Fresh Baked: AUGUST 14, 2020

Woohoo….we’ve made it to another Friday. Did you all come through relatively unscathed? I know different places had some wicked weather this week. We had an earthquake where I am and I didn’t even feel it.

As always, a $10 purchase in the GingerScraps store gets you this fun {dog days of summer} kit.

Let’s see what our designers have new for the middle of August.

Have you picked up the Monthly Mix yet? What a fun GingerBread Ladies collab.

And you still have a couple of weeks left to get your challenges logged for August and get this gorgeous kit as the reward. It only takes 10 completed challenges to qualify.

Make sure to check in the store tomorrow for the beginning of the August Bake Sale!!

Fresh Baked: AUGUST 7, 2020

It’s Friday again. Doesn’t it feel like we were just here? I’m looking forward to the weekend. Do you have any plans?

Remember, any $10 spent gets you this fun kit for free.

And now, the new goodies from our designers.

Don’t forget to get started on your challenges for August. This kit is so fun and it’s your reward for completing any 10 challenges.

Fresh Baked: August 1, 2020 & NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix and More

Welcome to August!!

It’s the beginning of a new month, so that means all the new goodies are available in the store. The designers went all sorts of directions with this month’s colors.

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

Aren’t these awesome?!?

The new month means new GingerBread ladies kits.

The Free with Purchase is going to be great for those puppy pictures. It’s free with any $10 purchase in the store.

I love the theme and colors for the August Monthly Mix. It’s {spec-tacular}.

The beginning of August also means a new Daily Download. This month the kit is provided by Down this Road Designs.

And finally, look at this sweet summer kit you get for completing 10 challenges.

Now for a sampling of beautiful layouts from our store CT.

You can see more awesome CT layouts in the Gallery.

Have a great weekend!!

Fresh Baked: JULY 31, 2020

Happy end of July everyone. We’ve been in the 90’s for the last two weeks. I guess it is July and it’s supposed to be warm, but I’m ready for fall temperatures.

Today is the last day to get this colorful {fruity fun} kit for free with the purchase of $10 or more in the store.

Let’s see what our designers have for the last Fresh Baked of the month.

Today is also the last day for the July Monthly Mix.

And make sure to get your challenges logged to be eligible for this fun kit for free.

Make sure to look for tomorrow’s post for all the Buffet goodies for August.

Fresh Baked: JULY 24, 2020

Welcome to another Friday. I’m excited this week because ⚾ baseball is back ⚾.  I’m a pretty much all around sports lover, but I have missed the sounds of summer. My team has their opener tonight. Are any of you big sports lovers? Comment and let me know what sports and teams you love.

Remember only a week left to get this goodie. Any $10 spent in the store gets you this kit for free.

Have you seen the July Challenge reward? You get his awesome full kit for completing 10 challenges.

Fresh Baked: JULY 17, 2020

It’s Friday! Yay! Last week I mentioned that I was going to be on vacation this week. Or stay-cation. Seemed like a perfect time to have a new washer and dryer delivered, right? Today is day three of a crazy delivery fiasco. So much for “easy”. Here’s hoping that by the end of the day I will have both washer and dryer installed and working.

Remember, when you spend $10 in the store you get this bright and colorful {fruity fun} kit for free.

Let’s get a peek at some of the new goodies in the store.

And lastly, remember any 10 challenges completed gets you this kit as a reward. How many of us are ready for 2020 to have a fresh start?

Fresh Baked: JULY 10, 2020

It’s Friday!!! And when I get done with work this afternoon, I’m technically on vacation for a week. It’s a stay-cation and right now I’m working from home so…. not sure there will be a real difference. But vacation is vacation.

Can you believe we are less than six months from Christmas? A little crazy, right. Seems like a perfect time for a sale.

I think it’s time to go shopping. 🙂

Remember, any $10 spent in the shop gets you this full collab.

Now let’s see what’s new in the store.

Have you grabbed this gorgeous Monthly Mix kit for July?

And finally, how are you doing on your challenges this month? Any 10 completed get you this kit as a reward.

Enjoy your weekend!

Fresh Baked: JULY 3, 2020

Welcome to the first Friday in July. Here in the US, we are getting ready for a big holiday weekend. It’s always a fun time with family and friends, although the groups will be smaller this year.

If you spend $10 or more in the store you get this awesome kit for free. Doesn’t it just scream summer?

Let’s take a look at some of the new kits in the store today.

Aren’t those just lovely?

Remember, if you complete 10 challenges you get this wonderful collab from the GingerBread Ladies. I think we need a {fresh start 2020}, don’t you?

Fresh Baked: JUNE 26, 2020

Happy end of June. Crazy isn’t it? With the end of June, though, comes an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G sale in the store.

Remember, any $10 spent in the store and you get this awesome kit!

Let’s see what our designers have new in the store.

Make sure you get your challenges listed in the forum. Complete any ten challenges and you get this full kit.

Fresh Baked: JUNE 19, 2020

Welcome to another Friday! We’ve had some unseasonably cold and we weather this week, but it should push out for a beautiful weekend.

Have you shopped and gotten this beautiful Free with Purchase yet? Just spend $10 in the store and it’s yours.

Time to see our Fresh Baked goodies!!

Have you grabbed this month’s Monthly Mix? These colors are GORGEOUS!!

Remember, complete any 10 challenges and you get this beautiful kit!