Archives for March 2012

Team Spotlight: March Guest Designer – Erin from Secret Stash!

Good morning everyone! I admit, I got a late start today. It’s so easy to just ignore getting out of bed when I can make my husband roll out to get our little one up and dressed on Saturday mornings. 😉 I’ve got my coffee now, so let’s roll!

As many of you have seen and heard already, Erin from Secret Stash is our March Guest Gingerbread Lady.

Erin once called GingerScraps her home and was truly honored to be invited back as guest of the month!  I asked Erin a little bit about herself, her family and her designing.

I am a mom of two awesome kids, ages 8 and 4. I love to read books (pretty much non-stop, I always have a book going!) and photography. I am also unnaturally optimistic.

What is one thing we might not (yet) know about you?

That I’m actually answering these from my padded cell? No no wait. Hmmmm. I like to sing.

What is something you’ve done recently that you are proud of accomplishing? Anything that you’ve tried that was new to you?

I recently guest blogged for Modern June, that was really cool. I’ve never guest blogged anywhere so I was flattered to be asked and the subject was all about loving ourselves. It felt really good to put some real honesty about myself out to the universe.

What got you into designing?

I didn’t get how it was done! I just wanted to understand it was all. I was totally loving making layouts but to create the kits, I was at a complete loss as to how they did it. I wanted to be “in the know.”

What inspires your designing?

Everything. I’ve gotten inspiration from my kids, a commercial, a book, my mood, a magazine, a movie, etc. If it’s in front of my face, it’s fair game!

What about your kit, Work of He{ART} ? What was the inspiration, your favorite parts?

In the GS store right now for 25% off!

It was inspired by my little art lovin’ mess makers! Both my kids are seriously into drawing, painting and coloring, they fight over who has the most paper and crayons [ROFL!]. So it seemed necessary that there was a kit just for the messiest of little artists. My favorite part about this kit is the color swatch I used and the slight vintage touches here and there.

In one word, can you describe your design style?

Mine. 😛 

What is the one thing you can’t do without while designing? Anything special?

I have to design in the morning when my mind is fresh and I HAVE to have a bottomless cup of coffee.

What advice would you give to aspiring designers?

Persevere. If you like what you’re doing, then keep at it. Keep growing in your work and keep your mind open to evolving and changing with the times. Don’t get stuck in a slump, and don’t feel defeated if it’s not cracked out to be what you were hoping. If your heart is in it, you can go places with it!

Lastly, if you could travel anywhere or anywhen, where or when would it be and why?

Ireland. Because my name means Ireland, and I just plain old think it would be sweet.

I can’t argue that! Ireland is definitely on my list of places to see. I want to thank Erin for taking time out and telling us a little bit more about herself. Remember you can get Work of He{ART} in the GS shop RIGHT NOW!  So, whatya waiting for? 😉




Fresh Baked! 3/9

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  A beautiful day for a neighbor.  Would you be mine….Could you be mine?  Sorry, I had a Mr. Roger’s flash back.  Anywho, it really is nice here.  Yesterday was so warm (60s) that I was able to actually open windows and air out the house.  I think the Spring Cleaning bug bit me where I actually want to put clean sheets on beds.  Yeah, crazy I know!  I hate doing the sheets, but man, I’m actually considering it.  Not sure how much farther past “consider” I’ll make it but we’ll see.

We have a lot we need to go over today so let’s get right down to business.

As you know last week we started a new contest called Mystery Designer.  I showed you a sneak peek of a brand new kit and you have to guess who made it!  We had so many people guessing it was fun reading your guesses.  The time has come to annouce the winner of last week.

Once again here was the preview:

Who did you guess?  I can tell you the majority of the people guess Connie Prince.  I can tell you all now that it wasn’t her.  Sorry!  Are you know just dying to know who it was?  Well let me just pause here and let the anticipation grow more and more…..




That’s enough anticipation…The Mystery Designer..was the one….and only….

Inspired Designs!

Were you surprised?  Are you stunned?  Do you have a new favorite designer?  Let me show you her full reveal!

Now for the winners!

Facebook’s Winner Is:   Chalane Wride

Blog’s Winner Is: LaShawn

Forum’s Winner Is: cush464

I will be sending all of you a coupon so you can get the kit for free!!

Now for those of you who didn’t win, you can get the kit too (See?  Everyone’s a winner here at GingerScraps!).  Inspired Design’s Brand New Kit is for sale for all of you!  You can get it here.  Trust me when I say you won’t want to miss it!!

What did you think?  Was it fun?  I’m so glad to hear it!  Here is this week’s sneak peek.


 Who do you think made this kit?  You can tell me your guesses in the threads here in the forum, on the blog, or at Facebook.  Please have your guesses made by noon EST on Thursday 3/16.  We’ll pick a winner from each place and they will all get this kit for free!

Now to get on with the new releases so I can go put clean sheets on the bed…ugh, I really don’t want to but the thought is still very nice.

Have you checked out the kit that our guest designer made?  Secret Stash has this amazing kit in the store that you can only find here at GingerScraps.

Here is the free grab bag by Craft-tastrophic  that you get when you spend $10 in our store.

Now before I show you what is new this week, I want to show you something from last week.  I accidentally missed an image by Snickerdoodle Designs.  It is such a great kit I wanted to make sure you saw it.


Here are our new releases for today!














Golly gee whiz, I just love our designers!!!  I will see you back here on Friday.  Hopefully clean sheets will be on the beds!  Until then, don’t forget to guess our Mystery Designer!!

Mystery Designer #2

As you know last week we started a new contest called Mystery Designer.  I showed you a sneak peek of a brand new kit and you have to guess who made it!  We had so many people guessing it was fun reading your guesses.  The time has come to annouce the winner of last week.

Once again here was the preview:

Who did you guess?

Our mystery designer is the one and only

Inspired Designs!

Now for the winners!

Facebook’s Winner Is:   Chalane Wride

Blog’s Winner Is: LaShawn

Forum’s Winner Is: cush464

I will be sending all of you a coupon so you can get the kit for free!!

Now for those of you who didn’t win, you can get the kit too (See?  Everyone’s a winner here at GingerScraps!).  Inspired Design’s Brand New Kit is for sale for all of you!  You can get it here.  Trust me when I say you won’t want to miss it!!

What did you think?  Was it fun?  I’m so glad to hear it!  Here is this week’s sneak peek.


 Who do you think made this kit?  You can tell me your guesses in the threads  in the forum, on the blog, or at Facebook.  Please have your guesses made by noon EST on Thursday 3/16.  We’ll pick a winner from each place and they will all get this kit for free!

March Daily Download #8

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This Week’s Sneak Peeks!

Good Morning, Scrappers!  Here at Gingerscraps, our designers have been cooking up lots of new stuff for you! This week we can look forward to loads of cool color combos, fun embellies, and all around awesomeness!  I love the Layouts the CTs have been busy creating with these new goodies! Just fabulous! And here we go!

Yumminess is on its way! This certainly brightens my day!

Keep In Touch is whetting my appetite for COLORFUL COMBOS with these colorific collections below….So fresh and ready for spring!!!!




Joyful Heart Designs has this lovely collection of pretty papers coming out…



And from Twin Mom Scraps, this  juicy punch of prettiness below….Love the baroque patterns here!

 And from Pretty in Green, we have this coming your way…

You can get these collections and more at the Gingerscraps shop on Friday!!! So pull up a mouse and join me there!!!

Have a fabulous week, and enjoy the friendliest place in the digi world!

March Daily Download #7

Happy Wednesday!  Hope your week is going well… we are almost back to the weekend now.  🙂  Here’s today’s piece for you:

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Have a fabulous day!!!

Announcing a latest LOTW winner!

Congratulations to kandiced for winning LOTW! This layout is so much fun! I love all the boyish elements with the adorable photos! It makes a perfectly scrapped boy layout.  Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

March Daily Download #6

Hey there!  So glad everyone is liking this amazing kit from Ginger – you can check out more of her work in her store.  🙂

Just a quick reminder – I’ll be taking down the link to Day1 in the morning (because I forgot to remind you yesterday) – so if you have friends that you want to tell about the Daily Download – today is the day!  🙂  They are usually left active for 5 days – so remember to come back often and snag the pieces.  🙂

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And one more quick reminder – we are having a speed scrap with Pixels by Jen on Thursday, March 8th at 9pm Central / 10pm Eastern.  Hope to see you there!


Have a fabulous day!  🙂



March Daily Download #5

Hi there!


Just a quick reminder that today is the last day of the Bake Sale – don’t miss out on all the $1 goodies!  🙂


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Hope you have a fabulous day!

March Daily Download #4

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