Archives for May 10, 2012

This Week’s Sneak Peeks

Good Morning, Scrappers!

I hope you were able to enjoy some, if not all, of iNSD weekend here at Gingerscraps! What a blast we had chatting with each other, doing scavenger hunts, guessing which designer went with which baby picture, posting in the gallery, and even playing truth or dare! There were numerous speed scraps, chats, and tons of fun give aways in the forum too! Oh my gosh! I have never had so much fun on my computer in my life! The Gingerbread Ladies really did a great job at cooking up loads of awesome fun for everyone!

And…they’re still busy cookin’ up stuff for us! Gee whiz, Ladies! You’re all so amazing and wonderful! Let’s see what’s cookin’ this week…

From Keep In Touch we have this beautiful kit. I love making vintage-y  looking layouts, and this is going to be perfect!


Stop on by the Gingerscraps Store on Friday, May 11, 2012, to see more of what our way awesome super fantabulous designers have created for us!

I am soooo excited to see more of what’s been cookin, how about you!?


Pull up a mouse, and a cup o joe, and join me in waiting for Friday’s new additions! I am super excited! These designers are super cool, and I want everything they create here at Gingerscraps!!!

Happy rest of the week to you!!!



May Daily Download #10
