Fresh Baked: New Buffet and iDSD!

Oh, hello November. Wow. October has come, she has gone. The festivals have all ended, and now we’re looking forward to, at least in the States, for Thanksgiving. Those not are starting their countdown to their winter holidays.

Or… you could be going iDSD!! DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKING DAY!! There are lots of things planned at Gingerscraps, and it’s going to be SO much fun!

The sale has been extended to the 9th, so that those affected by Sandy are able to get their power back. Our thoughts and prayers are with the NE of the United States at this time, hoping for a fast recovery to a normalcy.

The theme this month is “Attitude of Gratitude”. The colors are amazing, but honestly, I have to say the theme is my favorite. This past week has reminded me, personally, of how much we have to be grateful for. We have a roof over our head, a working computer, and pictures upon pictures to scrap. Right now, I’m set for everything. I can take anything, as long as I have the love of family and friends. Do you agree?

It’s the first of the month, so that means the Gingerbread Man is running through, sticking things in the Bake Sale! You never know what you’ll find in there!

The goodies that the designers have put together are just AMAZING, and I’m so excited to show them to you!

[Read more…]

Fresh Baked for October 05, 2012

Oh, brr. Fall has really set in here. It’s chilly, and the wind has a definite bite to it. It’s going to make that trip to the RenFest something to remember.

I love RenFests. I love the time period they’re set in, and I just love all the costumes. I also love that it’s set in the woods. That means lots of trees. At ours, they hang mirrors from the trees, and the capture the light in such cool ways. I could spend a few hours just watching the reflections on the ground.

Speaking of fests and fall, have you seen October’s buffet created by the Gingerscraps designers? It’s called Fall Festival, and it would completely work for any sort of festival. I picked out a few layouts that I just adored in the gallery using the buffet items.

Created by Inspired Designs. Yeah, even the designers can’t resist this buffet. I love the pictures. I love babies with just a few little teeth!

Created by JillW. I love the filter/effect on the photo. The clusters are gorgeously done.

Created by MamaCake. I love the clusters and the scatters. Such beautiful work.

Before I get to that, though, we can’t forget the Bake Sale! You still have today to catch some items on sale!

I’d like to remind you about the Monthly Mix, created by Unforgettable Moments, Twin Mom Scraps, Joyful Heart, Find Your Bliss, and Colie’s Corner. It’s a beautiful kit, and so well done!

It’s so perfect for this time of year, with everyone back in school. The colors also work for field trips, and so much more.

Don’t forget that when you spend $10 in the store, you get it this beauty, for free.



PreDeco Pages:
Quick Pages:

Stacked Papers:

Grab Bag:

So, while you go and check out all the awesome yummy goodies in the store, I’m going to go find myself a nice warm cup of coffee or cocoa, my comfy warm slippers, and opening up Photoshop. I don’t know about you, but I’m totally in the mood to scrap now!

Fresh Baked: New Guest Designer, New Buffet, and More

I just cannot believe that September is over. It flew by! I’m excited for October though. Pumpkin patch visits will be happening. Leaves will be piling on the ground, begging to be jumped into!

This month, it’s going to be all about the festivals that happen in the fall. For my family, we look forward to Ren Fest, which we usually go to in September, but this year, we’re going in October.

Do you have a favorite festival that you look forward to going to each year? If you do, then you’ll love the new buffet created by the Gingerscraps designers! It’s called Fall Festival.

Before I get to that, though, we can’t forget the Bake Sale!

Oh, I just can’t take all the goodness, and I haven’t even started.

The colors are perfect for most any layout involving any aspect of fall. The designers went all out and did an amazing job! This month, to show off better what each designer designed, we’re breaking up the big image into several ones. [Read more…]

New Buffet, Guest Designer, So Much More!

Well hi! Didn’t I just see you? Well, write to you, I guess is more accurate!

It’s almost officially fall. Monday, in the States, is Labor Day, the official end of summer. The leaves will be changing from green to browns, and reds, and golds. Or, if you’re on the other side of the globe, from reds, browns, and golds to green again.

Life is beautiful and wonderful like that! There’s something about the changing of the seasons that makes you reflect on the good and happy things in life.

This month, the buffet designed by the Gingerscraps team is perfect for scrapping those moments of reflection. Those moments when you just can’t help but take a picture!

Before I share with you the amazing buffet, it’s September first, which means of course a bake sale!

Now, don’t leave just yet! I know you’re itching to see the sale goodies but I have to show you the buffet, and a few more things first!!

As you can see, the colors are soft but bold, light and dark, perfectly blended into simple elegance. Find the beauty in the every day and enhance it with this gorgeous buffet.

The CT worked so hard putting together some truly beautiful layouts. I know, I keep saying beautiful, but it really does fit, but it really is!

When we switch months, we switch out the Free With Purchase! This month, Pixels by Jen has created September’s new Grab-bag and it is gorgeous! Remember: when you spend $10, you get this for FREE!!

As we say goodbye to our August Guest Designer, Sugary Fancy, we say hello to September’s Guest Designer, Ocean Wide Designs!

Isn’t she a cutie? We asked her to tell us about herself, and she told us she’d try not to be boring!

I live in Central California with my husband, Jeff, and our furry-babies… Riley, a small terror… I mean, terrier! and our two guinea pigs – Sparkles and Bubbles. Jeff and I love to travel the west coast, we like doing outdoorsy things like hiking, geocaching, kayaking, fishing, camping, etc. I work from home running our small businesses, including the Real Life Scrapped social network! When I have the time I LOVE to read cozy mysteries, bake goodies that go straight to my hips, work off those goodies with Zumba & my treadmill, and do crafty things like crocheting & embroidery.

An animal lover, traveler, adventurer, business owner, and crafter?! That sounds anything but boring! I think she’ll fit right in with the GingerScraps family!

Here are just a few of the designs she’s prepared for her opening. You’ll definitely find something in there that you’ll enjoy!

Sea Charts Vol. 10:
Sea Charts Vol. 9:


Rustic Beauty:
Rustic Beauty Layered Papers:
Rustic Beauty Sparkle Splatters:
Sun Kissed Kit:

Oh, I think I see a few that I’m going to definitely enjoy playing with! What about you?

I think I know what you’re looking for right now. You’re expecting the full-preview of that daily download, aren’t you? Well, okay, since you waited patiently.

As you know, Kathy Winters created August’s daily download, which was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, and SO fun!!

Now, this month’s was created by Twin Mom Scraps! It follows the happy theme that both August’s Daily Download and the buffet has. It’s so sweet! I completely love it!!

Tell me, doesn’t that just look just perfect for scrapbooking?

Before I say adios and go enjoy some Saturday morning cuddles with my family, I want to let you know that the challenges for August might be over, but September starts them all over again! So, make sure you check out the forum and put those new kits to work!!

See ya again on Friday!!

Fresh Baked for July 01, 2012

WHOOSH!! OH WOW! June just flew away. Got it’s passport, hopped a plane, and headed to a cooler, calmer scene. June has been jam-packed with all kinds of events, and July isn’t looking like it’s going to slow down. So, buckle your seatbelt, grab your favorite pillow and blanket, and get ready for the ride of your life.

Before you can start any vacation, you have to have some yummy snacks. The best time to get those snacks? When they’re on sale, of course!

It’s the first, which means that there’s a bake sale going on! Whether you’re just wanting that quick snack to tide you over until you can stop at McDonald’s for that “real” breakfast, or you’re needing something delicious and yummy, you have to check out the bake sale! While you’re there, make sure you get a pretty picture for your passport! You just might need it for this ride!

Nope, not time to leave yet! You’ve got your snacks though, right? Good! Time to get those bags completely packed. Stuff them to the gills.


In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a little theme going on with this. I’m talking all about traveling. It’s for a very good reason! It’s time for a NEW BUFFET! So many of you have been requesting travel-related kits, and Gingerscraps has listened! I’m SO THRILLED to introduce you to Away We Go! The designers have gone all out. Instead of taking a vacation, they’re going to help you scrap your vacations. Whether you go by boat, plane, or car, there’s going to be something for you! There’s roads, and passports, stamps and flairs out the wazoo. The designers did an AMAZING job!

The CT isn’t taking a vacation either. Not this month. Nope, they’re doing some stay-cations and giving you plenty of scrapping inspiration. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to hop in my car and just drive, see where the road takes me, just so I have an excuse to use all of this buffet!

So, the bags are packed? Plenty of inspiration? Do you have your camera?

While you look for that, remember that when you spend $10 in the store, you get an amazing grab bag. This month’s was created by Ryan, of Roseytoes, and it’s JAM-PACKED full of stuff.

When you’re on a trip, sometimes you buy souvenirs for friends and family who didn’t come along, right? Those gift bags in those shops can be pretty cheesy, or they’re just plain and boring and really say nothing about the person you’re giving the gift to!

As we say goodbye to Siamese Studio and thank her for her time, we welcome Wendy, of WendyBird Designs, who is guest designing at Gingerscraps for the month of July!

As we always do, we asked Wendy to tell us a little about herself, and this is what she had to share with us:

Hi, I’m Wendy of WendyBird Designs! I live in sunny (and very hot right now) AZ with my 13 year old son, my boyfriend, his 2 teenagers and our cat. I’ve been digital scrapping since 2008, but I’ve always been crafty, so I when I discovered hybrid scrapping, I knew it was meant to be! I’ve been designing hybrid templates since 2010 and I love being able to do all of my project designs on the computer and still get messy with scissors and glue!

She sounds like SO much fun! I’m excited to get my fingers all sticky! It’ll be some nice things to play with when we’re on the road!

Here are a couple projects she’s shared with you to get you started!!

Okay, time to put the luggage in the trunk of the car (or the boot, as some dialects know it). Oh, did you see that calendar sitting on the floor of the trunk? I wonder why it’s there?

DAILY DOWNLOAD! Of course! It’s like a little advent calendar, but you get to enjoy a new one each month!!

First, we need to give out a huge thank you to Jennifer, of Luv Ewe Designs, for her amazing kit that she had for download every single day of June? She created Sky’s the Limit, and it was seriously so cute! I could tell by the comments that you all really enjoyed the kit!!

Now, I’m super thrilled to share this month’s Daily Download designer! You’ve probably caught at least one of her Friday Late Night Scraps (if you haven’t, you need to ;)). If you guessed Terra, of Sugar Kissed Designs, you couldn’t be more right! The kit she designed for July is ADORABLE in all the right ways!

I hope you enjoy the pieces as much as I think Terra enjoyed creating them! It’s a HUGE kit! I hear there’s around 5-7 pieces per download 😀

Well, you’re all packed, and ready to go!

There is ONE small bit of information I should impart on you! Remember the rules of the road. In the case of Gingerscraps, they’ve changed a little. I’m talking about the Challenge Requirements. Instead of getting percent-off discounts, you now have a chance to get FREE BUFFET pieces. It doesn’t have to be the current buffet, but ANY buffet that the Gingerscraps team has created! Pretty cool right?! There’s even a new challenge or two floating around, so make sure you check out the challenge area! There’s a nice relaxing booth there with your name all over it!

I hate to see you leave, so don’t. Just unpack those bags, put everything away, and just hang with us! If you do go on vacation, share with us some of your experiences and pictures! We’d love to see them!!

Bon voyage, until next time!!

$1 Sale, New Guest, Buffet, and More! June 1,2012

Hello digi friends! I hope you are ready for some AMAZING goodies today!! Once in a while something very exciting happens….. Fresh Baked (new releases) AND all the 1st of the month reveals (Buffet, Bake Sale, our new Guest Designer) happen to land on the same day!! Do you know what that means for you!!?? One mouth watering newsletter! Packed to the brim with goodness!! We hope you enjoy every morsel.

First, let me tell you about the Bake Sale. Run over to the shop and get these goodies fast! Each month, from the 1-5th, our designers add products to the Bake Sale. Everything in the Bake Sale is $1.00!!

Also included in the $1.00 Sale is our new Buffet for June!! This month our Buffet is “Once Upon A Time“, full of magical whimsy and happily ever afters, you will not want to miss these enchanting products!

Once Upon a Time, in a land far away, where Gingerbread Men danced with joy, there was a Queen, full of whit and pip. She had many maidens, whom she could not do without …

Oh wait. Sorry, I went off into a fantasy land there for a second. I look at this adorable buffet, and I honestly cannot resist falling into a world of make-believe. I’m so totally in love with this whole series!

As you can tell, the amazing Gingerbread CT girls couldn’t resist it either. Everyone put so much wonderful work into it. It doesn’t have to be just little kid stuff, either. All of us have a dream, deep inside, of a happily ever after! Why not find yours with this amazing buffet?

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you receive an amazing grab bag. This month’s grab bag is by Unforgettable Moments. It’s perfect for the males in your life! June is the month of Father’s Day (at least in the States), so this would completely suit a hybrid project or layout for the special man in your life!

I know your ready to run over to the shop right now!! But WAIT, I still have so much to tell you!!! I’m so so very excited to tell you that our May Guest Designer, Jen C Designs, loves GingerScraps so much… she is STAYING!!! Yahooo!! Our family is growing by leaps and bounds. I’m loving it!!

And now I get to tell you who our June guest is!!! Are you ready??!! Our June guest: May Sholz, of Siamese Studio! Welcome May!!

We asked May to tell us a little about herself, and she gave us some pretty good insight into her! I’m excited to get to know her better!!

My name is May and I live in Bangkok, Thailand with my hubby. We have one daughter, Janice who is four years old. I started digi-scrap while I was pregnant then started to design not so long after that. I love to design as much as I love to write. So I do both designing and writing. I write novels and had five books published, but have been hiatus from writing since my daughter was born. I’m trying hard to finish my next novel this year.
Besides of designing and writing, I also love to take pictures. Especially with my phone since I always have it with me.

Here are just a few of the kits that she has available in her store right now!

And here is Day One-

This month’s Daily Download is brought to you by LuvEwe Designs. It’s so sweet and cute!! Make sure you check out the blog daily and download each piece!

The May Daily Download is now available in the store! Thank you so much, Blue Heart Scraps for giving us such an ADORABLE kit to play with!

Wait … did you think I was done? It’s Friday, so we have some new releases too! I know you will find something you enjoy!

The end. The story isn’t over yet though!! The story will continue because with the new month is new challenges at the forum, new chances to get to know forum members. Even new chances to get to know the designers!

See you at GingerScraps!

Fresh Baked: May 01, 2012

It’s May 1st. Really. I promise. I’m telling you the truth. Can you believe it? What happened to April? We’re one-fifth of the way through twenty-twelve already. What sort of insanity is that?

There’s a lot of information and goodies to share with you today! I’m excited about everything. SO much is going to be happening! The Gingerbread Ladies outdid themselves, I’m telling you!

The first bit of news? Do you know what next weekend? It’s NSD!! National Scrapbooking Day is something we digital scrapbookers look forward to for so long. Or is that just me? Well, Gingerscraps has some amazing things planned for it!


The designers are hosting everything, and they’re pulling out all the stops!


70% off sale on Thursday and 50% Friday through Sunday. Some restrictions apply.


Every other hour, a speed scrap or chat will be going on. That means everyone will have a chance to join in on something!


Persnickety Prints has the best printing services around, and they’re getting into the swing of things for NSD, too, with amazing sales. I don’t know about you, but I think I’ll take advantage of this deal!!


The bake sale is going on now! Go! You have until the 5th of May to take advantage of some amazing $1 deals!! You never know what you’ll find on sale.

Also, just a quick note: the Bake Sale and May Buffet items are not going to be included in the 70% and 50% off sales for NSD.


Time for a new buffet. April Showers bring May Flowers, usually, but instead, at Gingerscraps, May isn’t about the flowers. No, we’re all about the babies. This buffet is perfect for all those baby-related layouts. There are also items related to adoption, so it’s perfect for all of those layouts, as well. May is also synonymous with Mother’s Day. Flowers, cards, and love. These kit pieces speak of all of that. Even the pet mommas need some extra loving this time of year. Why not share that with someone you love?


The Gingerscraps designers really out-did themselves this month with some great mini kits, and they all coordinate so perfectly. There’s something perfect there for everyone!


The Gingerscraps CT had a blast playing with the kits. The layouts are just spectacular.

Remember, when you spend $10 at the store, you get an amazing grab bag. May’s was created by the talented Pretty in Green.


Some big news concerning our April Guest, Find Your Bliss Designs. She’s staying! It’s been wonderful seeing her designs in the store, and I’m happy that she has decided to make Gingerscraps a more permanent home!

Now, it’s time to introduce May’s Guest Designer. You might have seen some of her collab designs in the store with other designers. We’re so excited to announce that our guest designer is

Jen C. Designs


We asked Jen for a little bio, and this is what she told us:

Hi all! My name is Jen. I live in Belfast in the UK. I’ve been married for almost 6 years and we have two beautiful children – Luke and Charlotte. When not digi designing, I work as a web marketer and graphic designer for two local companies. Oh – and of course, playing with my kids! I stumbled into digi scrapping 2 years ago when I was on maternity leave and designing blogs for friends. I started on my first creative team shortly after and designing soon after that! I absolutely love it! I’m inspired by everything from interior decorating magazines to song lyrics, a photo of my kids to suggestions from my fans and creative team. If you ever have a suggestion for a kit or template idea, just let me know!

I can’t wait to get to know her better! And to see her designs, of course!

Here are a few that are in her store right now:


Embossed Papers:
Paper Add-on:





Well, I guess that’s it. Oh, I’m just kidding, there’s some more. The Daily Download! April’s was created by Sugar Kissed Designs, and it’s now available in the store!


May’s Daily Download was created by Blue Heart Scraps. It’s just adorable, and perfect for the upcoming summer. Day 01 is available for download now on the blog! Remember to pick up each piece every day!


I told you there was quite a bit, but I think the read was worth it. Thanks for reading and helping to make Gingerscraps what it is.

Fresh Baked with News! 2/1

 Happy February!!!  In three days we find out if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow.  If he does it means 6 more weeks of winter.  If he doesn’t then spring is on it’s way.  I have to say this has been such a very mild winter that either way I can deal with it.  Another thing I can deal with?  Our sales!!  Ok, I guess it’s time I jump right into the GingerScraps news!!

 Let’s start right away with huge sale!   It’s our $1 Bake Sale!

February marks our 1 year anniversary of our Buffet!  In order to mark this anniversary we asked our designers to help build up our buffet kits and they did!  To celebrate our new additions and our anniversary we have marked ALL of our buffet kits on sale for $1!!!

Did you forget what they were?  Well let me show you!

Here are some layouts:

 Let me show you our new Free with Purchase Kit!  This month’s grab bag is made by Luv Ewe Designs!

Let’s see what else I can tell you.  Oh!  Our January Guest Roseytoes is staying here at GingerScraps!  There was talk about her bribing us to stay but I can honestly say I haven’t received any money yet…Ryan, let me know if you need my paypal email address.  Nah, I’m just teasing…we are so happy to have her stay. But now it is time to introduce our February Guest.  I’m so excited about this one.

Our guest…is the one and only

LDrag Designs!

 I decided this month to interview Lina and I want to share it with you!

First things first – tell me about your kids! I have two kids. A 6 year-old girl and a 3 year old boy!!! I have my dd with me as she goes to school and I have her in my school and the boy stays with our family back in my home town as I can’t have them both here alone and he is too small so he has to go to nursery school and there aren’t places like this here in the island and I can’t afford to pay for this!!! So hubby and I have decided to try to keep our family together as much as we can so they come to visit me once a month for a week and this way wemanage to feel better!!!! We just wait for summer to come and we have decided that it will be the last time I will ask for an appointment that risks being away from my family!!! Unfortunately the situationhere in Greece with the salaries doesn’t allow us to pay for two homes. One here in the island and another back in my home town. But being away from my son is a situation that really make my heart ache!!!

Wow, that must be tough leaving your son and husband.  I would love to hear more about your hubby.  Hubby!!! hm he is a hero!!! he actually lives alone as our son lives with the grannies as they share him. half a month in one granny and the other half with the other!!! It had been a really difficult situation for both of us and for the kids but we have managed to get through it last year, we will manage this year too!!!We know each other since we were kids and we are together 13 years. We have been through so many things all this time but we have a strong relationship!!!! And this or anything else won’t break us apart.

You mentioned you worked for a school? Yes I am an english teacher and my regular work actually keeps me away from my family as I was stationed to work in an island (which is amazing ) but without my family it doesn’t feel the same.

 You mentioned you lived on an island…now that is different! Now as far as the island of Zakynthos is concerned is a real heaven on earth!!!!! It is one of the most beautiful places on earth which actually makes the situation of our family feel less bad as we have a good time here with my dd and when they come to visit we have a really amazing time!!!!  Last year we went on sooo many excursions that we saw almost everything!!! And this year we do the same as there are sooooo many beautiful things we hadn’t seen. Also there are sooo many festivities here during the winter, including the amazing Carnival festivities and the Giostra and the revival of the Venetian Wedding with 200 poeple participating.And in the summer it is the best thing!!!!! Konstantina ( my dd) and I were sooooo suntanned last year that everyone thought that we went to the Carribean islands since we had started going to the sea in May!!!!The beaches are amazing!!!!!!Here are some blogposts I had made back in our first visit that so how amazing this island is!!!   Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

It sounds magical!  Tell me about your designing now!   I started designing in 2008 after being prompted to start by Andrea Nye!!!!  (remind me to thanks Andrea)

How did you get started? I started by making paper packs as freebies for challenges and then started making bigger things like kits and I became an apprentice designer for ScrapMatters.

How do you get your inspiration? Wow that is easy..Just go on a small ride on Pinterest and you get amazing ideas about anything!!!!! Usually I start with colours as I love colour palettes but when it is this time of year like Valentine you just make a small search about Valentine and you get endless new ideas and trends about this!!!! Being a foreigner like myself who has a completely different mentality and ideas about life going through Pinterest gives me endless inspiration and guidelines of what to make in order to make my customers more happy with my creations!!!!  Of course sometimes I have an idea about something and I don’t know what to make!!!! So I do the same. For example these photos and some others of course were the inspiration for my kit for Ginger Scraps


 Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies. I have many!!! But they change from time to time!!! Lately I love making things in my house like remaking lamps or hangings lights or designing my dd’s room in our house in Volos!!! And also I have started making wreaths. My family has gotten crazy with this and they have started asking from me to make them some too!!!! But every idea comes from Pinterest. I have become an addicted fan. So much inspiration over there and sooooooo many amazing ideas!!!!!

Thanks Lina for your time!  I hope you get to be with your family soon and you can all live on your magical island!!

Now it’s time to show you the incredible designs by LDrag Designs!


Practically Perfect: the full kit

Practically Perfect: ellies

Practically Perfect: patterns

Practically Perfect: solids

Are you drooling over this kit like I am?  I can’t wait to get my hands on it!

While you are in the store checking out LDrag’s goodies , make sure you swing by the blog to pick up Day 1 of the Daily Download.  Marie H Designs made it and trust me when I say she spoiled you this month.  (If you click on the link below you can get day 1…shhh).

Speaking of daily downloads, did you get all of January’s?  Don’t worry if you missed any, the kit is now available for sale!

Thanks for being such a huge support to GingerScraps.  I hope you all have a great week and I’ll see you back here on Friday!

Fresh Baked with News! 1/1/12

 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I hope this year is a wonderful year for you!  I know it will be a great year for us here at GingerScraps!  How do I know that?  Well let’s just say I know who is guesting for us this year (we have some BIG names coming).  I have some designers that are starting (a few will be here soon!).   Plus we have a new challenge reward system with some new challenges!  This will be a fantastic year!

Let’s start this new year off right!  What better way start then with a $1 Bake Sale!  This Bake Sale will last for 5 days!!

 We also have our new grab bag which you can have for free!  Free you ask?  That’s right!  You get this grab bag for free when you spend $10 in the store.  Marie H Designs worked very hard and let me tell you how CUTE it is!

As always we have our Buffet kits too!  This month’s buffet is called “Colors of my Life” and our designers did a great job.  These will also be $1 for 5 days!

This buffet is all about a pop of color. Make you Layout stand out in the crowd! Also perfect for all your 365/52 Layouts. Choose where you want the pop of color to highlight your weekly memories. Set against a lovely array of smokey tones- there are a variety of bright and dramatic colors, creating a truly eye catching and memorable layout. Colors of My Life is a buffet you will not want to miss!


Here is what our creative team did for us!

Let’s keep it going with our Guest Designer!



Ive known Ryan for a while and she is such a great person!  I can’t wait for you all to get to know her better!  Here is what she had to say about herself!

 Hello everyone! My name is Ryan, I’m 26 years old, I have a 5 year old ‘big boy’ (according to him) named Gavin, and a boyfriend, whom I might as well be married to, since we’ve ben together for 6 years now, this last December.. 

I am currently in school, getting my AA in liberal studies, to become an elementary school teacher, as well as an AA in social sciences.. I als work part time at a local grocery store in the deli dept, and let me just say, I make a pretty grubbin’ sandwich! lol
I love spending time with my family, going to family events and also taking pictures! Over the summer I bought myself an early birthday present, and well probably christmas too for the next few years! a nikon D5100, that I am absolutely obsessed with! It’s a rarity to see me without a camera with me now, I just love being able to capture memories of my neices and nephews whenever I can..
As for Roseytoes Designs, I actually started scrapping in 2007 after my son was born because I didn’t really have the time to sit down and devote time to paper scrapping anymore.. In 2010 I was encouraged to give designing a try and I got hooked, and bad! lol the first mini kit I ever did looked horrible, lol, since I didn’t really know what I was doing, and took me literally all night to complete! looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way, I love creating scrapbook kits And now, templaes as well and I’m trying new things to be able to branch out and not be so limited on my designs.

 Here are just a few of her goodies!  Her store has TONS more so make sure you look!

Now I know I mentioned new challenges so let me tell you about a new challenge.  Each month you will be given a challenge to use the previous month’s daily download.  Now that you know that you will need the daily download for a challenge, you can buy December’s Daily Download  – Just Keep Smiling by Connie Prince right now.  You’ll need it!


Beautiful huh?  Now is the time to start collecting January’s Daily Download!  This month was brought to you by LauraMarie! The image is linked with the download for Day One, then make sure to head to the blog each and every day to pick up every peice of this lovely kit!


 Day One Link:

*Link is Expired*

Last but not least, a new issue of the GingerScraps Street magazine came out today!!


There you have it!  We here at GingerScraps hope this year is filled with nothing but happiness!

Oct Guest, $1.00 Bake Sale, Buffet and More!

It’s October!! Can you believe it! Fall is upon us and the air is getting crisp, here in Northern California. The leaves will soon start their amazing transformation, I am surrounded by so much beauty! How about you all? Are you enjoying the first sights of Fall?

In honer of the month of October we have a new Grab Bag-  Brought to you this month by the, oh so talented, Kathy Winters!  The grab bag is packed with some Halloween fun! There is a full size kit with a cute Halloween theme using a mainly black and orange color palette. The bag also contains a full spider web alpha in two colors, a set of decorated word that coordinates with the kit and a set of coordinated cluster frames.

 This grab bag has a $14+ value but can be yours FREE with every $10.00 purchase, during the month of October.


Remember TODAY is the Monthly Bake Sale!! On the First of every month you can get amazing full size products for only $1.00!! Our designers pick a few special goodies to share with you for $1.00, but these deals will be gone on the 2nd, so Run, Run, as fast as you can….. over to the October Bake Sale!


You are going to LOVE our October Buffet!! I am soooo inspired by the beautiful scrapping supplies our ladies created this month! Dark, Rich, and absolutely exquisite, with the warm olive green and eggplant purples, and rich golden undertones, you will want to grab up every delicious part of the October Buffet: Night Fall




And Now.. the moment you all have been waiting for… our October Guest Designer!!

We are so pleased to have the lovely Sherry Ferguson joining us this month!!


Here is a little bit about Sherry in her own words:

“My  name is Sherry and I’m very excited to be joining GingerScraps this  month! I’ve loved taking pictures and keeping various scrapbooks  throughout my life. Right after my first daughter was born, I bought my  first digital camera and started doing some “scrapbooking” in various  computer software programs. Then, in 2006, a friend introduced me to  Photoshop and the world of digital scrapbooking.  I was almost  immediately drawn to the design aspect of things and opened my first  store shortly thereafter.  It  never ceases to amaze me that there is always something new to learn.   I live in Texas  with my husband of eleven years and our two beautiful daughters who are  ten and eight. My girls are very much opposites and there is never a  dull moment with the two of them. When I am not in front of the  computer you will find me baking treats for my food allergic daughter,  watching old episodes of Little House  on the Prairie with my girls, or experimenting with different iPhone  apps as I seem to have developed an addiction to them. I love my life,  my family, and this fun filled hobby!”

She has her shop full of goodness! here are a few of her kits, but be sure to go check out her full shop! She even has a few items in the Bake Sale!! Yahooo!




Are you all ready for some EyeCandy!? Well, after your done with all your shopping head over and check out our newest issue of the GingerScrapsStreet Magazine, it will inspire you! Packed full of amazing goodness, a true feast for the eyes!

Gss Mag Cover

And today starts a new Daily Download! This month form Psychozoe, and trust me, you will want every part and piece!! Check the GingerScraps Blog – Every Day for a new piece to this awesome full size kit!.

 {The Link for Day one will be up soon, and we will leave it up a few extra days too}