April 2020 Challenges

Hey there scrappers. Did you know that GingerScraps has 28 challenges you can complete each month? Yep – 28.  I know. I was blown away when I actually counted them. Did you know that if you complete any 10 of these, you get a free FULL SIZED KIT designed especially for this purpose (see the bottom of this post)? That’s just crazy, right?

In order to get your rewards, you must keep track of your layouts in the Cookie Jar tracking thread in forum. You just copy and paste the information MissDamsel has provided into a new post. During the month, every time you create a layout for a challenge, come back to your message and edit it with the link to your layout in the gallery.

April 2020 – Challenge Reward Info
Monthly Challenge Rules –

  • You will receive the collab of the month in which you COMPLETE your 10 challenges.
    For Example:
    You do 5 in March, 2 in April and 6 in May – you would get the May collab.
    You do 7 in March and 4 in April – you get the April collab
    You do 10 each month you get EACH Collab!! (BEST DEAL!!)
  • Challenge rewards will be sent out after the 5th of the month
  • All challenges layouts must have at least 50% of GS products – Daily Download and Welcome wagon counts. (See individual challenge rules for specific rules on usage such as Designer Spotlight Challenge)
  • Speed Scraps and Chats DO NOT count towards your challenge rewards (of course your host will usually provide fun goodies for all attending their SS or Chat)
  • Every challenge must have a unique LO. Meaning, you can not use the same LO for more then 1 challenge (the only exception is the Layout Bingo challenge – more on that in the next blog post).
  • You are responsible for tracking your completed challenges, find the monthly tracking thread in the “Cookie Jar“, and follow the guidelines.

(Just in case you missed it above – your challenges add up from month to month until you get to 10.)

Challenge Rewards:
Complete any 10 challenges, and you will receive a brand new designer collab!
Each month we will offer a brand new GingerBread Ladies collab as a reward for completing the GS challenges.

Complete any 10 challenges, during the month of April 2020, and receive this collab for FREE!!

Bloom & Grow: A collaboration from our GingerScraps designers
By Designers: JB Studios, LouCee Creations, Miss Fish Templates, Aimee Harrison

  • 2 Alphas {Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers & Punctuation}
  • 50 Papers
  • 85 Elements

Come back tomorrow for the a spotlight two of the challenges you can choose from.


  1. […] on a challenge (or two) that you can do to earn a full kit reward from GingerScraps. Check out the post from April 4, or the Cookie Jar thread in the forum for all the fun information about how the challenges work […]