is sadly leaving us as a designer. She’s got her entire store up for 60% OFF now until July 31st. She’s also put all her CU pieces at just $1 only!

Next sale you NEED to take advantage of is Blue Heart Scraps Vacation Celebration Sale! She’s got EVERYTHING on sale for 50% OFF until July 20th! Stellar deal!

So now while you’re in our stores, filling up your cart with these great sales, it should be no sweat getting our July Grab Bag! FREE with a purchase of $10 or more! Without any bias opinion whatsoever, I must say Roseytoes truly outdid herself with this grab bag- it is OVERFLOWING with just about everything!

Ready for some more fun? I know one of my to-do’s today is to check out another beach I discovered is just a short bit away from home! With Summer in FULL swing, finding all these water front retreats near home has been so fantastic! Where am I going with this? Making you all jealous talking about not one but two beaches just a hop skip away? WELL! Kathy Winters Designs has provided GingerScraps Facebook Fan Page with an absolutely DARLING fan freebie! It’s just beachy!

Just head on over to our Facebook page, like us (if you haven’t already!), and grab this super cute mini under the Exclusive Freebies Tab! You need MORE incentive? Well let me just tell you, this mini is a little SAMPLE of a FULL SIZE kit that Kathy has got for us! So grab it now before it hits stores!

I’m trying to think of anything else I need (and want) to (over)share 😉 with you, but coming up blank. I’ll blame my lack of coffee, since I haven’t had ANY yet today! I like to live dangerously. 😉

So with that said, I’ll leave you with a few tid bits:

Don’t forget to check out our newest Fresh Baked goodies from Friday, pretty delicious stuff right there. Make sure you’re working on your challenges! Remember the Rewards System has changed just a smidge, so check that out too. Keep your eye out for a …  Fantastic! just doesn’t do it justice… but a super fantastic! event coming it’s way to GingerScraps in the very near future! Plus! You’ll see some new blog features, including some fun tutorials and way cute non-scrap (yes, NON scrap) projects that you just MUST try yourself!

Okay okay, I’ve got to stop myself while I’m ahead- otherwise I’ll just get so excited (which I already am you know) and share TOO much, TOO soon!

Off to the beach with me! Have a super scrappy Sunday!

Weekly Wrap-Up: oh hey there July! How did you get here so soon?


I know, a little too much for a Sunday morning, eh? Well, I’m riding on a fictional high- been in a reading frenzy lately! It all started with our Book Club read for July, Unwanted by Neal Shusterman.



I’d love just to pour out all my thoughts on this book, and for a young adult book, WHEW! it’s RIPE with topics to discuss until our brains melt, however I’ll save all the **spoilers** for the discussion thread. 😉 After I finished that book I picked up another, devoured it and am onto my third book in four days.

But, wow, enough about me.

Recap! This week has been busy busy busy starting with last Sunday up until this point. First week of July, DONE! It’s a little bit scary how fast it’s flying by. We’ve all drooled over the new buffet, Away We Go! (oh admit it), been given a whole boat load of new challenges, PLUS new releases from our fantastic designers on top of it all AND our July Guest Designer: Wendy of WendyBird Designs!

I asked Wendy to tell us a smidge bit more about herself, since she’s so awesome an all.

How long have you been working with Hybrid(where did you start/how)?
I have always loved art and being crafty and I tried paper scrapping when my son was born, but it didn’t “stick” lol… I discovered digi scrapping in 2008 and fell in love! It didn’t take long for me to miss the hands on crafting, so when I started doing hybrid crafts in 2009, it was a match made in heaven! 

Best part about designing hybrid templates?
I love seeing digital kits printed and brought to life into 3D projects! I also love seeing how other crafters find new ways to use my templates!

Your favorite weeknight meal?
I love to try new recipes! I have a few dog eared cookbooks, but mostly I find recipes online – especially pinterest these days! Some of my favorites are shredded beef tacos and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches that cooked in the crock pot while we were at work – because after working 10 hours, the last thing I want to do is stand in front of the stove.

Hardcover or e-book?
e-book! I have a Nook Color and love it! I still have a collection of my favorite “real” books, but anything I buy now is electronic! I also do a lot of driving and listen to audiobooks to pass the time. I usually have 3 books going at a time – one on my Nook, an audiobook for me, and one that I’m listening to with my son. I’m so glad he inherited my love of reading!

Coffee or tea?
Do I have to choose just one? I like coffee, but only with a lot of flavored creamer (my boyfriend teases me that it’s just coffee flavored milk). In the winter I drink hot tea and iced tea all year long!

If there is anyone who could get me to really try a full on hybrid project, it’s Wendy. Check out her hosted hybrid challenge this month. Banner(s). Need I say more?!

So what do I have next for you? How about a whole bunch of sales!?

First up JenC Designs is wrapping up her Celebration Sale! You can save 40% on everything!

Next, today is the LAST day of Connie Prince’s Red, White &BOOM! sale!

Roseytoes Designs is having a store wide sale, everything is 50% OFF!

Last, but certainly not least, we say farewell to PsychoZoe Designs. She’s so sweet, I hate to see her leave us! She’s going out with a bang though! (I’ve already snagged some goodies! Fun with Tulle templates, get them. Right now.)

We will miss you Susie but hope to see you around the forum(s)!

Okay, new buffet, challenges and guest designer? Check. Sales? Check. Try to entice you into joining in on the Book Club fun? Check, check.

Aside from continuing to welcome all the new friendly faces I keep seeing pop up in the forum, that’s all I’ve got for you today! I hope everyone has had a terrific weekend, that we’re all hiding out in our caves from the heat and scrapping to our hearts content!

So… stay scrap happy friends and keep on scrappin’ on.



Weekly Wrap-up: Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Sunday Morning to YOU!

And a very happy Father’s Day to all the daddy’s out there! Young, old and gone from us but never forgotten! A friend of mine posted this on Facebook this morning, “Blood relations don’t make you a Dad… love does.” So let’s not forget all the step fathers, foster dads and adoptive daddies out there too!

I can’t wait to see the new Father/Dad inspired layouts that are sure to pop up in the gallery in the next couple days (I know I’ve got one in the works myself!)! For today though, I hope you’re all spending time with family!  With that said, I’ve got a date with my little guy today (Daddy is out of the country on business, so we’re going out to play!)  which means we’re going to have a short but sweet weekly wrap-up!

So, let’s get to the good stuff yeah? How about a sale?!  Amy Peck- Unforgettable Moments is have a store-wide sale in honor of her son’s third birthday! I’d say birthday’s are an excellent time to celebrate with a sale!  Unforgettable Moments ENTIRE store is 30% off from now until June 22nd!


How about ANOTHER sale!? Don’t thank ME (but you can, if you want), thank Sophie of Keep In Touch Designs! She’s put her WHOLE store on sale for 50% OFF!  Her reason? “Because of Father’s day, because the sun is back in my garden, because I’m happy”  That’s good enough for me!


Have you been reading this month’s book club book? I know I’m totally behind and if you are too we’ve got a little more than a week to get our reading done in time for the chat!  Haven’t started at all and want to join in still? Check out the thread for June’s read: The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. Otherwise get ready, because June 28th is our monthly book chat hosted by JoyLynn  of Blue Heart Scraps!


If you can’t make the chat, do not hesitate to participate in our discussion thread! If you’re already ready for NEXT month’s book, the polls have been closed and the book chosen! Our read for July is Unwind by Neal Shusterman.


Sales, books and? I think that’s all I’ve got for you today! Told ya, short and sweet!  Again, I hope everyone has a perfect Sunday full of love and family and a wee bit a scrapping! 😉




Fresh Baked for June 15, 2012

It’s almost summer! Summer officially starts June 20th in this hemisphere. That’s less than a week from now! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for all those summer activities to start. Do you have any big plans? This week, the designers have definitely had summer on their minds. Spending time with family, playing in the dirt, getting fit, all of that good stuff!

Before I give you the amazing kits that the designers have cooked up, we have some sales we want to share with you.

Roseytoes is also having a sale! 50% off most items, collab kits are $5, bundles are $8!

Don’t go just yet! There’s still some amazing kits to come!

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you receive an amazing grab bag. This month’s grab bag is by Unforgettable Moments. It’s perfect for the males in your life! June is the month of Father’s Day (at least in the States), so this would completely suit a hybrid project or layout for the special man in your life!

Journal Cards:

PreDeco Papers:
Border Clusters:
Extra Paper:
Word Bits:

Stacked Papers:
Quick Pages:

Stacked Papers:
Quick Pages:

Stacked Papers:

Polka Dots:
Worn Papers:

Weekly Wrap-Up: Sales, CT Calls, Book Club OH MY!

Good morning!

I’ve got lots of little tidbits to share with you!

First, today is the LAST day to get Pixelily’s shop at 50% OFF! In honor of her grand opening here at GingerScraps her entire shop is on sale!

She’s definitely become a fast favorite of mine, and I’ve certainly taken advantage of her Grand Opening Sale! 😉 If there is anything you’ve had your eye on, today is the last day to grab it at half off!!


In case you missed last week’s wrap-up, there are two CT calls happening right now, one for Z Pink Boudoir Designs and one for JenC Designs!

I’m happy to see that we’ve had a few new members join our forum! It’s always exciting “seeing” new faces, meeting new friends! I love watching our community grow and grow. 🙂  One of the things I love most about the DigiScrapVerse is just how..vast it is! People from ALL over the world come together to share themselves through digital scrapbooking. Truly awesomeness.

Let’s see, what other little exciting tidbits do I have to share with you?

How about another sale? And with Father’s Day just a week away this is doubly awesome!

Connie Prince’s Dear Dad kit is on sale for over 50% OFF right now! I have had my eye on this kit for quite some time, and took this opportunity to snag ALL the coordinating packs to it as well!

In addition, there are some great wordart pieces by Kathy Winters Designs available in our store as well!

Before I wrap up the wrap-up 😉 I’ve got to stick in just a couple more quick little bits!

One, don’t forget about GingerScraps Book Club! This month we’re reading Nicholas Sparks’ The Lucky One. I’ve, personally, never read a Nicholas Sparks novel, but am quite looking forward to it! Also, make sure you go vote for next month’s book in the Pick Our Book Poll! There are some terrific books on the poll for July, don’t forget to vote for the one YOU want to read! 🙂  And now that I got totally excited about our book club, I forgot the other thing I wanted to say!  …and with a little prodding of my crazy mind I totally remembered!  The second little bit I wanted to leave you with was our Ask the Designer upcoming post! We need YOU, our gorgeous community to come up with questions to ask the designers! Have a burning question you’re just dying to know? Check out the forum thread where you can pose it to all three of June’s featured designers or just one specifically. 🙂

Okay, now it’s time for me to refill my empty coffee cup and get some good scrap time in today!  The heat is forcing me inside- to which I don’t mind one bit 😉 Time to get scrappy with it! Bwahaha! 🙂

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, wherever you are spending it!

Fresh Baked: May 01, 2012

It’s May 1st. Really. I promise. I’m telling you the truth. Can you believe it? What happened to April? We’re one-fifth of the way through twenty-twelve already. What sort of insanity is that?

There’s a lot of information and goodies to share with you today! I’m excited about everything. SO much is going to be happening! The Gingerbread Ladies outdid themselves, I’m telling you!

The first bit of news? Do you know what next weekend? It’s NSD!! National Scrapbooking Day is something we digital scrapbookers look forward to for so long. Or is that just me? Well, Gingerscraps has some amazing things planned for it!


The designers are hosting everything, and they’re pulling out all the stops!


70% off sale on Thursday and 50% Friday through Sunday. Some restrictions apply.


Every other hour, a speed scrap or chat will be going on. That means everyone will have a chance to join in on something!


Persnickety Prints has the best printing services around, and they’re getting into the swing of things for NSD, too, with amazing sales. I don’t know about you, but I think I’ll take advantage of this deal!!


The bake sale is going on now! Go! You have until the 5th of May to take advantage of some amazing $1 deals!! You never know what you’ll find on sale.

Also, just a quick note: the Bake Sale and May Buffet items are not going to be included in the 70% and 50% off sales for NSD.


Time for a new buffet. April Showers bring May Flowers, usually, but instead, at Gingerscraps, May isn’t about the flowers. No, we’re all about the babies. This buffet is perfect for all those baby-related layouts. There are also items related to adoption, so it’s perfect for all of those layouts, as well. May is also synonymous with Mother’s Day. Flowers, cards, and love. These kit pieces speak of all of that. Even the pet mommas need some extra loving this time of year. Why not share that with someone you love?


The Gingerscraps designers really out-did themselves this month with some great mini kits, and they all coordinate so perfectly. There’s something perfect there for everyone!


The Gingerscraps CT had a blast playing with the kits. The layouts are just spectacular.

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you get an amazing grab bag. May’s was created by the talented Pretty in Green.


Some big news concerning our April Guest, Find Your Bliss Designs. She’s staying! It’s been wonderful seeing her designs in the store, and I’m happy that she has decided to make Gingerscraps a more permanent home!

Now, it’s time to introduce May’s Guest Designer. You might have seen some of her collab designs in the store with other designers. We’re so excited to announce that our guest designer is

Jen C. Designs


We asked Jen for a little bio, and this is what she told us:

Hi all! My name is Jen. I live in Belfast in the UK. I’ve been married for almost 6 years and we have two beautiful children – Luke and Charlotte. When not digi designing, I work as a web marketer and graphic designer for two local companies. Oh – and of course, playing with my kids! I stumbled into digi scrapping 2 years ago when I was on maternity leave and designing blogs for friends. I started on my first creative team shortly after and designing soon after that! I absolutely love it! I’m inspired by everything from interior decorating magazines to song lyrics, a photo of my kids to suggestions from my fans and creative team. If you ever have a suggestion for a kit or template idea, just let me know!

I can’t wait to get to know her better! And to see her designs, of course!

Here are a few that are in her store right now:


Embossed Papers:
Paper Add-on:





Well, I guess that’s it. Oh, I’m just kidding, there’s some more. The Daily Download! April’s was created by Sugar Kissed Designs, and it’s now available in the store!


May’s Daily Download was created by Blue Heart Scraps. It’s just adorable, and perfect for the upcoming summer. Day 01 is available for download now on the blog! Remember to pick up each piece every day!


I told you there was quite a bit, but I think the read was worth it. Thanks for reading and helping to make Gingerscraps what it is.

*Bake Sale* And New Guest Designer…. Mel Hains!!

Good morning my lovely friends!

Did you have fun hitting all the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales? I sure did! There were so many amazing deals- I just could not pass them up.

Now to finish your weekend of shopping- lets go out with a BANG! It is Bake Sale time!!


But wait- Before I show you the amazing Yummy Bake Sale goodies… I have some VERY exciting news!!

You all know her and love her- The one and only Mel Hains is our December Guest GingerBread Lady! This is Mels first ever guest spot. I am so honored she choose GingerScraps to venture out into the guesting role! Head over to the forum and give her some love 🙂

Lets get to know her a bit-

*Mel Hains Designes*


I am Mel from Mel Hains designs and I am TOTALLY addicted to anything scrappy! I started digiscrapping and designing rougly 3 years ago and am now selling my designs at Scrap that Idea. I am very happy to be the Guest designer for Gingerscraps for the month of December! My scrappy style changes as much as my mood does from minute to minute. At this stage I am very fond of the ‘papery’ look, but just about anything goes. I love doodles. My kits will usually have some kind of doodle somewhere, I just love them! I feel very fortunate that big name designers like Kim B, Ellie Lash and Lindsay Jane took the time to replied to my emails to them when I initially started designing, I am still crazy about their stuff! I have a 7 year old daughter named Savannah and live with my partner Damien and my two crazy cats, George and Orwell, in sunny Durban, South Africa. We also have our own photography business which is my other passion. I hope you enjoy my designs here at Gingerscraps! 🙂 My store will be 30% off for the first week, so enjoy the exclusive goodies here at Gingerscraps!

Mel has some Delicious goodies out today! Take a look-

Exclusive to Gingerscraps:

Mother, Wife. A kit for all the hard working women out there! A full kit in retro shades consisting of 14 papers, 42 elements, a full embellished alpha and a FREE add on word art pack!


Layout by Jenn


Exclusive to Gingerscraps:

Happy Snaps. A kit celebrating all our happy snaps! Perfect for snapping all the ‘behind the scenes’ photos! This kit consists of 10 papers, 38 elements and a full alpha.

Layout by Sharon



And …. An Oldie but a goodie! This kit is called ‘Silly Old Bear‘, A beary cute kit in red, brown, blue and yellow! This kit includes 10 papers, 35 elements and stitched styled alpha!


Layout by Gina:

Go to Mels blog here:
Find Mel on Twitter here:
Find Mel on Facebook here:
You can sign up for Mels personal newsletter on her blog

Make sure you give her a BIG GingerScraps Welcome!! 🙂

And now…. are you ready to see what we have for you in the Bake Sale today!!??

Some AMAZING goodies all $1.00 for only 24 hours! Snag ’em up while you can- some will not be this price ever again!

**December 1st Bake Sale**


*Black Friday* And Fresh Baked! 11/26

Happy Black Friday!  This is a huge holiday in my household.  We stay up all night looking for huge sales.  This year we let the boys stay up and do some shopping of their own.  Let them feel the excitement of finding a great deal, then having the UPS guy drop it off.  What about you?  Do you do any big shopping?  We have a big shopping event going on here this weekend!  Our ENTIRE store is 50% off!  Yup, that’s right!!  50% off!

Let me show you some new kits you can get for 50% this weekend!

Don’t forget just a few days left to get Good Night for only $1!

Looking for a Christmas kit that is all red and white with hints of green? Then Candy Cane Delights by Jumping Jelly Bean Designs is for you! Make those wonderful Christmas cards classy with traditional colors. You will adore all the Christmas balls, beautiful frames and gorgeous snowflakes. Or making Candy Cane Reindeers with your kids? We’ve thrown in a cute one just for you! This kit is all about Christmas.



Kathy Winter Designs has been busy designing wordart and as a result, she has several new products available in her store.

Got Gratitude is a set of seven (7) wordart pieces in 300 dpi that are designed to add a special touch to your layouts.  Regular Price $3.00 Sale Price $1.50


The Lights of Hanukkah is a set of fourteen (14) wordart pieces in 300 dpi that are designed to add a special touch to your layouts.  Regular Price $3.00 Sale Price $1.50



We all know how important it is to put a date on your layout. Now you can have fabulous dates on all your pages! The colors of this date pack also coordinate with the GS 365 project. The year elements go from 2005 to 2015 so you can get your older pages scrapped and use this pack for the next several years! You will also find all the months from January to December and dates from 1 to 31. You can use the included flowers in so many ways to enhance your dates… this pack is more than just dating! This date pack is a bargain at the regular price of $3, but you can get it this weekend for $1.50!



Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs really loves her computer and her online friends. Inspired by her daily interactions online, she has created the “So Much Cooler Online” collection!






You can get each piece individually, or you can get the entire collection for only $5 this weekend only, that is a savings of over 80% off this weekend!  On Tuesday it will be $10 which is 30% off every day!!


Here are a few inspring layouts from the Wyld Web Designs and Gingerscraps creative team:


And to help kick off the holiday season, Wyld Web Designs has this template pack for you to get scrapping those memories!


One of her creative team members, Carina, created these beautiful hybrid cards with the templates:



Who loves a good day of shopping! This word art by Creations by Julie is perfect to scrap those LOs of your shopping days with your girlfriends. Have a great photo of your latest bargain. Want to scrap those Black Friday shopping memories? This is the perfect word art for you.


Days of the Week File Tabs! Perfect for your 365 LOs! Set of 20 “file Tabs” all in the 365 Scrap Your Life Colors. Plus 2 sets of “Days” in black and white.


Days of the Week Sticker Tabs! Perfect for your 365 LOs! Set of 20 “Stickers” all in the 365 Scrap Your Life Colors. Plus 2 sets of “Days” in black and white. Also works great as a journaling spot and a great place to put a date on your LOs!





HK Designs brings you this very fun fall kit..  Autumn Whispers is perfect for all kinds of layouts.. alpha is free with purchase of kit. The file will be in with your downloads so no need to add to your cart! Normal price $5.00 but on sale this weekend for 50% off


This is an alpha set including a – z , 0 – 9. Tthese are png. sheets created at 300 dpi.  Regular price $1.50 but on sale this weekend for 50% off


This is a set of 7 wordarts created by me all are individual png. images created at 300 dpi !

Regular price $1.50 but on sale this weekend for 50% off


This is a set of 3 quick pages made by HK Designs using her new kit Autumn Whispers.  Each is a 12 x 12 png. image created at 300 dpi.  Regular price $3.00 but on sale this weekend for 50% off


HK Designs brings you Dainty. This is a super cute and fun kit perfect for all kinds of layouts!!

regular price $5.00 but on sale this weekend for 50% off



Statements by Jodi’s Black Friday kit “Shopping Spree” is here just in time for Black Friday! Regular price is $3 but this weekend only get it for 50% off!



Pack your bag for a holiday getaway with a hat, shades, flops, and a touch of make up and you are good to go for a hot weekend!  In the Bag by LemonLove Creations has a little something special for all your best girly pages. Grab it on Black Friday sale today!



Before I let you go, I wanted to give you all an opportunity to advertise in the GingerScrap Street Magazine.

Have a great weekend I hope you find lots of great deals!!