Challenge Spotlight – Mix It Up Challenge

Hi ladies and happy Tuesday! How has everyone’s weeks started off? I tell you, I am already swamped! School started for me yesterday, as I’m sure it did for a lot of your kids, as well! I’m excited to be back and I’m sure y’all are excited to get the kiddos back in school. 🙂

This is the last week in August so before I start my spotlight, I want to remind everyont to TALLY YOUR CHALLENGES and get them recorded in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread. You’ve got to have everything recorded By August 31 if you want those fabulous prizes! 🙂

This week I am spotlight a challenge that I struggled initially with, then it blossomed into one of my favorite layouts this month: the Mix It Up challenge hosted by Rebecca of Twin Mom Scraps! Rebecca has made a nifty little layout recipe for us this month; take a look:

Thanks for the challenge, Rebecca! Sounds so simple, but the scrappers in the forum have been creating some really cool pages from this recipe! Yes, I’ve been running through them and picking out the recipe just to see everyone’s takes on it! Here are some great layouts for you to gain a little inspiration from…

 By altimasport

By sladd79054

By DianaB

Stunning layouts, ladies! I just love Chris’ fun title work, Lisa’s beachy clusters and Diana’s snowflake scatter. Do we have some serious talent here at GS, or what? 😉 If you want to see your layout highlighted here next week, make sure you’re jumping in on all the challenges! 🙂

AGAIN, I will remind everyone who’s still conscious through my blathering that this is the LAST WEEK to get your challenges completed, tallied up and recorded in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread to be eligible for either one buffet piece, two buffet pieces or a $5 store gift certificate! I’m already trying to decide which kit I *need* to spend my certificate on… 😀

If you have any questions about this, or any of our monthly challenges, send them over to the Cookie Jar and someone awesome will back to you. 🙂 OK, enough reading–more scrapping! That’s it for me this week…and this month! See y’all in September! 🙂