Archives for March 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

What does a busted phone and a sad Snickerdoodle have in common? Not much, actually. Just a little jealousy on my part that my husband got a new phone. He got an HTC Inspire. BIG upgrade from a basic texting dumphone (Samsung Impression). I had to resist adding the Gingerscraps app to it.

What? You didn’t know that Gingerscraps has an Android app? Well, they do!! They have one for the iPhone (or other such devices) and for Windows 7 phones!

Sweet, right? Reminds me that I need to get onto someone about updating this ad! Windows 7 is available!

Other news? What? Really? You still want to hear me?

Oh geeze! I’m turning into Shannon! *hides*

On the Facebook page, Jacque wonders what everyone did on Monday. Personally, I was in bed. Sinuses. Blech! Anyone else abhor them?

On the forum, Jen, of Jen Yurko Designs, asked which app to use: Forum Runner or Tapatalk for her Droid. As a future owner of an Android (I’m getting the same one as my husband Open-mouthed smile). Looks like BOTH are getting good reviews. For Windows users: I suggest Board Express.

Speaking of Android apps, I posted, looking for the BEST apps for Android. I’m an app girl. I like to make everything all me and personal. I can do that with apps!!

Now, it’s March. Yeah, it’s March already. Where did February go?

How did you do with the challenges? Yeah, I didn’t do too well. Goal for March for me personally is to do at least four of them!!

One I’m definitely trying is the Technique Challenge. Selective coloring, basically, is what you’re learning. Plus, there’s an ADORABLE kitty in the thread!! I swear I heard it purr at me!

Another one I’m going to attempt to do is the FONT CHALLENGE!!

Considering a certain popular show on ABC, this font is PERFECT for that. Anything related to reading or something! Hey, you could use the new BUFFET on it!! The Reading Room!

I can’t wait to see what you do!!


March’s book is The Hunger Games!! Join us for discussions starting March 07, and an unscheduled at the moment chat at the end of the month!

Before I forget!!

You still have a day or so!! Go check it out!!

Well, I think that’s about it!! If you have anything you think should be brought forth for a weekly round-up on Gingerscraps, give me a holler on Gingerscraps (I’m Sarah on there)! I’ll see what I can do!!

Team Spotlight: Craft-tastrophic!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope your weekend has started off wonderful. Were you able to sleep in? Have that big cup of coffee in your fuzzy slippers?

This week’s Team Spotlight member is Ivonne from Craft-tastrophic!

She’s our March Grab Bag designer (which you can get for FREE with a $10 purchase in the store!).  Which I can say I actually have already after a teeny little shopping spree last night! It’s a very versatile pack, so I highly advise you to get shoppin’! 😉

Earlier this week I caught up with her and asked her a little bit about herself.

I live in Mexico, married to Jorge, 15 years ago and mother to Keila 6yo, I like spinning and Zumba as well as swimming in the beach… let´s say… Hawaii 😀

How did you begin designing?

I bought my PSP to edit pictures and to create images to make cards, then I discover digital scrapbooking and got involved in a designer contest where I won a spot to sell in one store.

What inspires your designing?

Everyday, everything and love.

What is the one thing you need while designing?

I like to have music while designing.

In one word, how would you describe your design style?

I´ll have to say Craftastrophic-o 🙂

I then asked Ivonne about her kits- her first, best-selling and favorite. 

My very first kit is Family Memories, still available at my store, and still selling 

The very best seller is Neutralized

and my favorite kit at store is Fall-land.

All three are available in the store. I love how deep and rich her color pallets are.  One thing I really love about Craft-tastrophic’s designs are her templates (which I have added several to my wishlist!). Here is one in particular I can’t wait to get my hands on.

Go check ’em out!

I asked Ivonne what her advice is for aspiring designers, she replied with,

I´ll say like in everything, prectice, practice, practice to achieve quality work.

What is one thing we may not know about you, Ivonne?

You may not know I´m a Pediatrician, it took me like 11 years to get there after High school. I also collect embossing templates, ribbons, and punchers.

Finally, I asked her to share the funniest little quip she recently came across, meme, joke, quote, book…

Hope you got a good giggle too, I know I did!

Thank you Ivonne for taking a few moments to tell us a little bit more about you and your designing. We hope to see many more beautiful kits from you!  And don’t forget ladies, to get your March Grab Bag!


March Daily Download #3


Hello all!

Don’t forget – there are only 2 more days left in this month’s Bake Sale – lots of kits for ONLY $1!!!!


Hope you are having a great weekend so far – here’s Day #3:

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Fresh Baked! 3/2

Long time no see!  It’s been what?  A few hours?  Were you excited about all the new stuff that is going on this month?  Don’t forget our $1 bake sale is going on for a few more days…we have some great deals in there!!

Do you remember yesterday when I metioned we have a new contest starting?  Well the contest starts TODAY!  YAY!  Here’s the deal I’m going to post a sneak peek for a brand new kit.  You will need to look at it, and guess who made it.  To make everything fair – no one but the designer and me knows the answer.  No one knows who is participating, or whose week is when (well except for  The designers aren’t allowed to show it to their CT or the store CT.  When I tell you this is fair, it is completely fair (plus no GS staff members are allowed to participate just to keep everything even more fair).

What I’m going to do is post the sneak peek in the forum, on the blog and on facebook.  It will have it’s own thread so if you are reading this on the blog or on facebook, please don’t post here.  Look for the individual posts in the forum, on the blog (leave a comment with your guess), and on facebook.  Next Friday I will announce the kit, the designer and the 3 winners…along with showing you the next sneak peek…so get your guesses in within the week!

What you need to do is go to those places (you can guess once at each place if you want) to tell me who the designer is.  I will be picking 1 winner from each place and they will win that kit for free!!  Sounds like fun right?  We are calling this “Mystery Designer”.  Ready to start?

Leave your guesses in the FORUM, on the BLOG, and on FACEBOOK.  Maybe you will be our winner!!!

Now it’s time to talk about our newest Welcome Wagon kit.  As you know this is a free sample of our designers’ work.  All you have to do is be registered in our forum and you can have them.  This week our new Welcome Wagon kit is made by the one and only Connie Prince.  Exciting huh?  To have a free kit made by THE Connie Prince?  CRAZY but true!  Check out our Welcome Wagon forum to get it!

 Now it’s time to show you our New Releases.  Can I just remind you of our free grab bag you get when you spend $10?  Craft-tastrophic Designs did a great job with it!!

Here are the new releases!!




















There you go my friends!  Have a great week and get those guesses in for our mystery designer!!!

Mystery Designer!! 3/2

Hello and Welcome to our very first Mystery Designer Contest!!!! Starting today I will be showing you a sneak peek of a brand new kit. Your job is to guess which of our designers designed it!!! Take a look at the sneak peek, take a look around the store and see if you can guess whose style it fits with!!

You have until Thursday 3/8 at 12:00 EST to leave a comment with your vote. On Friday 3/9 I will show you the full kit in our newsletter (make sure you are subscribed!!), I will announce who the designer is, and I will announce the winners!! There will be a winner from here on the blog, a winner on Facebook, and a winner in our forum. You can definitely make a guess at each place!! I just ask that you only guess once at each place.  The winner from each place will receive this kit for free next Friday!

Leave a comment on this post as this is the only blog post we will be picking from.

Ready to start! Awesome!

Here is our very first Sneak Peek!!

(Just a hint, the font used here will be used on every mystery designer sneak peek.  All the sneak peeks will look the same so don’t let that distract you.)

****If you are reading this on Facebook please don’t comment here – go to our blog and leave a comment there.  Facebook with have another thread.****

March Daily Download #2

Hope you had a great 1st day of March.  What are your thoughts on this great new kit?  I love it!  It’s so different and I can’t wait to use it in some layouts for my boys!  🙂


Here’s day #2:

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Have a fabulous day!!!

This Week’s Sneak Peeks!

Helloooo Scrappers! Beth here, with FANTABULOUS sneak peeks for you!

If you like color, and templates, this week’s sneak peeks will whet your appetite for some awesome digi supplies! You MUST add these to your collection! You will find each of these pretty products indispensable! I can see using all these collections in SO many ways, and I can’t wait to get started!!!!

So, again, here I sit at the shop’s front doors, mouse in one hand, coffee in the other, waiting (not so patiently) for Friday’s debut of such fabulosity at its best.

Folks, we have some seriously talented designers at Gingerscraps. You HAVE to check these out!!!!! But, alas, you to must wait until Friday. Come, sit next to me. Here, pull up a chair, and have a coffee….I’ll share!

Here we go with this week’s Sneak Peeks!

Here at Gingerscraps, we are highlighting SECRET STASH for the month of March. Come on over and check out this talented designer’s artistry and creations! I am sooo excited over this Sneak Peek!  Spring it on, Secret Stash! Spring it on!!!! Whoo hoo!!!


Get ready for St. Paddy’s Day with this new kit from Jen Yurko…

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From L Drag Designs, we have this collection of pretty soft pastels, so charming and lady like! Love this!!!


And from Keep in Touch Designs, we have this creatively cheerful collection of fun colors and a fresh touch of spring for you!



From Wyld Web Designs, we have this fabulous collection. This just gets my creative juices flowing! Look at those polka dots, and this yummy orange color! Oh my goodness! I am in love with the colors, the embellies, and the pennant banner in this! Scrumptious!!!

And TEMPLATES from Wylde Web Designs….Who doesn’t love a template!?!?

Here they are….I’m totally getting these! Life made easy peasy, folks!!!! Right here!

Gotta have it. Love the Angel Wings behind the photo there, and that sassy scalloped edging. Totally rockin’!

And more templates for you from Wyld Web Designs…this LO is done with a new kit from Craftastrophic, too! Rock on!


And from Blue Heart Scraps, a new kit used on a template from Wyld Web Designs! Rock on!


Just lovin’ these! I love a template that helps me with placement of different size photos amidst clusters of embellies. So pretty!!!!


And these are from Blue Heart Scraps…


Let’s talk Collabs, everyone!!! When two or more designers team up with all their fabulosity, it ROCKS MY WORLD!

Look what we have for you!

A beautiful collab from Roseytoes Designs and Designs by Amber Shaw…


New from Kathy Winters and Craftastrophic we have a beautiful and versatile collection of yumalicious bright and vibrant colors for you….

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Uhm, how cute is this!!?? Love those bright sunny colors, and those cute little frogs! I And there is a sun! Oh yes, spring is coming, this collab proves it!!!! Love this!!!!!! I simply cannot wait to get in the store to get this!!!

And as if I have not given you enough excitement, look what ELSE we have for you….

More Spring time inspiration! Marie H Designs rocks spring time fun with this!


WOW!  Such a cute collection for friends, girls, moms, grandmothers, aunts, neices, or anything you want!  I think my pet rabbits will have to be the center of attention with this kit!

And, from Twin Mom Scraps, we have this collection of sheer lovliness….


Just beautiful! Oh my goodness, I feel pretty, oh so pretty just looking at this combo of colors!!!!

And from RoseyToes, we have this pretty little number, a collab she did with Amber Shaw!


Totally rockin’ colors and embellies! I think I have to get crafty with this one and do some hybrid projects with it. I think I will make some hot little notebook journals this weekend.

And another way super fab collection by Jen Yurko, above!

And below, something new from Blue Heart Scraps!


So there you have it, the Sneak Peeks of this week at Gingerscraps!

And you can have all this fabulousity tomorrow, March 2!!!

For now, enjoy your day and the friendliest digi site in the world, Gingerscraps! See you there!







Fresh Baked with News! 3/1

Welcome to a brand new month here at GingerScraps!  Do you have anything exciting this month?  Aren’t you sweet to ask about me.  I really don’t have anything planned.   I can say here at GingerScraps we have TONS going on.  We start with a brand new contest…oh shoot, I shouldn’t have told you.  Let’s pretend I didn’t say anything…and while we are pretending you didn’t hear that (or read that), pretend that you don’t know it starts on Friday.  Remind me to keep Ginger busy so she doesn’t know I spilled the beans.  Shhh….it will be our secret.

Let’s see, what can I tell you about March?  OH!  I know!  How do you feel about books?  How do you feel about reading them?  How do you feeling like winning $5?  I knew that would get your attention.  Come join us in the forum with our hosts Jen Yurko, and JoyLynn (Blue Heart Scraps)!!

Hm…what else…OH!  How about a HUGE sale!  That’s right!  It’s time once again for our $1 Bake Sale!

This sale will last from today until the 5th so make sure you grab it when you can!

While we are talking about the $1 Bake Sale, would you like to see the new Buffet goodies?  They will all be $1 until the 5th as well.  The theme?  Reading room!

 See?  Book club?  Reading Buffet Kit?  Yeah we are awesome.  Here are the kits!

Here is what our CT did with these:

(Thank you Lisa for the amazing images!)

Now remember, if you spend $10 in our store you get the free grab bag kit!  This month the grab bag was made by Craft-tastrophic!

Let’s see what else is going on..I GOT IT!  Our March Guest!  Before I tell you all about how awesome she is, let me tell this…we asked Lina (LDrag Designs) to stay for another month and guess what she said?  SHE SAID YES!  WOO!  Make sure you check by her store and grab her goodies!!

So our March Guest.  Her name is Erin and designs under the name of Secret Stash…and well she is AMAZING!!!

*Store*  *Facebook*  *Newsletter*  *Blog*

I asked Erin to tell us about herself and this is what she had to say:

My name is Erin. I am 27 years old and the proud mom to two awesome kids. I love designing and scrapping of course and I also love reading and photography in my downtime. I really can’t do anything without making some sort of joke and you’ll usually find me with a smirk on my face about something or another. I really value family and friendship and laughter. 
One of the first stores I ever started selling my designs in was Gingerscraps. Thank you for having me back this month, it’s fun getting back to my roots!

Here is just one of her many goodies (keep checking her store as she adds more and more stuff!!):

Please check out her store, trust me when I say you won’t be disappointed.

Last but not least…our Daily Download.  Last month Marie H Designs made the kit.  For a limited time you can get it for just $1…seriously…$1!!!  Here it is, fully revealed:

This month Ginger made it!  That’s right!  Our very own GingerScraps!!  Make sure you check the blog daily for each piece!

There you have it.  I’ll see you tomorrow for our new releases!!

March Daily Download Day 1


Welcome to a new month of our Daily Downloads!!  Now that February is over I can show you the entire kit you received from Marie H Designs!

If you missed any pieces you can pick it up now!!

Now for our March Daily Download.  This month is has been made by our very own Ginger!  The proud owner of GingerScraps!!!  Just click here!


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