Update to September Daily Download

From Seatrout Scraps and Mandy King designing as Across the Pond, “We have been made aware that pp7-12 were missing from the Summer Memories Daily Download. We apologize for this error! You can get these papers here https://bit.ly/2cXO0Ni. Thank you for understanding and have a great day!”

DD: June 14

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


Fresh Baked: December 01, 2013

HAPPY DECEMBER!! We’re at the last few newsletters for 2013! The year is nearly over! That doesn’t mean the fun is going to end! Whether you’re doing December Daily, a layout a day, or what, you’ll find this month full of kits perfect for whatever you’re doing!

This month, there’s no official theme to the buffet. There’s a unifying color palette, and the kits play together beautifully. Enjoy the December 2013 {Designer’s Choice} buffet series this month!

We have NEW Buffet options!! You asked for it, and we listened! The GS Buffet will now included FULL size kits!! In addition to the mix and match packs, you can now also find full size kits in the buffet section. The price point has been adjusted accordingly. Everything in the Buffet will always be $4.00 and under. Every month the new Buffet items will all be 50% off (from the 1-5th of the month). That means Full kits for $2 and a ton of mix and match packs all for $1!! You will not want to miss this!

The designers all had their own take on what the colors and theme said to them! I love the variety!

[Read more…]

Daily Download: Nov 01

Hello, our devoted Daily Download fans! It’s the time again! Time to reveal a new daily download! It’s gorgeous this month (as they are each month), and created by Tracy of Trixie Scraps!

Before I show it off, though, it’s the moment for the big reveal of the October Daily Download. October’s was created by Wendy, of Wendy Tunison Designs.


The color combination was amazing! Remember, if you missed a day, you’re able to purchase the kit, in the store!

Now to share Tracy’s wonderful design! The colors scream fall. It’s beautiful!


Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.

Challenge Spotlight – Daily Download Challenge

Well, hello there! How is everyone this lovely Tuesday? Hopefully my northern friends are keeping warm and my fellow southerners…have y’all put the A/C on yet in this 70+ weather?  😀  The new semester is already in full swing for me and I think I’ll be even busier this go ’round–sheesh! I do plan on getting some scrapping in, though, and what better place to start than one of our fabulous monthly challenges!  😉  This week I am spotlighting the daily download challenge hosted by the talented Isabel of Crisdam Designs!  Last month’s daily download kit was a wonderful wintery kit from Connie Prince, perfect for scrapping all your snowy photos! Yes, we Texans even had a white Christmas!  😀  Take a look at the kit:

If you missed downloading the kit last month, you can buy it right now in the store and still play along with this challenge. (And don’t miss out on this month’s, ladies!) All you have to do is scrap a page using the daily download kit–easy! Need inspiration? Check out some of the layouts already completed in the gallery…

By sparkysgirl

By sladd79054

By daisysmiles4you

Love all the beautiful, wintery layouts! It’s obvious my Texas white Christmas wasn’t very impressive after seeing these three layouts, but hey–they’ve definitely inspired me to scrap some of my little snow flurry pics! 😉 Now it’s your turn to show us what you’ve got! Scrap a layout using last month’s daily download kit and post it in the challenge thread!

Everyone who completes at least ONE (just one!) monthly challenge gets a reward at the end of the month! You can win one buffet piece of your choice, two buffet pieces or a shiny $5 store gift certificate–woohoo! All you have to do is check out all the challenges (some have freebies–double win!), participate in them, post your layouts and tally your completed challenges in the February Challenge Points Tracking thread. Again–easy!

Alright ladies, I’m off to get some studying done. Y’all have a wonderful week and I’ll see everyone back here next Tuesday for another challenge spotlight! 🙂

Daily Download: Feb 01

What are you expecting here? I don’t know. There’s nothing here to see!!

Okay, fine. I’ll give it to you.

Last month’s Daily Download was brought to you by Connie Prince, and OH GOODNESS, after January here, it was a perfect kit!


Thank you, Connie for your beautiful kit! Remember, if you missed a download, you can purchase all of the pieces now.

This month, Monica, of ViolaMoni had provided a SERIOUSLY cute kit!

Remember, the links are only up for about 5 days. After that, they’re removed, so if you miss a download, you’ll have to wait until the next month to buy the kit!

Hope you enjoy!

Daily Download July 01

Okay, who else is doing double-takes at the title of this post? Is it really already July? :O Where did June go?

I don’t know about you, but I think 2012 is flying by way too fast!! I’m excited to see what the next half of 2012 is going to off, though. That includes a new daily download for July! Before I show it to you, though, I am ready to show off June’s official preview!

First, can we give out a huge thank you to Jennifer, of Luv Ewe Designs, for her amazing kit that she had for download every single day of June? She created Sky’s the Limit, and it was seriously so cute! I could tell by the comments that you all really enjoyed the kit!!


It’s now available in the store! If you missed any pieces, you can get the whole kit!

Now, I’m super thrilled to share this month’s Daily Download designer! You’ve probably caught at least one of her Friday Late Night Scraps (if you haven’t, you need to ;)). If you guessed Terra, of Sugar Kissed Designs, you couldn’t be more right! The kit she designed for July is ADORABLE in all the right ways!

I hope you enjoy the pieces as much as I think Terra enjoyed creating them! It’s a HUGE kit! I hear there’s around 5-7 pieces per download 😀

Well, I’ll see you tomorrow with another piece! Enjoy!