Studio Liv
Happy New Year! I hope the dust has settled at your house and you’re getting a little chill time in. I also hope we’ve gotten an upgrade on the last couple of years. We all need a break.
With the new year, GingerScraps has been freshening up and building on past successes. Our community is the our biggest strength and the Designer Lineup is spectacular!! Let’s get acquainted with one of our newest Designers, Olivia – Studio Liv. Of course, I started our chat with the most ordinary question…
J: How long have you been designing?
O: I started designing scrapbook supplies in July 2021, and I’ve been designing at GingerScraps since September 2021.
J: Ooh, you’re a real newbie! Welcome, welcome!! What made you decide to design?
O: I studied graphic design in college, and I’d given some thought to opening a shop to sell stickers and stationery. Then I tried making scrapbook kits which led to me joining GingerScraps!
J: I bet you know lots of industry-insider things the average digi-scrapper would never know. What tools do you use to create your designs?
O: I design using Adobe Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC. I illustrate elements using Procreate on my iPad Pro.
J: Did I call it? Now we know what you’re designing with, please tell us about your design workplace.
O: Currently I work out of my bedroom. I have a gaming PC with two monitors (a recent addition that I highly recommend). On my desk I keep my planners, iPad, and pens and markers. On the wall, I have a cork board displaying my enamel pin collection, whiteboard, and framed art.
J: So you’re a bit of a hybrid, and you sound very organized. I used to have an enamel pin collection too! But I think it got lost in a move. Here’s a hard question for you. What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?
O: I really love my Very Merry Kit! I am proud of the illustrations I made for this kit.
J: So cute!! Here’s a softball question now. If money was no object, what would your perfect vacation look like?
O: Any location, but something with no agenda! Just deciding what to do as the day arrives, if anything.
J: It’s so much more relaxing to just do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it, isn’t it? I’d say that’s what a vacation should be. What would you do if you won the lottery?
O: Pay off my college loans, help my family out, buy a home, and donate to charities.
J: Being debt-free would be like a dream, wouldn’t it? If you could have a super power, what would you like it to be?
O: Teleportation! I want to see the world without all the driving and plane rides.
J: YES! I used to wish I could just blink and be home, instead of having to drive across the city in all kinds of weather after a hard ICU shift. Have you ever met anyone who’s famous?
O: I’ve done a couple meet and greets after concerts, including BarlowGirl, Superchic[k], and Andy Mineo.
J: I have to admit, none of those names ring any bells for me. Wait while I Google them… I see they’re Christian rockers. I’m more of a country music fan. But I’ve met Fred Penner. Hahahahaha!! What did you want to be when you were small?
O: When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher. In high school I wanted to be a photographer. Then in college I decided graphic design was more my thing!
J: Well, let’s make sure you make a living!! Ladies, Olivia has a super-sweet Daily Download for us that you can pick up right here on the Blog. Here’s a sneak peek:
And because she’s generous to a fault, she’s also giving everybody 25% off everything in her store this month!! She’s hosting the Designer Spotlight Challenge, and because she’s new, here’s some help for your chance to play along.
Check out her designs – I linked her store up there at the top of the post – and get her Spotlight month off to a roaring start!