Archives for March 2012

March Daily Download #21

Hope you are having a fabulous week so far.  We are enjoying some exceptional warmth right now… so I’ve been outside for what seems like days!  😉  I even ventured out in the boat yesterday with the kiddos.  The water is still freezing but we had fun anyways.  🙂

Okay… so here’s day #21 of this great kit from GingerScraps.  🙂


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Have a wonderful day!  🙂

March Daily Download #20


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Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Announcing our next LOTW winner!

Congratulations to swastinadia for winning LOTW! Her layout is absolutely stunning. Great choice of colors and composition. Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

Her gorgeous LO was creating using Work of He{ART} by our guest designer, Secret Stash.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

March Daily Download #19


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Have a wonderful Monday!

March Daily Download #18


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Have a wonderful Sunday!

Weekly Wrap-Up: March 18, 2012

Sarah here!! How ya doing? I’m a little spread thin, I swear. Today, I have Girl Scouts. Second to last official meeting for that. I’m both sad and excited. After that, we have one more meeting, and THREE trips. I’m sadly only going on one of those. But Madison (my daughter) is going on all three. I’m excited for her.

Speaking of children (and excitement), and part of the reason I’m just spread out so thinly: March 17. Y’all know it as St. Patrick’s Day. Well, we know it as Oh Crap! He’s Aging Up! AKA, my son Ethan’s birthday. This year, he turned SEVEN. To celebrate, we bought a new car. Okay, that wasn’t really a celebration, but he got to see a Camaro, which made him happy, I think.

075/366 [2012] - Little Boy and His Dream

So, that’s what’s new with me. 😀 If anyone is paying attention, no, we didn’t buy the Camaro. We bought a 2011 Chevrolet Malibu. Program car, so GM-certified everything inside when it comes to maintenance, and 7500 miles, or so (a little more, but still *sweet*)

[Read more…]

Daily Download #17

Hey Everyone!  I’m so sorry for the delay in today’s Daily Download!  I hope you enjoy it!

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Team Spotlight: GingerScraps!

Good morning everyone! Happy St. Patty’s Day to you! Are you wearing green today? I am!

This week we’re talking to the one and only, our fearless leader, Ginger!

She has designed for us our March Daily Download. Are you caught up yet? Don’t forget to miss a day! So far I can tell you it’s absolutely fantastic!

I asked Ginger what her inspiration was for this kit.

My inspiration was the men in my family  I have a family full of manly men, they get dirty, build projects, ride off-road, and I needed something to scrap thoese memories. 

What is the one thing you can’t not have while designing?

I must have my Bamboo tablet! I do not know how people do anything in photoshop with a mouse!! And a clean desk. If my desk is a big mess I can not be creative at all, the papers, and clutter distract me. I can turn my back on the rest of the house, lol, but my desk has to be clean. 

What inspired you to start designing in the first place?

I started designing to make freebies. I loved collecting freebies and wanted to learn how to make all the goodies I was getting! I kinda came to a screeching halt once I opened up GS. It takes almost all of my computer time, my design time is very limited now. 

But, let me just say that we are all so thankful for the community you have built! It’s like you plucked up all the lovely people and put them in one place.

What is your go-to scrap subject?

My kiddos of course, oh and my pets are pretty darn cute too. I have two kids, a 14 year old daughter and an 11 year old son. We have a tiny little fur ball Cooper, he is a 4 lb mini Maltese, and two cats Sugar, and Chino (short for cappuccino).

Could you tell us something we might not know about you?

Hmm, shall I go all serious…. or shall I tell you something fun….. How about one of each?
For the serious one, I have a full and nasty list of healthy problems. My main enemy is a blood clotting disorder, it caused me to have a stroke in my 20’s, followed by MANY small strokes the following years. It is a daily battle, and honest to God I don’t know what I would have done without my digi community! I could not drive for over a year, and my digi community was my support system and my creative outlet.
And the fun thing you don’t know about me, I want to be a makeup artist. I have a total obsession with makeup and nails! I paint my nails in fun crazy ways about every 4 days.   There is an old thread at GS with a few photos of my nails, I need to post some more soon. 

What is something new to you that you’ve accomplished recently? A challenge or goal you’ve completed?

Well, inspired by Jill’s monthly Mystery Challenge in Feb, I learned to Zentangle! It is a kind of doodling. I’m totally hooked!! Here is my first ever Zentangle- 

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

For me, what I would REALLY love to do is, get a RV and take a long road trip with my kids! It’s more about the journey than the destination for me. My mom had a great quote she says’ “Not all who wander are lost.” I love that!

I can tell you that that is also a dream of mine! Someday I would love to just pack up and drive wherever the road takes us. Great quote!

We have all experienced, in some way or another, this beautiful weather going about the country. Spring is finally here! What is your favorite Springtime activity?

My favorite springtime activity, sitting outside in a comfy chair and breathing in the clean country air. 

What was the last book you read, and would you recommend it?

It was The Hunger Games 😉 And YES I recommend it! I’m now on the 3rd book in the series. Love it!

What is the one song you have on repeat right now (because, you know everyone has that ONE song)?

Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift, and We Are Young by FUN 

Just yesterday, I’m pretty sure I listened to We Are Young half a dozen times, if not more, myself! Awesome song!

And before we go, look to your left, first thing you see… GO!

My dining room table, with Pizza boxes from dinner on it (we have pizza and watch Survivor every Wednesday).

Thank you Ginger, for taking time to answer my few questions, and letting us get to know you just that much more. We all appreciate everything you do for us and totally pink-puffy-heart you! 😀

I hope everyone has a safe and rambunctiously great St. Patty’s Day!

March Daily Download #16


Happy Friday!!!

Just a couple reminders for you today.  The new Mystery Designer post is up so you can give a guess to who made the kit for a chance to win the kit!


And also tonight is our Weekly Scrap and Chat with Terra of Sugar Kissed Designs.   We always have a good time so you don’t want to miss it!  🙂  The image is linked right to the forum where the party will be held.  🙂


And now… here’s day #16:

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Hope you have a fabulous day today!!!

Fresh Baked! 3/16

It’s Friday.  I’m not so sure I’m ready for it.  I feel like this week flew by and I haven’t gotten too much done.  Please don’t ask about the sheets from last week.  I did change one bed, but that was as far as I got.  Too much going on her at home.  I did clean a bathroom….washed the floors and all.  This must sound like my house is filthy, I promise that isn’t the case at all.  I just like to do a deep clean a couple of times a year.  Anyway, you don’t want to hear about my dust bunnies.

Let’s start with a CT Call for Luv Ewe Designs!  This is one team you will want to join for sure!

Now after that exciting news let’s move onto our Mystery Designer!

Last week I showed you a fantastic sneak peek from our 2nd Mystery Designer. In case you missed it here it is:

Who did you guess?

Well, I can tell you that if you guess Twin Mom Scraps….






The kit is adorable, I know you will just love it!

Isn’t it cute?  It is just perfect for Spring!!  You can buy Springy Goodness right now in her store!  Thanks Rebecca for making this for us!

We have 3 lucky winners that will get Twin Mom Scraps’ Kit for free!  These 3 happened to be the only ones that guessed correctly!!

Facebook Winner: Sheila Abernathy

Blog Winner: SharonG

Forum Winner: Cjoy2Day (Jaime)

Congrats Ladies!  I’ll be sending you your kits shortly!

Now it’s time to see our next sneak peek!

Now….Who Made This Kit?

Give us your guess on the blog, in the forum, or on Facebook.

Now it’s time for some Sales!  Remember that if you spend $10 in our store you get this grab bag by Craft-tastrophic for FREE!!

Here are our new releases! First up is our March Guest!

Don’t forget to pick up the “free add-on” on Amy’s Unforgettable Moments Blog:

There you have it!  Such a great week with our talented designers!