Summer Bucket List

Today we are going to talk Summer Bucket Lists. That is exactly like it sounds. A list of fun stuff to do before the summer ends. Did you know you could scrap those lists?! You can! I am going to show you some great inspiration from Pinterest to get those Summer Bucket Lists started. Even if you don’t scrap it, it will be fun to do! (images linked to their pin.)




Here are a few examples of some Summer Bucket Lists that have the digital scrapbooking twist to them.




I am totally going to make one of these this year! Now, you can use any digital scrapbooking supplies you want to make these. (Or none at all!). I personally would use a great summer kit. Since we are going to look at those summer items later in the week, I am not going to show them to you today. You can always find those here.

I am going to show you two great kits that I found in the store that are geared towards Summer Bucket Lists. How cool is that? Everything you need in a kit! Images are linked.


Let’s Celebrate – Memorial Day

What is Memorial DayMemorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. It isn’t always an easy subject to talk or scrap about. If I have learned anything though over the years of scrapping, it is that not only the fun and happy moments need to be scrapped.

With that in mind, I am going to show you some great items from our store that will help you scrap those memorial pages for your loved ones. We don’t have a Memorial Day section in the store per se. We do have a military section though. In case you don’t see what you need below. Get ready though. I am about to overload your sense again! (images are linked to their counterpart int he store.)







Thank you to all who serve!

Focus On – Templates

Good morning everyone! We had some people mention that they liked the previous/first “Focus On” blog post. So I am going to make a monthly thing! Today we are going to focus on something that is dear to my scrappy heart. Templates!

When I first started scrapping I didn’t know what a template was or how to use it. Now, at least every other page I scrap is scrapped with a template. I love how it allows me to scrap a way I might not would have scrapped on my own, how it saves on time, and how it really makes my composition better!

You can use templates for these reasons and more. You can follow templates exactly as given or you can take the template and let it be a running start for you. I love to take a template it and flip it on it’s head. Seriously! You can do that. I also like to take an entire template and shrink or enlarge it. There really is no ends on how you can use a template.

With that in mind, I am going to highlight some great templates from our store. As usual, there is a section dedicated just to them! You style might be different that what I showcase today (although I try to vary from what just catches my eye). There is hardly a week that goes by that there isn’t some templates in the Fresh Baked goodies.

Get ready. I am about to overload your senses with template goodness! All images are linked to their counterpart in the store.


















Whew! What a slew of amazing templates, right? I had a hard time narrowing them down, as you can well see. Now, this is just a small glimpse into what the store has to offer in regards to templates.

We have designers that pretty much only design templates. We have designers that put out templates nearly every week. Designers who put out templates with nearly every collection; and designers who put out monthly grab bags of templates. If you want templates, we have them!

Not sure templates are your thing? Want to try one or two without buying them first? Make sure you check out our by-weekly template challenge in the forum.


From the Archives Vol. 2

We are back in the archives this week. If you miss last month’s you can view them here. What archives ? Well, we are going to show you some digital scrapbooking supplies that are in the store that are at least a year old. Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store. With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it! 🙂

For the 2nd edition of From the Archives, we are going to to back as far as we can. Here are some of the oldest kits in the store. All images are linked so you can check them out in the store. They might be oldies, but I promise they are goodies!!

This is and will probably always be one of my favorite kits from Aprilisa. (I did suggest the colors after-all). It is a great boy kit that you can keep coming back to. What a great price as well!


Also one of my favorite kits from Pretty in Green. Yes…it is another boy kit. Such great colors and fun elements. I really like the kraft paper feel to it as well.


How about a beautiful kit that is a bit more on the girly side? This makes me think of glass slippers and pretty dresses. I really like the glittery feel to the entire kit.


On the theme of Disney, what about this kit from Connie Prince?! This looks like a kit that hardcore Disney lovers or even the average Disney lovers could keep coming back to.


I love Pixelily designs. There is always an artsy look to her more traditional designs.

There are 5 kits from the archives. Maybe you have some or all of these (I do!) or maybe these designs and designers are new to you. I suggest taking a look back in the store to see what you can find. I will be back once a month to help you do just that.

Celebrate Mother’s Day


Here in the states, today is Mother’s Day! A day we are celebrate and celebrate the mother’s in our life. I don’t know about you; but for me that includes some scrapping! Today we are going to take a look at some of the great items we have in the store for Mother’s Day. Some digital scrapbooking supplies. Like most holidays, there is a section dedicated in the store just for Mother’s Day. If you do not see something that strikes your fancy in today’s post, you can always look around the store. Here are just a few examples of some great Mother’s Day digital scrapbooking supplies. They are linked for your shopping pleasure.










Those are just a few of the great digital scrapbooking supplies to scrap the mother’s in our lives. I hope you all are having a great iNSD weekend and Mother’s Day weekend!


Creative Style | Pocket Scrapping


Hello scrappers! Are you having a good weekend? It is super busy over at my house. No time for scrapping for me. Sigh. That isn’t what we are here to talk about though. I am here to talk about scrapbooking styles. You know: fantasy, pocket, traditional, and everything in between. Some people scrap only one style. Some people (like myself) can scrap one style one day and another a next. I like to mix things up.

One thing I’ve really not scrapped is those great pocket pages. I love to cluster a bit too much. Those pages are lovely though! So neat, clean, and brought together. The perfect touch of ellies and patterned paper. Some of these layouts have photos and such tucked in actual pockets. Those are great! Others are just wonderfully blocked layouts. These layouts jump out of the galleries! So, that is what I did. I stalked the gallery and am here to show of some of those great pocket scrapbook pages that are filling the GingerScraps gallery. I will follow up all that great inspiration with some items from the store to help get your pocket layout started.
















There you go. Just a little peek at some of the pocket pages that are filling up GingerScraps layout and some great items to get them scrapped! They are super popular right now. Take a look around the galleries, grab some inspiration, and get to scrapping!


Focus On – Word Art

Hello Scrappers! Team member La’Shawn here with a new topic for the blog. I actually got this idea from you! The readers! We are going to take one thing, that isn’t a kit and focus on it. Our store has amazing designers that work so hard to bring us great digital scrapbooking supplies every week. Sometimes things get lost in the ever changing store. Some people don’t check the new releases every week. Some people are just starting and might not have seen some things from the past. That is where I come in. I am here to go back in the archives and bring you some great stuff.

This isn’t a from the archives post. We do have those! If you are looking for something that was in our store over a year ago, check HERE. This is where we just look at one thing. Today we are going to take a look at some great word art. Our designers are some of the best word art designers. I am going to bombard you with some great examples and tell you how to find more.


There is an entire section dedicated to word art in the store. You can find that HERE. For the sake of this post we are going to showcase just word art. We will showcase journal cards and flairs for another date. These will all be words made with alphas and elements and word strips.












This was only page 3 into the word art section. There are pages and page of amazing word art in the store. I don’t think I have a layout without some form of word art on it. I stink at titling my layouts. I use word art for a lot of my layouts. If you are a lover of word art like myself or new to them, there are some great word art to be found in the store. A great addition to any layout!

Thank you Heather C. for the great idea! We love to bring you guys things you can actually use in your digital scrapbooking. If you have any ideas, let us know! We will be happy to take a look at them and see what we can do.


Lyrical Scrapping – Try Everything

Hello scrappers! Today we are going to start a new series here on the blog. Lyrical scrapping. What is that?! We get inspiration for layouts and more in just about everything in life. One of the main things I get inspiration from is music. I can promise you that our designers do as well! We are going to take a song and see what kind of inspiration we can come up with from it.

This thought popped into my mind when I was watching the movie Zootopia. When I heard the song “Try Everything” by Shakira. I though, “this would be great inspiration for a layout!” So that is what we are going to do. Our first Lyrical Scrap is going to be based on this:

If you haven’t seen this movie…DO IT! We loved it. Here are the lyrics that really stuck with me though:

I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
‘Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
‘Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again
No, I won’t leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail

Here are some great items that I found in the store that reminded me of this song. (images linked)










Try everything!! I hope that you have gotten some inspiration from this song and products. I am working on my layout from this inspiration now. I would love to see your layout! If you scrap a layout with inspiration from this song and products, make sure to link us up! Leave your link in the comments.

I would also like to know what is your favorite song?! A song that gives you inspiration? I have a list but would like to add yours to it. Write a post about it for others to find some idea from it.


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | DigitalMcScrapper

Today we are going to get some inspiration from one of the talented GingerBread Girls. Today we are going to check out DigitalMcScrapper (aka Stephanie)’s gallery. She has the cutest kids and I enjoy seeing her layouts. I think you guys will too. Here are some of my favorite from her gallery:






WOW! Right?! All those lovely layouts are linked to her gallery. Make sure you run over and give her some love. While you are there, you can look around to see what grabs your attention. I know you will find some inspiration. One of my favorite things about Stephanie’s layouts (besides those darling little ones) is that she really knows how to fill a page. I am such a one to two photo scrappers. I really enjoy and get inspiration from seeing someone scrap lots of photos and fills a page.

Stephanie not only knows how to take advantage of space on her layout, she has wonderful clusters. She does not shy away from the fun and patterned papers; and has great title work.

I hope you find some great inspiration for your next layout. I really have no doubt that you will. Take a look at Stephanie’s gallery. Bookmark it! You will always find inspiration from it and the other GingerBread girls.


Fantastic Fonts | Spring Inspired

spring time fonts


Here are you some fun and free spring inspired fonts for your digital scrapbooking layouts. Below are the links to these fonts. Have fun!

FREE Spring Inspired Fonts

Lazy Spring Day

Moody Weather

New Garden

Spring Fun Vibes

Delicate Little Flowers

