Daily Download: May 14


  1. I’m loving this kit! For some reason the Day 14 link isn’t working for me. I get the following message:

    404 Not Found
    The requested URL /GS_Designers/Missi/DD_MAY_2013/GS_May_DD_Scraptastic_Day_14zip does not exist.

    I’d love to have it if there is some other way to get it.

    Thank you!

  2. Yes, I am getting the same error. I also am loving this kit!

  3. Same here. Thanks for the kits you post, I really like them!

  4. I’m getting the same error message when I try to download. Thanks!

  5. I get the same error message as Tamsen. Love your daily downloads. Thanks!!!!!

  6. Blue Kube says

    I love this kit too and the link didn’t work for me either but if you insert a period after the “Day_14” in your browser, it works. The end should read “Day_14.zip”
    I hope this helps. It’s an awesome kit!
    Thank you!

  7. I get the same. Will Check back later.

  8. Add a peiod before the zip in the address line and it works. So it looks like this .zip

  9. Thank you Blue Kube! That period worked!!

  10. That didn’t work for me. 🙁

  11. Thank you, the period worked great. You have good eyes to spot that.

  12. Maria, just adding the period didn’t work for me either. My computer reverted back to the original version. So I added the period, then copied the entire address from my address bar. I went back to my home page and copied the address into that bar. Then it started downloading . 

    Hope that works for you!

  13. None of the different ways are working for me 🙁 I am loving this kit! The colors are amazing!

  14. Thank you so much. Thanks to those who noticed the url error. But I also have to say I find it interesting the there are so many that will comment to “complain” but on a day to day basis you never post your thank you’s. Unbelieveable!

  15. Thank you for the download! I agree Janet – I saw how many posts there were and thought to myself – “I bet something’s not working”. I think people were trying – and succeeding – to be helpful rather than “complaining” but come on ladies remember the thanks on the other days too.

  16. crystalnva says

    THANK YOU ;~} Im one of the ones that always says THANK YOU ;~} just as much as I say PLEASE…(patting myself on the back)

  17. Thank you very much!

  18. Kim Goodman says

    thank you

  19. Thank you!