Let’s Celebrate Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day; and would you know it, our designers here at GingerScraps have all you need to scrap your Earth Day too! So, what is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network.

So without wasting paper, let us get our digital scrapbooking on, Earth Day style! There are so so so many items that you can use to scrap your Earth Day. Just about any kit will have some great foliage in it. Here are some kits geared directly for Earth Day though.

Previously available, Here Today Back Tomorrow is being true to it’s name. With a little rework it has been recycled and added back to Clever Monkey Graphic’s inventory of available kits!


Monthly Mix: One Planet: A collaboration from our GingerScraps designers. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The three “R’s” that we all know so well. Keeping our environment happy, and our Earth clean! The perfect kit for a day in the park, cleaning up litter somewhere, or even planting a garden!


Whether you hit the farmers market every week, grow your own veggies or just stock up on kale at the grocery store like it’s the kale-apocalypse – this kit will be perfect for show casing your green thumb and healthy foods!


This world is a beautiful place and these kids are helping keep it clean and special.


Love the Earth Mini Kit is perfect for scrapping all your outdoor and Earth Day photos and projects.


This collection is perfect for Earth Day projects, recycling pages, tree huggers and so much more!



Let’s Celebrate Easter!

Easter is tomorrow; and I hope you plan on capturing all the memories! Today we are going to take a look at just a glimpse at what the store has to offer to scrap all those Easter memories. There is an entire section in the store dedicated to this holiday. If you do not see something that grabs your fancy on today’s post, you probably will find it there! There are pages-and-pages of Easter goodies.





[Read more…]

Free Fonts for your Layouts

Alright you fellow font lovers! I know there are a lot of us out there. It kind of comes hand-in-hand with digital scrapbooking. I looked over the web and found us six fun and free fonts for our digital scrapbooking layouts. So here you go:

Here is where you can find each one. Enjoy!

Lie to Me

Fish & Bear

Marchand de Venise




and if you are wondering about the title work on these. Those are:

Playlist Caps


Please Write Me a Song

Let’s Celebrate: St. Patrick’s Day

Hello scrappers! Next Friday is St. Patrick’s Day. So today we are going to take a look at some of the fun things in the store that will have us scrapping all things St. Patrick’s Day! I am sure most of us know what that holiday is. However for those who do not:

St Patrick’s Day is a global celebration of Irish culture on or around March 17. It particularly remembers St Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated in countries with people of Irish decent.

Here at GingerScraps we have a section dedicated to this holiday. If what we showcase below is not what you are looking for, you probably can find it in that section.  We are going to showcase a number of digital scrapbooking supplies for your St. Patrick’s Day projects. We will follow it up with some fun layouts as well. All images are linked of course. 🙂

St. Patrick’s Day Digital Scrapbooking Supplies


Irish Charm by Clever Monkey Graphics || Irish charm is a fun little mini kit to mix and match with all your other St. Patrick’s Day kits. Enjoy! Make sure you check out Tracey’s other St. Patrick’s Day kits. A Little Irish Luck and Lucky Leprechaun.


Happy Go Lucky Page Kit by Kristmess || This wonderful kit was made as part of her Happy Go Lucky Collection. This collection is perfect for all your St. Patrick’s day celebrations but versatile enough for many other spring pages.


St Patrick’s Day Templates by Blue Heart Scraps


Lucky Me Digital Scrap Kit by Just So Scrappy || This kit is part of the Lucky Me Collection


March Sectional Templates by Miss Fish Templates || March Sectional templates offer you 2, 12×12 digital scrapbook templates perfect for your favorite spring photos. These templates have divided sections to show off lots of fun patterned papers along with your photos. The Flower and Shamrock/clover shape let you scrap your fun March memories in a unique way.


Lucky Me by BoomersGirl Designs || Not just for St. Patrick’s Day, this kit is also perfect to help us celebrate the everyday things in our lives that make us feel lucky. The fresh color palette includes white as well as shades of purple, green and yellow.


Project 2015 March – Kit by Connie Prince || This kit is part of the huge Project 2015 March Collection


Oh So Lucky! by Magical Scraps Galore! || It’s always important to remember just how lucky we are. In shades of green and turquoise, with a dab of white and black, Oh So Lucky! collection is perfect to scrap St Patrick’s Day celebrations, your Irish heritage, as well as March or springtime layouts and all those lucky everyday moments that you wish to cherish forever.


Lucky Girl: A collaboration from our GingerScraps designers.
This kit includes:
1 full alpha, 34 papers, 36 elements, 6 journal cards


Lucky One Kit by CathyK Designs


St Patrick’s Day Layouts

Lucky by kristal


2013 Being Irish for the Day by TraceyMonette


Be the Rainbow by Jazz2000


County Kerry by Elizabeth


St. Patrick’s Day by familyhistoryscrapper


St. Patrick’s Day Freebie!

I hope you enjoyed these great items and lovely scrapped digital scrapbooking layouts for St. Patrick’s Day. I want to leave you with a freebie alert. Make sure you are checking out of Challenge Forum; and participating of course. This month’s Mini Kit Challenge has a mini kit perfect for those St. Patrick’s Day projects. Click HERE to go check it out.


In case you were wondering more about those fun challenges; and what is in it for you (besides new layouts):


March 2017 – Challenge Reward Info
Monthly Challenge Rules – 

  • You will receive the collab of the month in which you COMPLETE your 10 challenges.
    For Example:
    You do 5 in March, 2 in April and 6 in May – you would get the May collab.
    You do 7 in March and 4 in April – you get the April collab
    You do 10 each month you get EACH Collab!! (BEST DEAL!!)
  • Challenge rewards will be sent out after the 5th of the month
  • All challenges layouts must have at least 50% of GS products – Daily Download and Welcome wagon counts. (See individual challenge rules for specific rules on usage such as Designer Spotlight Challenge)
  • Speed Scraps and Chats DO NOT count towards your challenge rewards (of course your host will usually provide fun goodies for all attending their SS or Chat)
  • Every challenge must have a unique LO. Meaning, you can not use the same LO for more then 1 challenge.
  • You are responsible for tracking your completed challenges, find the monthly tracking thread in the “Cookie Jar”, and follow the guidelines.

Challenge Rewards:
Complete any 10 challenges, and you will receive a brand new designer collab!
Each month we will offer a brand new GingerBread Ladies collab as a reward for completing the GS challenges.

Complete any 10 challenges, during the month of March 2017, and receive this collab for FREE!!

Brighter Days Ahead: A collaboration from our GingerScraps designers
By Designers: Craft-tastrophic, Lindsay Jane, Neverland Scraps, Ponytails Designs

  • 1 Full Alpha
  • 39 Papers
  • 110 Elements

Creative Style | The Color Green


Hello scrappers. Today we are going to take a look at a creative style. Well, let me honest. It isn’t really a style so much as getting some inspiration from color.

There are many things that can make a layout stand out in the gallery. What grabs one person’s attention might not grab another’s. I could write multiple blog posts about what grabs mine. That being said, seeing a layout that has predominantly one color always grabs my attention.  Since we are edging up on St. Patrick’s Day, I thought it would be fun to get some inspiration from the color green.

We are going to take a look at some pretty green images, some great digital scrapbooking layouts done up in green, and round it up with the latest green filled goodies from the store.

Now, here are some lovely images to get those creative juices flowing. Did you know there was a place you could get pretty nice stock photos for free? These images are from Pexels. (All photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.) I use them on my personal blog. I thought I would share with you guys while we get some inspiration for scrapping with green.

Fantastic right? I find inspiration for layouts in all kinds of places. Looking at beautiful photos are one of them. Want a bit more inspiration? Here are some layouts that are predominantly green. You know, to help get those ideas flowing! (all images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. Go leave some loving!)

by meagan43


by LindsayJane


by pixleyyy


by Jill

Are these not some lovely layouts! I know part of that is the great designers we have here at GingerScraps. These layouts are beautifully scrapped though. I hope you found at least some inspiration from today’s post. I will leave you with some great designs to get those green filled layouts scrapped. As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart. We actually have an entire location in the store just for GREEN items.












If none of these are what you are looking for when it comes to scrapping green, make sure you check out the section dedicated to it. There are hundreds…literally hundreds of pages of choices. Have fun!


Focus On : Paper Packs

Hello Scrappers! Team member La’Shawn here with another edition of Focus On. That is where we take one thing, that isn’t a kit and focus on it. Our store has amazing designers that work so hard to bring us great digital scrapbooking supplies every week. Sometimes things get lost in the ever changing store. Some people don’t check the new releases every week. Some people are just starting and might not have seen some things from the past. That is where I come in. I am here to go back in the archives and bring you some great stuff.

This isn’t a from the archives post. We do have those! If you are looking for something that was in our store over a year ago, check HERE. This is where we just look at one thing. Today we are going to take a look at some great paper packs. Our designers are some of the best paper designers around! I am going to bombard you with some great examples and tell you how to find more.

There is an entire section dedicated to paper packs in the store. You can find that HERE. Paper packs are a great edition to any digital scrapbooking layout and stash. Sometimes you cannot find that one paper you need. Or it might be made to be an add-on to a collection. You can also mix and match!











This was only page 4 into the paper pack section. There are pages and pages of amazing paper packs in the store.  Show us what you have done with an add on or paper pack from the store!



Creative Style | Scrapping with Hearts

Good morning scrappers. Valentine’s Day is next week. For those who celebrate, or for those who just want to scrap about love and hearts… We are going to do just that today! (If hearts are not your thing, check out scrapping with triangles!) I am pretty much a square and rectangle scrapper. Every once in a while I will throw in a circle…exciting…I know!! lol. I love to see digital scrapbooking layouts that differ from how I scrap. It is a great way to get inspiration. Today we are going to look at some layout examples, template and digital scrapbooking supplies. All to help us get an idea how to scrap with hearts.






There are so many things you can do with hearts! Huge heart photos, heart patterned papers, papers cut into hearts, and heart elements. The list could go on-and-on. These are just a few examples that I found while looking through just one day’s of layouts on the gallery. If you would like further layout examples, go exploring! 🙂

Now, we are on to look at some template examples to scrap with hearts. There were so many examples. (All images linked!)









I told you there were so MANY great heart templates to be found in the store. I know that I have bombarded you with images and ideas. I am not going to stop there though! I showed you some great ideas to scrap your Valentine’s Day layouts the other day. I am going to add a few more items to that list. Mostly geared towards hearts. On to kits and others to scrap with hearts. (images linked)












Let’s Celebrate | Snow!

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! I know there are plenty of you out there that are sick of it already. Coming to the end of January and you have seen enough of it. I however live in the southern parts of the states. We hardly see any. We are lucky to get a dusting once a year; and I LOVE snow! I thought it would be fun to showcase some great items from the store to get those snow-filled photos scrapped.

I also enjoyed looking at all things purple last week; and showing you some lovely photos to get those creative juices flowing as well. I thought I would show you some snow photos to do the same thing. These images are from Pexels. (All photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.)




As well as those gorgeous photos, here are some lovely layouts to help you with some snow-tastic inspiration as well!




As always I will leave you with some great products from the store. There is an entire section dedicated to all things winter. Here are just a few of my favorites.












Creative Style | Purple


Hello scrappers. Today we are going to take a look at a creative style. Well, let me honest. It isn’t really a style so much as getting some inspiration from color.

There are many things that can make a layout stand out in the gallery. What grabs one person’s attention might not grab another’s. I could write multiple blog posts about what grabs mine. That being said, seeing a layout that has predominantly one color always grabs my attention. There really is no reason that I picked this color, except that I like it. Let us get some inspiration from the color purple.

We are going to take a look at some pretty purple images, some great digital scrapbooking layouts done up in purple, and round it up with the latest purple filled goodies from the store. If those do not do it for you, make sure you check out January’s Buffet. A lot of those have purple all through them!

Now, here are some lovely images to get those creative juices flowing. Did you know there was a place you could get pretty nice stock photos for free? These images are from Pexels. (All photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.) I use them on my personal blog. I thought I would share with you guys while we get some inspiration for scrapping with purple.



Fantastic right? I find inspiration for layouts in all kinds of places. Looking at beautiful photos are one of them. Want a bit more inspiration? Here are some layouts that are predominantly purple. You know, to help get those ideas flowing! (all images are linked to their counterpart in the store. Go leave some loving!)






Are these not some lovely layouts! I know part of that is the great designers we have here at GingerScraps. These layouts are beautifully scrapped though. I hope you found at least some inspiration from today’s post. I will leave you with some great designs to get those purple filled layouts scrapped. As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart. We actually have an entire location in the store just for purple items.







Creative Style | Project 52/365

Happy 2017 everyone! I got a bit overwhelmed at the start of the year; and I failed to bring you your weekly inspiration. Even though we are two weeks into 2017, it isn’t too late to start on our photo projects. I am talking about Project 365 and Project 52. What are those? According to Google

Simply put, Project 365 is committing to taking one photo a day for a year. Whether you’re using a fancy DSLR, or simply using your phone, there is no wrong or right way to put together your own Project 365.

Basically a photo a day for project 365 and a photo a week for project 52. You can capture it however you want, post it however you want (or not at all)…or scrap it! I personally post them on Instagram with my personal hashtag, as well as scrap them.

To help you on your way (and to keep going) GingerScraps has a challenge area just for this, as well as a section in the store dedicated to the products you can use on your layouts. Today we are going to showcase a few of those items.