Archives for July 3, 2012

Challenge Spotlight – NEW Buffet Challenge

Hello and happy Tuesday, ladies! Can you believe it’s JULY?! Where did the first half of the year go? Sheesh! Well, with summer months comes scorching heat and the desire to stay indoors! Need something to pass the time while you soak up the AC? Why not do some challenges and earn awesome prizes! This week I am spotlighting a brand new challenge: the buffet challenge hosted by our fearless leader, Ginger…of GingerScraps fame! 🙂

For this challenge, you are making a layout that goes along with our monthly buffet–easy peasy! This month’s buffet is seriously AMAZING and the forum is abuzz on how great a job our designers did with it! The theme is Away We Go!

The designers totally hit this one out of the ballpark! Whether you’re traveling by car, truck, RV, motorcycle, boat or plane this summer, this buffet has something for everyone’s summer vacation layouts! Now, let’s see some inspiration–the gals in the forum have already jumped all over this challenge with some gorgeous pages!

By judy in SD

By swastinadia

By mom2triplets04

Such awesome scraps, ladies! This buffet is SO fabulous: the colors, the elements, the papers–I just can’t say enough! All the layouts so far look *extra* amazing with this super buffet. 🙂

Ok, enough inspiration–now we want to see your creations! Starting this month, there is a NEW rewards system! You can follow that link to go read the forum thread, but here’s the lowdown for you impatient types (like me!). hehe

  • Completing 1-6 challenges=Your choice of ANY ONE item in the GS Buffet (any month/ any buffet)
  • Completing 7-13 challenges=Your choice of ANY TWO items in the GS Buffet (any month/ any buffet)
  • Completing 14 or more challenges= $5.00 Gift Certificate (expires 30 days after issue). You can use your Gift Card on ANYTHING you would like in the GS shop.

AWEEESOOOME! I don’t know about you, but I’m shooting for the $5 gift certificate. 😉  Don’t forget to keep track of your completed challenges by posting in the July Challenge Points Tracking thread. As usual, if you have any questions about this or any of the monthly challenges, please direct them to the Cookie Jar and some smart GS gal will help you out. 🙂

Don’t forget, if you want to see your beautiful work of art highlighted here, make sure you’re playing along with all the challenges! 🙂 For this week, that’s all folks; see you guys back here next week for another challenge spotlight! 😀

Daily Download July 03