Archives for March 2012

Mystery Designer #3! 3/16

Are you excited to learn about last week’s Mystery Designer? Are you anxious to see the new sneak peek? We’ll let’s get right to it!!

Last week I showed you a fantastic sneak peek from our 2nd Mystery Designer. In case you missed it here it is:

Who did you guess?

Well, I can tell you that if you guess Twin Mom Scraps….






The kit is adorable, I know you will just love it!

Isn’t it cute?  It is just perfect for Spring!!  You can buy Springy Goodness right now in her store!  Thanks Rebecca for making this for us!

We have 3 lucky winners that will get Twin Mom Scraps’ Kit for free!   These 3 happened to be the only ones that guessed correctly!!

Facebook Winner: Sheila Abernathy

Blog Winner: SharonG

Forum Winner: Cjoy2Day (Jaime)

Congrats Ladies!  I’ll be sending you your kits shortly!

Now it’s time to see our next sneak peek!

Now….Who Made This Kit?

Give us your guess here on the blog (leave a comment on this post), in the forum, or on Facebook.

March Daily Download #15

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Hope you have a fabulous day!

This Week’s Sneak Peeks!



Good Thursday Morning !!!

It’s time to wake it up, shake it up, and come see this week’s sneak peeks!

Come on, you can do it! One, two, three – check out what the designers at Gingerscraps have been busy cookin’ up for us this week!

I am totally green with envy over these yummalicious previews! Our designers have SOOOO much talent!!! And we are so lucky to have them all right here at Gingerscraps!

So not only do we have a ton of awesomeness coming to you this week, we have a Justin Bieber sighting right here in this post! (Hey! I just heard you  squeal like a tween,  jump up and down, and fall to the floor!!!)

So, let’s get on with this week’s sneak peeks!


From Keep In Touch:

Here is a gorgeous goodie from psychozoe designs….  


And a Scrumptious Serving of Versatility from Luv Ewe Designs….


Way Super Fabulously Fun stuff from LDrag Designs and Down This Road Designs

(insert squeal here!!! JB sighting!!! JB sighting!!!!!)


 Some fresh and pretty picks  from Pretty in Green: 




And a kit full of lots of fun lovin’ color from  Luv Ewe designs:


And some spring time sizzle from Secret Stash!


From Twin Mom Scraps


 WOWZA! I can barely contain myself! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all these new creations! Gingerscraps Designers, you rock my world!

So put on your Green, pour yourself some Lucky Charms, and put some Irish Cream in your coffee, and wait (try to be patient) for all of this awesomeness to hit the  shop on Friday! 


Come enjoy the friendliest Digi Place in the Universe…Gingerscraps!!! See you there!!!


With warm Irish blessings,

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!





March Daily Download #14

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Have a great day!!!

March Daily Download #13


Hi there!  Hope your week is sailing along smoothly.  🙂   I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to everyone that left super awesome comments about my mom.  I do appreciate it more than you know.  I’ve said this before- but I get the comment e-mails on my phone throughout the day and I read every one of them and more often than not – y’all make me smile.  🙂  So anyway – even though you are coming to collect a kit from the wonderful designers of GingerScraps – I feel beyond lucky to be the one posting and sharing with y’all.  🙂  We really do have a wonderful family here in the digi-scrap community!  🙂


Don’t forget – this month’s kit is by the wonderful owner of GingerScraps – and she has really wowed us with this awesome ‘manly’ type kit.  🙂  Glad you all are enjoying it!  Pop over to her store and see more of her work!  🙂


Okay… here’s day #13:

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Here in NH the sun is out and I’ve got the windows open… doing some spring cleaning today.  🙂

Hope you are having a fabulous day!

Our Next LOTW Winner is…

Congratulations to mariafer for winning LOTW this week! Her layout is a shabby chic masterpiece! I love the photos and the colors. Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

March Daily Download #12


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Hope you are having a fabulous day!!!

Weekly Wrap-up

Sarah here! How’d your week go? Mine was nuts and insane. I’m part of my local girl scout troop and they adore putting me to work. In case you didn’t know, this year marks the 100-year-anniversary of Girl Scouts. Can you imagine? 100 years? So, they’re hosting a week-long event in Washington, DC. Four out of eight of the juniors in our troop are going. $4000 for them to go (including their parents), and that’s with hiring a charter bus. :O CRAZY. So, we’re hosting fundraisers and the like. I’ve been helping.

Anyways, there’s a point to that tangent. I figured, since I’ve been doing SO much with Girl Scouts (and NOW Boy Scouts because of  my son), I’d share one of my go-to products, created by our own Connie Prince.

Perfect, right? I use it SO often. Well, okay, now onto the news around Gingerscraps!!

Discussions of the Hunger Games have started!! There are separate threads for Books 2 & 3 (Girl on Fire & Mockingjay), so you won’t get spoiled if you haven’t read Books 2 & 3. Come join us!! Give us your opinion on the books, the characters, the author. All that good stuff!!

ChristinaP wants to know if anyone is watching Survivor. I’m not personally, but if you are, join in with the chat. 😀

ChristinaP also found a thread on another Facebook saying “Digi isn’t real“. Several members really didn’t like hearing (well, reading that). What’s your opinion? What do you think of Digi? Hopefully if you’re reading this, you believe it’s real, and a lot of fun!!

It’s been a pretty quiet week all around. Now, it’s WAY late for me (lost an hour to Daylight Savings Time!! Did you?), and I’m hungry, so I’m going to just say “Ciao” and see you next week!!

March Daily Download #11


Here’s today’s piece:

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Hope you have a fabulous day!!!!

March Daily Download #9 and #10

Hi there!

I apologize for missing yesterday’s post.  My mom was in the hospital and I wasn’t too close to a computer while visiting.  :/  Anyhow – she is home today and feeling better so let’s get back to our regular scheduled programming.  🙂


Here’s day #9:

Day #9

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And here’s day #10:

Day #9

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Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
