Archives for August 2024

Fresh Baked: August 30, 2024

Happy Friday my friends! I hope you have had a great week and have a wonderful weekend!

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great August Free With Purchase Collab!

We’ve got a great variety of new items in the store this week.

How are your challenges? When you complete 10 challenges during the month of August, you will receive this (or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

Are you participating in the SUMMER Scrap-A-Thon AUGUST {2024}?

Still a few days left to work on your challenges. If you complete enough challenges you will get both usual monthly challenge reward AND this AMAZING MEGA collab by The GingerBread Ladies: Sun-Kissed Memories

Fresh Baked: August 23, 2024

Can you believe it’s time for another Fresh Baked Newsletter? Some weeks just go so fast.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great August Free With Purchase Collab!

Let’s see the new goodies in the store this week.

How are your challenges? When you complete 10 challenges during the month of August, you will receive this (or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

Are you participating in the SUMMER Scrap-A-Thon AUGUST {2024}?

Still a few days left to work on your challenges. If you complete enough challenges you will get both usual monthly challenge reward AND this AMAZING MEGA collab by The GingerBread Ladies: Sun-Kissed Memories

Tutorial Tuesday (Individual Style)

Challenge Spotlight: Use It All

Time for another Challenge Spotlight, where YOU are the stars of the show! I’ve been keeping track – in a haphazard sort of way – of which Challenges I’ve showcased so far; today I decided I’d go back over all of them and add dates to my list so I can try not to be too repetitive. Y’all. This is Challenge Spotlight #36!! Not all Challenges lend themselves to a head-to-head comparison; some have too many variables to work well in this type of post, so some repetition is a given. If you’re wondering, the last time I focused on Use It All was in October 2021… so it’s time!

The Use It All Challenge is hosted by the very talented Karen Schulz. She provides a FREE mini-kit – part of a larger collection – and the Challenge is to USE IT ALL. That means every item in the mini MUST be on your layout somewhere. Karen also allows us to use any or all of the rest of the collection. This month’s mini looks like this:

The rest of the collection can be found HERE. Let’s take a look at some of the layouts posted to the Use It All Challenge Gallery. There were a LOT of entries there for this month, so rather than show them all here, I’ve instead chosen to go with every fourth layout, beginning with the very first layout posted. Otherwise this post would be so long, no one would want to look at it. As usual, each layout is linked to the Gallery so you can take a closer look, and leave some praise, if you’re so inclined. Just click on the Scrapper’s user name and through the magic of technology, you’ll be whisked right to it.

Our first entry is from Windswept. I can see all the bits from the mini, and a couple of additions from the collection. I like how she’s blended two of the papers.

Next is a layout from pbhill. It’s the first time she’s been part of the Spotlight! Hers is an interesting take;, she’s desaturated the colours of the papers. But I don’t see the pink flower……..

I’m not seeing any flowers on this one from jenasz. The doodles appear to be floating over the page.

Looks like makeyesup understood the assignment. All the items from the mini are there and she’s added some gesso too.

I can see dj_w has added some elements from the larger collection to her layout. The blended papers in the background are lovely. Do people just not like the journal blank, though? Seems like everybody wants to use just the border…

Macsandy has added a bunch of elements from the collection. The warm palette she chose really works well with her photos.

I see mdusell employs the KISS principle. Her layout keeps things simple, and she’s included all the required elements.

I LOVE this photo; it reminds me of my youngest two grandchildren. Her creative use of papers is another thing  I like about photocrazy‘s layout.

Aha! Our first furbaby layout! I think that cat actually IS laughing, amirite, larkd? Don’t see the solid white paper anywhere though.

Celestine had added some daisies, a rub-on, and a bunch of other elements from the collection. I like the diagonal arrangement of her layout.

There it is! The elusive journaling block makes its first true appearance on mom2triplets04‘s layout. I’m glad to know my dogs aren’t the only ones on their best behaviour at day care!

Aw… bathtime photos are always a favourite. It looks like pepsibubbles borrowed the Beatrix Potter elements from another of Karen‘s kits.

The flowers got the royal treatment by lisar. Does anyone see the white solid paper though?

That paper fold is genius, dragonstarr! Lovely cluster, too.

I’ve been very busy here this last week and have had limited time for scrapping. Thanks for letting me look at your layouts, ladies!



Fresh Baked: August 15, 2024

Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week. Do you have plans for this weekend? I have several chores that need to get done. Adulting is no fun sometimes.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great August Free With Purchase Collab!

We have some really cute additions to the store this week.

Are you working on  your challenges? When you complete 10 challenges during the month of August, you will receive this (or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

But you might as well keep going and complete enough challenges to get the usually monthly challenge reward AND this AMAZING MEGA collab by The GingerBread Ladies: Sun-Kissed Memories

Tutorial Tuesday (GingerScraps)

Multitasking: Gallery Uploads

PDF Version :

Last week’s tutorial was a lot, wasn’t it? It was pretty much a 3-in-1 and covered a lot of ground. Somewhere in the middle, I mentioned that it’s possible to batch-process your layout uploads, so today I’m going to show you how to do it. It’s a lot easier than you think, and the tut will be a quick one! I won’t go back over the entire routine, since it’s easy enough to review the tut from last Tuesday. We’re going to start on the Upload Photos screen.

It’s okay to leave the Category box on Member Galleries. We’ll change it on the next screen.

Choose your layout files. You have the opportunity to add 5 layouts per upload. [More about that in a minute.] The app will reorder them in alphabetical order by title when we move to the next screen. If you’re uploading a two-layout spread, it’s hit-or-miss if they’ll end up with the proper orientation. It helps if you’ve given both layouts the same name, but with a number at the end to distinguish one from the other. Leave the Title and Description boxes empty.

You can leave the Keywords box blank. If you’re uploading creative team layouts, you can put your designer’s name in here. If you’re uploading Challenge layouts, you can put a generic “month/year/Challenge” label in there. If you choose not to allow comments, click on the Upload/Submit bar now.

BUT… if you want praise and you want to KNOW what others have said, flip these boxes to Yes, then click the Upload/Submit bar.

Thumbnails? CHECK! So I know my layout files are the right size.

Find the correct Category for your layouts here. Again, if these are Challenge layouts, make sure the correct year is there so Missi can count them toward your Reward. The GingerBread Ladies‘ (designers’) names are also listed in the drop-down menu, as well as special-events galleries too. REMEMBER: IF YOU SELECT MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY HERE, THE SERVER WILL COUNT EACH ONE AS A ‘NEW’ LAYOUT AGAINST YOUR DAILY TOTAL. There’s a work-around though. I’ll tell you that bit at the end.

Put in the title for each of the layouts you’ve got showing. One thing I forgot to mention in last week’s tutorial is that if you enter your title on the first screen above and it contains any special characters, like quotation marks or an apostrophe, when it pops up on this screen, the special characters are lost. But if you wait until this screen to add your title, they stay put!

Now add in your credits. Please don’t skip this step.

Edit the Keywords box with the appropriate Challenge, if applicable. Then click Process. The next screen will move to your Gallery and you can proceed from there to update your Cookie Jar and post your layouts to the Forum.

Now, If you want to bypass the 8 layouts-a-day limit anomaly, once your layouts are posted to the Gallery, you can Edit Photo in the Gallery! You can also fix typos, replace lost credits (a known issue that occasionally happens and isn’t really fixable) or even replace the layout itself with an edited one. Look just to the right of your avatar and you’ll find User Options and click Edit Photo.

You can add your extra Categories here without them impacting your daily limit, as well as heal other wounds.

So now we’re all GingerScraps Community experts!


Fresh Baked and Retiring Products! August 9, 2024

Happy Friday scrappers. It’s time for the Summer Retiring Products sale. This sale runs from today (August 9) through Thursday, August 15 at 11:59 PM Eastern. Note that after this sale ends, all products in this category will no longer be available so grab them while you can. Take a look a the end of the newsletter to see a sampling of some of the retiring items.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great August Free With Purchase Collab!

Now let’s see what goodies we have this week!

Are you participating in the {Summer} Scrap-a-Thon? See the forum for details!

Are you working on  your challenges? When you complete 10 challenges during the month of August, you will receive this (or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

But you might as well keep going and complete enough challenges to get the usually monthly challenge reward AND this AMAZING MEGA collab by The GingerBread Ladies: Sun-Kissed Memories

Tutorial Tuesday (GingerScraps)

Step-By-Step: Gallery Limits, Challenges and Filling Your Cookie Jar 

[editor’s note: Sorry this is so late! I got caught up watching the Olympics. 😉 ]

PDF Version :

Over the weekend I got a message from Ginger with a plea from a new GingerScrapper. This is a very timely request, given GingerScraps is running a Summer Scrap-a-Thon with a mega-collab reward for completion. In part: ‘Here is her message, ‘Help please. I’d love to do all the challenges, actually have a couple that would qualify as already done for August. I just do not understand how to post these with links and all. Could somebody do a step by step for me? I see those cute colabs as rewards every month and hate to keep passing them up. Something simple like Facebook’s dropping an image in a box I can handle, links & things I don’t understand.‘” Well, that’s a big job, but I’m up for it! That is… if our newbie is using Photoshop Elements. 😀  Warning: This will be a long tutorial and many of you aren’t going to need it. But if you do, I’ve got you!

First things first. The GingerScraps Gallery has strict limits on image size, type of file and number of images posted per day. I’ll go over them, starting with image size. The usual pixel size of a digital paper is 3600×3600 – clearly way too big for the Gallery, but good for detail, clarity and ease of use. So most layouts tend to be 3600×3600 and will need to be Resized for the Gallery, down to 600×600 pixels. To do that, click on Image>Resize>Image Size… OR use the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD>ALT/OPT>I.

This dialog box opens up. Make sure all the boxes at the bottom left are ticked and choose Bicubic in the long bar for best results. Change the Pixel Dimensions to 600×600.

Then click File>Save As…  or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD>SHIFT>S. This will give you several options.

I always Save my layouts as a full-sized PSD, a 2400×2400 JPG and a 600×600 JPG (except signatures – those are PNGs). So I have to change the name of my file when I go to save the 600×600 version. I add GS to the title. Just a note: if I want to use your layout in an Individual Style tutorial, it’s a lot easier for me if you Save As a JPG

So, format is figured out. Now File Size… it can’t be bigger than 500KB. Depending on the complexity of your layout you may be well under that… or well OVER it. See the box outlined in red. If that number is lower or barely more than 500KB – like 510KB, you’ll be okay to go ahead and Save As is. (There’s a tiny bit more compression that takes place after you hit OK.)

But if it’s too big, do this instead.

First, make sure the image is Optimized (#1). Then look at the File Size at #2. If it’s less than 500KB, you’re good to go. And it usually is. If not, make adjustments at the Quality box, #3. The size drops REALLY fast, so watch it closely! Then when your file is at or less than 500KB, click Save.

Okay! On to Gallery uploading and Challenge entering. I find it easiest to have 3 GingerScraps tabs open at the same time, one for the Cookie Jar, one for the Gallery and one for the Forum. Then I just move between tabs.

Take a moment to commit the Gallery limits to memory. (Just kidding – the Gallery will tell you is you’re overstepping!) A lot of other digital shops use the same platform for Gallery posting, and have the same or similar limits. When you first open the Gallery tab on the GS site, the default is the Member Galleries – your personal Gallery, as it were.

To choose a Challenge Gallery or a Designer Gallery, click on the arrow shown below then scroll through the list that pops up. Pay attention when choosing a Challenge Gallery because sometimes the one you choose is actually last year’s version and you don’t want that**. The label should say (2024) after the name of the Challenge. [There are also some special-events Galleries.]

Once you’ve got the right Gallery, click on the bar that says Choose File. (As you can see, there are five of those. Yes, you CAN upload five different layouts at a time. But… you can only have a total of eight in one day. I’ll expand on that in a few.) The last folder you accessed on your computer will appear. If it’s not where your layout is, find the correct folder, then click the 600×600 image you Saved. Then click Open.

The title of your layout will appear to the right of the button as shown.

Okay, let’s recap. The correct Gallery is selected. The correct image is chosen. Now enter the title you want displayed with your layout once it’s up in the Gallery. It doesn’t have to be whatever you named the image when you Saved it.

Leave that big box empty for now. We’ll fill it later. You can skip the Keywords step if you want. I always just fill it with the name of the Challenge. Here I have August 2024 Signature Challenge. Then look at that bottom section. It’s asking if you want people to be able to leave comments on your layout, and if you want to be notified. If your answer is no, click on the Upload/Submit bar in either section. If it’s yes, click on the bottom Upload bar.

If your image is small enough, you’ll see the thumbnail. If it’s too big, you’ll get an error message on this screen where the thumbnail is.

NOW we’ll fill in the big Description box. At the very least, type in your credits. The Designers deserve recognition, it’s part of their Terms of Use, and if you’re entering Challenges, you have to meet content requirements. So don’t skip them! You can also add other Galleries in this step. BUT… each additional Gallery you add on THIS STEP will count toward your daily limit. Yes, it’s only ONE image, but ON THIS STEP, each Gallery counts as a separate image. Weird, right? [I’ll do another tutorial on multiple uploads later if y’all think it’s needed.] Then click Process.

There! My siggie is in the Challenge Gallery, and in my Member Gallery as well. (Oddly, the platform does that automatically, but doesn’t count it toward the limit. I know… weird!) You can see my credits there too.

If you’re interested in earning the monthly Challenge Reward, you’ll need to have a Cookie Jar. It’s where you record links to all of the layouts you’re entering for the month. Highlight the text in the address bar at the top of your browser, which is the Universal Resource Locator (URL) for your layout. Right-click and choose Copy.

Then click over to your Cookie Jar tab on your browser. I like to set up my Cookie Jar on the first day of the month with just the Total Challenges Completed:(0) bit filled in. Then when I’m ready to add a layout, I just have to do this next step. But you can just type in the name of the Challenge then Paste in your URL. Up to you. I type in the Challenge and the title of my layout.

Then I highlight the title and click on the globe-with-chainlink icon (in the little red box). That opens the link box option.

Set the cursor inside the box, right-click and choose Paste.

That adds a direct link to the Gallery where the layout title is, which makes it easy for Missi to verify at the end of the month, and for any of the Challenge hosts who need to check content.

Are you tired yet? 🙂 Almost there!! The last part is to add your layout to the Challenge thread in the Forum. Click your cursor somewhere inside your layout then right-click and choose Copy Image Link from the pop-up.

Now click through to your Forum tab in your browser. Find the Challenge thread and scroll to the bottom of the page. There’s an Add Quick Reply box there. You can add some text in the Reply box if you like. Click on the icon that looks like a stretchy photo, as shown,

This box will open. Set your cursor in the box, then Paste the Image Link that your computer has conveniently remembered for you. Click OK.

If you see any part of your layout in the Quick Reply box, you have success! All that’s left is to click Post Quick Reply.

Do you feel like you just ran a marathon? I know I do! Obviously, you don’t have to do all of this in one go. Now have fun!





MEGA $2.00 Sale at GingerScraps! August 6 & 7, 2024

It is your lucky day!! TODAY is a $2.00 MEGA SALE at GingerScraps!

Stop by the shop to see all these deals AND MORE! There are over 150 products for only $2.00, sale ends August 7 @ 11:59pm Eastern Time.

Designer Spotlight August 2024

Magical Scraps Galore!

Well, here we are staring August in the face. I’m not going to lie, I have quite a bit of anxiety when I remember last August, and the wildfire we faced then. Thankfully this year I have the Olympics to distract me. I don’t usually watch much in the way of sports, and the Olympics is no exception, but this year, here I am, glued to my chair watching even sports I don’t like (looking at you, soccer!) and getting loud and proud of our athletes. That’s why this Blog post is a bit behind my original plan. But not TOO late! Let’s meet Marina, the designer known as Magical Scraps Galore. [editor’s note: Any coloured text in bold and underlined is hyperlinked for your viewing pleasure.] Our conversation took place before the Games started so I’m working from memory. 😉

J: Marina, thanks for giving me the opportunity to shine the Spotlight on you and your work. Why don’t we get the mundane stuff out of the way first, then we can get to know YOU. When did you get bitten by the design bug?

M: I’ve been designing for 13 years now!

J: That’s a good long time. I guess it explains the depth and breadth of your GingerScraps shop! What was the catalyst for you?

M: I started creating my own digital papers and embellishments for scrapping our second trip to Disney World, since the digital offerings were very limited back then. It didn’t take long to realize that scrapbook design was my passion, and I started participating in the design challenges hosted by MouseScrappers. I opened my first shop in 2013 and I’ve been part of the wonderful GingerScraps family since 2014.

J: I joined the GS family at the end of April, 2013, so we’re cohorts in a way. This truly IS the friendliest scrapping community on the Web. I work on a laptop seated in a comfy armchair in my living room. What does your workspace look like?

M: I design in my studio at home, with my three cats sleeping by my computer or on my lap. Sometimes they like to sleep ON my computer and they mess with my designs, LOL! I have to be very careful but I just love them! I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, and ArtRage.

J: What kinds of things motivate you when you sit down to create?

M: My main motivation and inspiration are my kids and my trips around the world.

J: Same! Many of my layouts are trip-related or have either my kids or grandkids in them. I’m busy creating a memoir for my sister, who travelled to the East Coast last year, for Christmas and love to scrap travel photos. What would your perfect vacation look like?

M: My perfect vacation is a road trip with my family, hiking national parks and visiting small towns along the way.

J: I live in a tourist destination! This year has been quieter than usual, I think because of our wildfire last year. People are scared, rightfully so. Not a fun topic at all, so let’s change it up. Do you have a favourite kit in your shop?

M: What a hard question! It’s hard to pick just one, it’s like choosing your favorite child, LOL … I have several kits that I love, especially my travel collection, but one of my favorite kits is Magical Memories, it’s all about my happy place and it’s a reminder of all the magical moments I spent there with my family.

J: Everybody says that, but what a fun collection!! I’ve been to Disneyland twice, once when I was about 12, and again in 1988 with my kids. I should dig out all those photos and do something with them. What did you want to be when you grew up?

M: I wanted to be a flight attendant or a rock star.

J: And here you are, a travelling rock-star digital scrapbooking designer! What super-power would you wish for?

M: Teleportation, so I can travel anywhere in no time and with no jet lag!

J: Amen sister! That would make life so much simpler. And healthier! One last question. If you had a warning label, what would it say?

M: Warning: Crazy cat lady!! LOL! I’m a huge cat lover, and if my family would let me, I’d have 10 cats or more!

J: If current events are any indication, you’re in good company! I’m not a cat fancier, but our neighbours have two beauties who sit on their deck and drive my dogs batty. Thanks so much again for chatting with me. I hope your Spotlight brings you all the best kind of attention in the Shop and the Forum.

Marina is not just the Spotlight Designer for August, she’s also providing the Daily Download. Each day a link for the day’s pieces is posted on the Blog, and it stays active for a full 5 days so you don’t have to worry if you miss a day. If you find you’ve missed a bunch of days, the entire kit will be released in the Shop at a later date. In addition to her monthly Surprise Challenge, she’s also hosting the Designer Spotlight Challenge this month too… just in time for the Summer GingerScraps Scrap-a-Thon! Check them out, they’re ALWAYS fun!!

Fresh Baked Goodies & News @ GingerScraps : August 2, 2024

Happy Friday, Scrappers!!

I’m so excited for the weekend! I’ll be heading out on a short getaway with my family to the coast. We’re thrilled to escape the triple-digit heat and enjoy the ocean and 60-degree weather! I can’t wait to wear a sweatshirt, lol!

I’m planning to take LOTS of photos to scrap, and I can’t wait to get home and SCRAP! I hope you’ll join me in the forum/gallery for the SUMMER Scrap-A-Thon.

Are you ready to see what new products we have today? And don’t forget to check out the August Buffet when you stop by the shop—the new Buffet items will be 50% off until the 5th!

Ok, ok, ok… here’s what we have this week!

When you spend over $10.00 during the month of August you will get this super cute Let’s Shop collab by The GingerBread Ladies!

And last but definitely not least, when you complete 10 challenges during the month of August, you will receive this (or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

But you might as well keep going and complete enough challenges to get the usually monthly challenge reward AND this AMAZING MEGA collab by The GingerBread Ladies: Sun-Kissed Memories