Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Happy Tuesday, all! I’m so excited because today is the first day of school! *squee* I’m so excited about the sociology classes I’m taking this semester and ready for things to get underway. πŸ™‚ Speaking of excitement, I’m really excited about my spotlight for today because I’ve completed the challenge and I loved it! This week I am spotlighting the second template challenge hosted by Jen of Jen C Designs! It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Jen’s templates and I love the freebie she’s created for this challenge. It’s a simple template, but it’s just perfect; take a look!

Cute, right?! Β Like I said, so simple but so perfect. Truth: I’m always a sucker for paper stacks. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the awesome template, Jen! Of course with a template this great, the layouts are pouring in over in the challenge thread. There are lots of good ones, but I’ve picked out three pages to get your creative juices flowing…

By chigirl

By altimasport

By jenltip

Awesome creations, gals! Here we have three totally different layouts using the same exact template. One held the same as the designer made it, one with less photos and one with way more…and all excellent pages! πŸ™‚

Now you’ve GOT to go snag this template before the challenge ends when the month does! Can you believe it’s already the end of January?! (Seriously, time is flying lately.) That means this month’s challenges are coming to a close! If you haven’t started your post in theΒ January 2013 Challenge Tracking thread…what are you waiting for, silly?! You want a reward don’t you? I know I do–I’m a digiscrap hoarder for sure. Post and start tallying up your completed challenges for January so you can start out next month with a shiny new prize from the GingerScraps shop! πŸ˜€

Don’t forget that if you have any questions about this or any of our monthly challenges, you can leave those in the Cookie Jar and we’ll get back to you asap. πŸ™‚ Β Ok, now that I’m done blogging, it’s time to go STUDY! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Yes, I’m excited to study! πŸ˜› Y’all have a rad week and I’ll see you back here next week for the last challenge spotlight of January. πŸ™‚


  1. […] Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2 – 1 freebie(s)? […]