June 17, 2022: Fresh Baked

Happy Friday Scrappers! I hope you are all ready for an amazing weekend. Our designers have some beautiful goodies for you this week!

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

How are your challenges going this month? Just 10 completed challenges will get you this collab as a reward.

Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.

June 10, 2022: Fresh Baked

Welcome to the end of another week. We made it. I had my doubts this week. A rough work week. I’m ready for the weekend! Let’s start off this weekend with our Summer Dreamin’ Flash Sale.

Don’t forget, you must check out by 11:59pm on June 13. 

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

Let’s check on the new Fresh Baked items.

How are your challenges going this month? Just 10 completed challenges will get you this collab as a reward.

Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.

June 3, 2022: Fresh Baked

Hello everyone! How are you doing on this first Friday in June? Do you have plans for the weekend? We don’t yet, but I’m sure we’ll find something to get into. Have a great weekend!

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

Time to see what is new in the store!


Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.


GingerScraps: NEW Buffet, New FREE with Purchase Collab, & MUCH MORE!

Welcome to June and the start of summer (according to weather people) and hurricane season. Let’s take a look at all the awesome new kits we have for the buffet.

Let’s start off with our Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

I just adore these bright colors and I love what the designers came up with. Remember, since they all use the same color theme, you can mix and match the kits to make whatever you need.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. This Free With Purchase was created by: Connie Prince, Lindsay Jane, Magical Scraps Galore, PrelestnayaP Design, and Trixie Scraps. It contains 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 45 Papers, and 100 Elements.

The June Monthly Mix is all about those {summer vibes}. The Monthly Mix was created by: ADB Designs, Alexis Design Studio, Karen Schulz, and Tami Miller Designs. It contains 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 50 Papers, and 72 Elements.

Now to the June Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Carol W Designs! Make sure you are checking the blog every day to get all the pieces of this kit!

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward! This was created by: Craft-tastrophic, Cutie Pie Scraps, Memory Mosaic, Polka Dot Chicks, and Tinci Designs. It contains 1 Alpha {Lowercase, Numbers & Some Punctuation}, 59 Papers, 91 Elements, and 4 12×12 Templates {page, png, psd, tif file formats}.

And now a little inspiration from our store CT using the Monthly Mix collab.

May 27, 2022: Fresh Baked

Can you believe it’s the end of May? Remember me complaining about our warm temperatures last week? This week has been rainy, overcast, and unseasonably cool. I think Mother Nature has lost her mind. I hope you have had a lovely week!

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab.

Let’s see what we have new in the store this week.

How are those challenges? Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great collab for free.



May 20, 2022: Fresh Baked

Welcome to another Friday! I hope that you have all had a great week. We’ve had a heat wave. I’m so not ready for summer temperatures!

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab.

Let’s look at our new releases. There are definitely a few I want to grab!

Have you grabbed the May Monthly Mix? Make sure to grab this before the end of the month to get it at a great price.

How are those challenges? Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great collab for free.


May 6, 2022: Fresh Baked and iNSD Sales, Fun and Games

Goodness y’all. It’s that time of year again. Are you excited for iNSD? You know we always do it big here at GingerScraps. I hope you are ready for a week of sales, fun and games, and more!

As always, our designers have put together some wonderful grab bags. The graphic below will take you right to that part of the store.

Are you ready to see what our designers have for this great celebration?

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. Should be easy with all these great iNSD sales.

Don’t forger to work on all your challenges! Just 10 completed challenges gets you this great collab for free.

GingerScraps: NEW Buffet, New FREE Collab, & MUCH MORE!

Happy May Day! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. This weekend is the calm before the storm for us at GingerScraps. More on that at the end (so make sure you read all the way to the bottom). 

Let’s start off with our Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

I just adore these colors and I love what the designers came up with. Remember, since they all use the same color theme, you can mix and match the kits to make whatever you need.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. Do you like to look at the stars? We love tracking the International Space Station and watching it fly over our house.

This May Monthly Mix is going to be perfect for all those Mother’s Day photos. 

Now to the May Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Designs by Lisa Minor and let me tell you, it’s HUGE!! Make sure you are checking the blog every day to get all the pieces of this kit!

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward! Learning to take a little time for myself has been my new mantra the last two years and it’s made a huge difference. 

Here are a few layouts from our store CT using the May Free with Purchase kit.

And hold onto your hats scrappers. Next week is iNSD and you know we do it big at GingerScraps. I can’t wait!


April 29, 2022: Fresh Baked

Goodness! Where did April go? We are already 1/3 of the way through 2022. I hope you have had a great week!

Have you gotten the Free With Purchase kit for April Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free.

Look at these beauties from our designers:

Have you grabbed the April Monthly Mix?

How are your challenges going? Just complete 10 challenges and get this full kit as a reward.


April 22, 2022: Fresh Baked & RETIRING PRODUCTS!

It’s a big week at GingerScraps. It’s time for our Spring Cleaning Retiring Products Sale!!

Check out the Free With Purchase kit for April Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free.

Now, let’s see what great new items the designers have for us this week.

How are your challenges going? Just complete 10 challenges and get this full kit as a reward.