Fantastic Free Fonts

It goes without saying more of the time for us digital scrapbookers…We love fonts! I know there are a few of you out there that have thousands! So, let me add to your collection. I love a good script font. They are my favorite go-to when it comes to title work. I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you. They are all free! (the links for each one, including the title work, are below the image).



Here are the links to these fonts:

Million Notes
Marchand De Venise
Elegant And Sensational
Better Together
Free Font For Your -> Playlist Script Font
digital scrapbooking layouts -> Please write me a song

Please write me a son and the Playlist Script Font are use on 90% of all my layouts. They are my favs! We would love to see any layouts you create using these fonts. Make sure you upload your layout to the gallery and link us back up here in the comments!


  1. Canadian Girl says

    Better Together Script says that it is only a demo font, and you have to purchase it to use it, even for personal use!

  2. I updated it with the correct one. I apologize about that. I had both; and included the wrong one on this post. This download will also say DEMO, but you can check the TOU here if you want.

  3. “Please write me a song” has been one of my fave fonts lately <3 Thank you for these incredible fonts :)!

  4. You’re welcome! Please write me a song is my go-to journal font. Clean and easy to read.

  5. Canadian Girl says

    Thanks for updating the font and link. 🙂

  6. I love all the fonts!!!! Thank you for including the Please Write Me A Song, I’m thinking of using it for my journaling 🙂

  7. You’re welcome Canadian Girl! 🙂
    I use it on nearly every single one of my layouts cherry. My 80 grandmother mentioned some of my journaling was hard to read on printed layouts. So I searched out one that was pretty, clean, and easy to read. Please write me a song is that font!

  8. Sabina Raye says

    THANK YOU For these great fonts!


  1. […] Fantastic Free Fonts – 1 freebie(s)? […]