There’s an App For That – Beautiful Mess

I don’t know about you, but I wish I could scrap more often. I scrap at home, while the guys are watching something I have no desire to or while everyone is sleeping. I’ve thought more than once how I wish that I could scrap on the go. While I have not been able to find an app that lets me scrap from start to finish. I have found a few that cuts out some steps and I can do on the go. Not to mention they add special touches to my layouts. I am stopping by today to talk about one of those apps!

A Beautiful Mess

What is this app you ask? A Beautiful Mess is a photo editing app. It comes with 6 photo filters, quite a few fonts, great borders, word art, and doodles. You can make in-app purchases for more of everything (except the filters). The in-app purchases are $0.99 a piece.

When using A Beautiful Mess, it crops the photo to a square. Once you are done, it saves it to your photo library. It is available in iTunes and Google play. A lot of you will have known about and used this app. However, for those who do not, let me tell and show you how this can help your digital scrapping!

I took 4 photos that I had taken while my son and I were out having our, “Me & You Day”. I edited these in about 10 minutes or less.

shawnbearscrap_a beautiful mess

shawnbearscraps_abeautiful mess

So, as you can see I took photo photos and added to them. Little word art here, a tad of color there, and fun borders. Now, how does this help with scrapping? It might have only taken me 10 minutes or less to do this in Photoshop. I think with the searching and creating though, it would have taken a bit longer. Not to mention, I can do this while waiting for an appointment, or laying in bed being lazy! I didn’t have to lug out my laptop or go sit at my desktop. How easy would these be to put in a layout?

Fun, right?! Don’t limit yourself to your computer and remember, you don’t just have to pocket scrap with these kinds of photos. Explore your phone’s apps and see what you can come up with. If you find a really cool new app, let me know! I would love to check it out and might even use it in a future post.

Made a layout using a photo from A Beautiful Mess?! Remember to upload it in the gallery and come back and link us up! We love to see what you are scrapping!



Focus On – Word Art

Hello Scrappers! Team member La’Shawn here with a new topic for the blog. I actually got this idea from you! The readers! We are going to take one thing, that isn’t a kit and focus on it. Our store has amazing designers that work so hard to bring us great digital scrapbooking supplies every week. Sometimes things get lost in the ever changing store. Some people don’t check the new releases every week. Some people are just starting and might not have seen some things from the past. That is where I come in. I am here to go back in the archives and bring you some great stuff.

This isn’t a from the archives post. We do have those! If you are looking for something that was in our store over a year ago, check HERE. This is where we just look at one thing. Today we are going to take a look at some great word art. Our designers are some of the best word art designers. I am going to bombard you with some great examples and tell you how to find more.


There is an entire section dedicated to word art in the store. You can find that HERE. For the sake of this post we are going to showcase just word art. We will showcase journal cards and flairs for another date. These will all be words made with alphas and elements and word strips.












This was only page 3 into the word art section. There are pages and page of amazing word art in the store. I don’t think I have a layout without some form of word art on it. I stink at titling my layouts. I use word art for a lot of my layouts. If you are a lover of word art like myself or new to them, there are some great word art to be found in the store. A great addition to any layout!

Thank you Heather C. for the great idea! We love to bring you guys things you can actually use in your digital scrapbooking. If you have any ideas, let us know! We will be happy to take a look at them and see what we can do.


Lyrical Scrapping – Try Everything

Hello scrappers! Today we are going to start a new series here on the blog. Lyrical scrapping. What is that?! We get inspiration for layouts and more in just about everything in life. One of the main things I get inspiration from is music. I can promise you that our designers do as well! We are going to take a song and see what kind of inspiration we can come up with from it.

This thought popped into my mind when I was watching the movie Zootopia. When I heard the song “Try Everything” by Shakira. I though, “this would be great inspiration for a layout!” So that is what we are going to do. Our first Lyrical Scrap is going to be based on this:

If you haven’t seen this movie…DO IT! We loved it. Here are the lyrics that really stuck with me though:

I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
‘Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again
No I won’t leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
‘Til I reach the end and then I’ll start again
No, I won’t leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail

Here are some great items that I found in the store that reminded me of this song. (images linked)










Try everything!! I hope that you have gotten some inspiration from this song and products. I am working on my layout from this inspiration now. I would love to see your layout! If you scrap a layout with inspiration from this song and products, make sure to link us up! Leave your link in the comments.

I would also like to know what is your favorite song?! A song that gives you inspiration? I have a list but would like to add yours to it. Write a post about it for others to find some idea from it.


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | DigitalMcScrapper

Today we are going to get some inspiration from one of the talented GingerBread Girls. Today we are going to check out DigitalMcScrapper (aka Stephanie)’s gallery. She has the cutest kids and I enjoy seeing her layouts. I think you guys will too. Here are some of my favorite from her gallery:






WOW! Right?! All those lovely layouts are linked to her gallery. Make sure you run over and give her some love. While you are there, you can look around to see what grabs your attention. I know you will find some inspiration. One of my favorite things about Stephanie’s layouts (besides those darling little ones) is that she really knows how to fill a page. I am such a one to two photo scrappers. I really enjoy and get inspiration from seeing someone scrap lots of photos and fills a page.

Stephanie not only knows how to take advantage of space on her layout, she has wonderful clusters. She does not shy away from the fun and patterned papers; and has great title work.

I hope you find some great inspiration for your next layout. I really have no doubt that you will. Take a look at Stephanie’s gallery. Bookmark it! You will always find inspiration from it and the other GingerBread girls.


Fantastic Fonts | Spring Inspired

spring time fonts


Here are you some fun and free spring inspired fonts for your digital scrapbooking layouts. Below are the links to these fonts. Have fun!

FREE Spring Inspired Fonts

Lazy Spring Day

Moody Weather

New Garden

Spring Fun Vibes

Delicate Little Flowers



From The Archives Vol. 1

We are going to start something new here on the blog. From the title you can probably guess that we are going to go back in the archives. What archives? Well, we are going to show you some digital scrapbooking supplies that are in the store that are at least a year old. Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store. With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it! 🙂

For the first edition of From the Archives, we are going to to back as far as we can. Here are some of the oldest kits in the store. All images are linked so you can check them out in the store. They might be oldies, but I promise they are goodies!!

This is one of my most favorite kits from Pretty in Green. As a mom of a boy and Aunt to 3 more, I have been in and witnessed my fair share of dart battles. It never fails that when I move my couch to clean there are darts behind/underneath it.


This is one jam packed kit from Inspired Designs! It is only $4 as well.


Look at all those pretty flowers in Blue Heart Scraps kit! I see so many scrapping ideas for this kit. Such lovely colors as well.


Gotta a fu-ever friend in your life? I’ve got one and this kit from Aprilisa Designs is a perfect addition to your scrap stash. Never can be without too many pup kits when you got them in your life!


I am such a fan of Colie’s Corner! She doesn’t have a new release every week; but when she does they are fantastic! I suggest if you don’t have some of her designs to go check out her store. There are some great ones in there; like this one!

There are 5 kits from the archives. Maybe you have some or all of these (I do!) or maybe these designs and designers are new to you. I suggest taking a look back in the store to see what you can find. I will be back once a month to help you do just that.


Let’s Celebrate Spring!


Spring! Spring sprung a few weeks ago here in the states. It is just now getting to feel like spring now where I live. Even if Spring has sprung or Fall is here and you just want to look back at those Spring photos and get them scrapped, I have some great products for you!

I don’t know if you have noticed, but it is like the store and gallery comes alive once Spring comes around. Such beautiful colors, themes and flowers fill the store! Of course there is a section dedicated to all things Spring in the store. You can find that HERE. Today though, I am going to pick a few out of the store that are my favorite and showcase them. All images are linked!











Great, right?! This is what I found only 5 pages into the search. There are FIFTY more pages in the spring section. I told you that the store comes alive when Spring comes around here in the states. I hope some of these will get your creative juices flowing! Makes sure you upload your images to the gallery and links us up here if you use any of them. We would love to see your work!


Let’s Celebrate Easter!

Tomorrow is Easter. Are you ready? Make sure you take your camera long for those Easter Egg hunts and fun Easter activities. I wouldn’t suggest pulling your camera out and clicking away while you are at church…but each their own. lol. Today though, I am going to show you some of the great products GingerScraps has in store to get those photos you are going to take tomorrow scrapped.

As usual, there is a section dedicated to this holiday in the store. You can click HERE to view that. I am taking the hard work out of it for you though. I searched the store and that section and going to showcase some of my favorites. Hopefully you will like some of them too! As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart in the store.










This is just a small look at what the store has to offer! If one (or some) of these are not what you are looking for, make sure you run over to the store and take a look around. There are many many more where these came from. You can also take a look at last year’s Celebrate Easter post. There are some great items in that as well! (Some of my favorites in fact!)

For those of you, like me, who are celebrating Easter, I hope it is a great, fun and peaceful holiday. Happy Easter!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Colleen


Good afternoon scrappers! Today we are going to be getting some digital scrapbooking inspiration from one of the GingerBread girls. One of the lead GingerBread girls to be exact! Today we are going to be taking a look at Colleen’s gallery.


Colleen’s gallery is packed full of real-life moments scrapped. Each layout is filled with great photos and fun themes! Colleen can really fill a page. She knows how to take a kit and use it to make her photos shine. Everything she seems to scrap really compliments each other. She also has some fantastic two-page layouts! Here are just a few examples of Colleen’s layouts. All images are linked. I hope you get some inspiration from these & if you have the time, leave her some love.





Great, right!

Creative Style | Green


Hello scrappers. Today we are going to take a look at a creative style. Well, let me honest. It isn’t really a style so much as getting some inspiration from color.

There are many things that can make a layout stand out in the gallery. What grabs one person’s attention might not grab another’s. I could write multiple blog posts about what grabs mine. That being said, seeing a layout that has predominantly one color always grabs my attention.  Since we are edging up on St. Patrick’s Day, I thought it would be fun to get some inspiration from the color green.

We are going to take a look at some pretty green images, some great digital scrapbooking layouts done up in green, and round it up with the latest green filled goodies from the store. If those do not do it for you, make sure you check out the Let’s Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day post from last week.

Now, here are some lovely images to get those creative juices flowing. Did you know there was a place you could get pretty nice stock photos for free? These images are from Pexels. (All photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.) I use them on my personal blog. I thought I would share with you guys while we get some inspiration for scrapping with green.






Fantastic right? I find inspiration for layouts in all kinds of places. Looking at beautiful photos are one of them. Want a bit more inspiration? Here are some layouts that are predominantly green. You know, to help get those ideas flowing! (all images are linked to their counterpart in the store. Go leave some loving!)

Natural Beauty by kpmelly

obstacle by jerilie

Walk by Jenn18


blessed by craftytam

Are these not some lovely layouts! I know part of that is the great designers we have here at GingerScraps. These layouts are beautifully scrapped though. I hope you found at least some inspiration from today’s post. I will leave you with some great designs to get those green filled layouts scrapped. As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart. We actually have an entire location in the store just for GREEN items.

