Archives for June 2022

Tutorial Tuesday (Photoshop Elements)

Quick Trick: Anchor Points Revisited

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June is rapidly running out here… on Friday we’ll be at the halfway point of 2022. Time for a Quick Trick! In a previous tutorial I showed you how to change the anchor point of an object in Elements, and I thought that was genius. Then I saw THIS tip and knew it could be very useful. Let’s review the basics first.

For my demos, I’m using a journaling blank from Karen Schulz‘s Backyard Party kit. I think this could be a great tip for things like word strips, photos, journal cards and so many others. For those of you still finding your way around your software, you may not have noticed that when you activate the Move Tool by clicking on one of the handles on the Bounding Box to reposition an object on your layout, you also activate the Transform options in your Tool Box. This is different from using Image>Transform or the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD>T. The shortcut only opens up the Free Transform option so we’re not using it. (And it’s an extra step…) The default anchor point is the centre of the object. In the Transform control panel you can see that the centre circle in the tic-tac-toe icon is darkened. That’s how you know where the anchor point is.

I’ve rotated the journaling blank on that centre anchor point in this image. You can see in the Tool Box that the angle of rotation is displayed.

In this demo, I’ve chosen the upper centre as my anchor point. First I clicked on one of the Bounding Box handles to activate the Move Tool and open up the Transform options. Then I clicked on the upper centre circle to lock in the anchor point and gave the blank a spin.

Here’s one more demo of the basic tip using the lower left as the anchor.

Now, I want to show you what to do if none of the predetermined anchor points will work for you. YES! You CAN choose a random spot as your anchor. And it’s simple. Really simple. Just hold down the ALT/OPT key and click your cursor where you want to anchor your object. Then give it a whirl. Notice that there’s no darkened dot in the tic-tac-toe. In this demo I’ve selected a spot along the upper edge where two of my grid lines intersect. ( The grid was just useful to help me find where I put the anchor points when it was time to edit the screenshots. It may or may not be helpful when you’re scrapping.)

I really DID mean ANYWHERE. ALT/OPT>click where you want to anchor and go.

You can even have the anchor point OUTSIDE the object’s bounding box. How handy is that?

I’ve gotten some great new topics for future tuts via Private Message. Keep them coming! (My handle is ObiJanKenobi.)

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June 24, 2022: Fresh Baked

Happy Friday! I hope you have had a fabulous week!!

Remember if you spend $10 in the store you get this great kit for free.

Let’s see what’s new in the store.

Have you grabbed the June Monthly Mix? So much fun in this collab!

How are your challenges going? Just about a week left to get them done. Complete 10 challenges and get this fun reward!

Tutorial Tuesday (Individual Style)

Challenge Spotlight: Back It Up with ADB Designs

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Today we’re going to dig into the Back It Up Challenge brought to you each month by Diane of ADB Designs. She likes to remind us to BACK UP our photos so they don’t disappear into the ether and has built this challenge around that reminder. Each month, she chooses a theme for participants to think about while they’re reviewing their files. This month the theme she chose is “reflection”. There are two main definitions for “reflection”, the main one being the concrete “image seen in a mirror or shiny surface”. The other is  “serious thinking or careful consideration”. The layouts you’ve created for this Challenge very closely conform to one or the other of those definitions, as you’ll see. As usual, each layout is linked to the Gallery so you can offer the scrappers your praise. Click on the scrapper’s name and you’ll zip right into the Gallery.

We’ll start with the shiny surfaces. Branma‘s layout doesn’t actually SHOW a reflected image, but she describes one pretty clearly in the text she added to her post in the Challenge thread, “My sister’s and I all favor each other and our lovely mother, even facial recognition program mistake us for each other. It’s funny to catch a glimpse in the mirror and think one of my sisters has come to visit.”

If there’s anything more beautiful than a waterlily, it’s a waterlily AND its reflection, as kabrak1207 shows us here.

I love how mary-lynne has this photo of reflection that she’s both blended and cleverly overlaid on her title. That’s running away with a theme right there!

I don’t know anybody who doesn’t love seeing autumn’s best colours reflected in still water. kimberlyschiehahn lets those colours take centre-stage here.

This layout by TheLethargicPoet (aka Shilo) is stunningly gorgeous. And it covers both definitions!!

Katherine Woodin‘s layouts are ALWAYS given serious consideration; she documents all the minutiae of life in Project 52-style. With this layout she’s also giving a nod to images in a shiny surface.

And then we have gnana96. She’s been very creative with her title here, creating a reflection of it, as well as showing off the reflected images of these flamingos.

basketladyaudrey has laid out the process of choosing which of her son’s t-shirts deserves a spot on his quilt, which was through serious consideration of their merits.

This lemonade stand was the subject of some serious thinking for Kristi Martin. Probably both before and after the fact. 😉

Rhewko chose the lyrics of a song to act as her journaling for this wedding layout.

Weddings seem to trigger a lot of reflection! Daydreamer reminisced about her own wedding while looking at her sister’s wedding photos.

And what is more likely to bring about reflection that our relationships with the Creator, as etycz has documented?

I often find myself giving serious consideration to what needs doing in my garden. much like grannyNky does with her layout.

I feel like pjm117 is sending us all a message about finding the silver lining in the COVID cloud.

And finally, ranchcreations takes the most literal reflective approach to a quote to derive some inspiration and guidance.

Wow. This is the 10th Challenge Spotlight post. Do you find them interesting? Have you seen something you’d like to emulate? Are you inspired to bring your own Individual Style to a challenge? It always amazes me the different ways each scrapper interprets a Challenge. Awesome!!

Remember, if there’s something you’d like to learn and can’t find a suitable tutorial, you can reach out to me via Private Message any time. Here’s a link to my mailbox: ObiJanKenobi  I get email notifications that I have a PM waiting, so I’ll see it right away and can start planning for you!

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June 17, 2022: Fresh Baked

Happy Friday Scrappers! I hope you are all ready for an amazing weekend. Our designers have some beautiful goodies for you this week!

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

How are your challenges going this month? Just 10 completed challenges will get you this collab as a reward.

Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.

Tutorial Tuesday (Fonts)

Celebrating Dads and Grads


This past weekend I was making a Father’s Day card for my dad and birthday cards for my oldest grandson and only granddaughter. Do you think I could find a font I liked for my Father’s Day card? Because I HAD to get the card in the mail, I went with something lackluster and decided I’d find some better options for next time. And while I was at it, I looked for some fonts to celebrate graduations too. All the fonts to come below are free at and I’m barely scratching the surface; have a look around and you’ll see. Each font’s name is linked directly to the website for quick-and-easy downloads. Enjoy!

Let’s start with the grads, since a lot of those have already happened. First up is Sports Jersey. It’s pretty generic school-wise, and can easily represent any level of education. I could see it working well with the title echo tutorial.

XII Don’t Mess With Vikings is similar, but narrower and bulkier. It would be easy to echo too!

I like Striped Campus because it reminds me of old-school lettermen’s jackets. Each of the grad fonts are suitable for both titles and journaling.

In a way, Fine College does too. I think these two serif fonts could be echo-able if there’s enough space between the letters and the echoes. I might have to try it. All of these fonts are Father’s-Day-worthy as well.

Now for the Dads… Wrestlemania would be a great title font and is legible enough for journaling. (In our family though, wrestling is more of a gal-thing: my grandmother was a huge fan, while a (female) cousin and her daughters are all champion wrestlers.)

This Glimmer of Light font is so classy and elegant! As you can see, it’s an all-caps font with some swashy letters.

With a hint of western flair, Dakota is masculine without being toxically so. It’s another all-caps font, and is good for both titles and text.

Here’s another classy but masculine font called Baroneys. It’s got a bit of an art deco look to it and zoomed in, there’s some flannel texture too.

I chose this one because it’s so much fun. The Amazing Spider-Man brings Peter Parker to life!

These extra characters can be used for all kinds of things.

If your Dad is the rugged, outdoorsy expert in antiquities type, Indiana Jonas has you covered.

Or… if he’s a gear-head robot master in his early 40s, there’s always Transformers.

Woodcut is for the man who likes camping, fishing or woodworking. There are so many ways this font can be customized too.

And rounding out our baker’s dozen, Sherlock Press is masculine but urbane, like Holmes himself. I think it might lend itself to the echo technique too.

Which one is your favourite? I can’t choose.

Next week will be a Challenge Spotlight tutorial, and your turn to shine.


June 10, 2022: Fresh Baked

Welcome to the end of another week. We made it. I had my doubts this week. A rough work week. I’m ready for the weekend! Let’s start off this weekend with our Summer Dreamin’ Flash Sale.

Don’t forget, you must check out by 11:59pm on June 13. 

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

Let’s check on the new Fresh Baked items.

How are your challenges going this month? Just 10 completed challenges will get you this collab as a reward.

Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.

Tutorial Tuesday (Photoshop Elements)

Elements Work-Around: Photo in a Jar


Sometimes the limitations presented by Elements versus Photoshop seem insurmountable. But if I play around long enough, I can usually figure out how to take the longest route possible to a Photoshop-worthy result. I do love a challenge… Karen (khampton) asked if I could do a tutorial on radial transparency gradients. She wants to do something like this image from Jaydubbya that she found at OScraps. This is something that only takes a handful of clicks in Photoshop, but wouldn’t you know… Elements doesn’t have anything like it. The Gradient Map Adjustment Layer isn’t as versatile in Elements and therein lies the rub.

I tried a LOT of things before I settled on the steps I’m going to share with you, but I think my efforts are acceptable. I’ve managed to condense the process down to a few steps but please remember that NOTHING you do in Elements is ever final unless you decide it is. Anything you do can be undone. CTRL/CMD>Z is the most useful keyboard shortcut ever!! It costs nothing to experiment. So let’s start.

I found a realistic glass jar in my stash. It came from Aimee Harrison‘s Heirloom Chic (retired) collection. Then I chose a photo from Pixabay that has a sharp image, strong colours and high contrast. I positioned the photo under the jar on a 12×12 canvas – love the extra room to work.

Obviously, if the idea is to put a photo inside a jar, the photo shouldn’t extend past the edges of the jar. So I’ll need to get rid of the parts I don’t need. I used the Rectangle Marquee Tool to chop off big chunks. In this image I’m showing the right-side edge of the selected rectangle just overlapping the left edge of the jar. The removal doesn’t have to be perfect, because the photo will always be behind the jar.

The photo layer is the active layer. To remove that bit of photo, Edit>Cut or CTRL/CMD>X will do it.

Then I’ll do the same thing on the other side.

Rather than just use the Eraser Tool to clean up the photo’s edges, I opted for a Layer Mask. Click on the icon above the Layers Panel that looks like a gray circle inside a blue box. Once the Layer Mask appears, the Color Picker will change to black and white. Choose the Eraser Tool, setting the Opacity to 100% and using a hard round brush from the Basic Brushes that come with the software.

Then just run the Eraser – set to WHITE to conceal or hide – over the parts of your photo you want invisible. If you have an oops, like I sometimes do when the left mouse button sticks and the cursor takes off on its own path, switch the Foreground Color from white to BLACK – which reveals, or unhides what’s been removed – either by clicking on the Color Picker or the X key. Then carefully paint it back in.

Do both sides of the jar and any other areas where your photo shouldn’t be visible.

One could almost be happy with it just as is! But we’re talking about me… so onward.

To avoid confusion and other mishaps, right-click on the photo layer in the Layers Panel off to the right in the blue area there then choose Simplify Layer. That will meld the mask to the photo.

This step is optional, but I like the control it gives me. I turned on the Grid by clicking View>Grid or CTRL/CMD>’. I made sure I had one of the heavy grid lines running through the centre of the image; that’s because the jar curves closest to the viewer right down the middle.

This next step is something I’ve never used before, and when I tried it, I was happily surprised with what it does. Notice I’ve turned the visibility of the jar layer off. Click Filter>Blur>Surface Blur…

I make heavy use of the Preview Pane. To see where the action is, and what it’s doing, click on a spot inside your image and that will bring it into the Preview Pane. Then you can see a close-up of what the commands do, as well as seeing it on the larger image in the background. Move the sliders and watch the change. These settings were what I settled on after many tweaks. Radius is 36 pixels, Threshold is 27 levels.

If you’re using an unembellished, straight, plain jar or bottle, don’t worry about this. But if you’ve got something going on like I do with the leaf and the flower and the raffia, make a Copy Layer of the jar and tuck it away for later. Because you’re going to mess them up! Right-click on the jar layer then choose Duplicate Layer>OK or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL/CMD>J.

Next, with the Eraser Tool still active, change the brush to Drop Shadow Brushes (one of the brush sets preloaded into Elements) and choose one of the square brushes. I’m going to use a BIG brush for this step, 400 or 500 pixels, and with the Opacity really low, 5-10%. This part demands a light touch, so don’t be in too big a hurry!

Make the original jar layer active. The jar has only barely-there Opacity but it does dampen the sharpness of the photo, so I want to make the glass a bit more transparent to let the photo shine. Using the Grid to help with brush placement, I put the crosshairs over one of the lighter gridlines to the left of the jar. Then I brushed along the path shown in the screenshot, ending with the brush going right down the centre of the jar. As long as you hold down the left mouse button while you’re brushing, you won’t get lap marks.

Again, there are some options here. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Go ahead and use your finished image, Save it or do whatever you like. But if you want even more realism, follow along. (NB: *The screenshot below is a composite image showing where the jar layer is most transparent. Yours will not look like this!*) Next I’m going to use the Dodge Tool. It looks like the spatula the optometrist uses to cover up one of your eyes during an eye exam. This Tool lightens whatever it’s applied to without distorting or decreasing its Opacity. Again, this Tool needs a delicate touch so I’ve got the Exposure set to 6% and the size is BIG. One stroke of it down each outer edge of the image might be enough. If not, give it a second run. If the centre of the photo seems a bit pale, switch out the Tool and choose the Burn option – looks like a gang symbol and darkens without distortion – and go HUGE with the brush. Then run it right down the centre of the photo. Stop before you go too far, or back up a step. Less is more here!

The difference is subtle but it looks pretty realistic! And if there were no flowers, leaves or raffia involved, this would be the last step. To turn the Grid off, click View and uncheck Grid, or use the same keyboard shortcut, CTRL/CMD>’ and it’s gone.

On the jar Copy Layer, I added a Layer Mask as described above. Then I removed the entire jar, leaving the rim with the raffia, the leave and the flower. Sharp and clear again! A little custom shadow and it’s good to go.

Don’t forget to save your work!! Click File>Save As… or CTRL/CMD>SHIFT>S then give your image a name with meaning. Select a folder you’ll be able to find later. And choose PNG as the file format to preserve the transparency of the background.

Choose Smallest/Slow for Compression to preserve as much detail as possible and None for Interlace. All done! Now you can use the photo-in-a-jar for your layout.

Have you seen something in a Gallery that caught your eye but you’re at a loss as to how to duplicate it? Send me a message and we’ll figure it out together!


Designer Spotlight: June 2022

Introducing CarolW Designs

I had a lovely chat with one of GingerScraps‘ newer designers, CarolW (Wen Xin) and would like to share what I learned about her.

Of course, we need to start at the beginning… Thanks for the visit, Carol. How long have you been designing?

C: Starting in 2018, I came to GingerScraps in July 2021.

J: So about 4 years designing, and almost a year with GS. Thanks for sharing your talents with us! What tools do you use when you design?

C: I mainly use Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

J: I’m working really hard at being proficient with Photoshop Elements. Thanks to GingerScraps, I have the opportunity to continually learn new things. But I don’t have the bandwidth right now for multiple platforms. I commend you. Can you tell me what your workspace looks like?

C: My work is mainly done in the study, which is also the place where the cat and dog play. When I work in the study every day, the cat and dog also join me in the study.

J: I bet they can be quite distracting. but in a good way. What motivates and inspires you when you sit down to design (other than your deadline 😉 )?

C: Love. I’m crazy about scrapbook and everything, and when I’m designing it, I’m in a great mood and feel really relaxed. I’m happiest when clients email me and tell me they like my designs. 

J: Positive feedback is always so good for the ego, isn’t it? Do you have a favourite kit in the GS store right now?

C: Write a Letter. I’ve always liked light colors. When I was packing my things the other day, I saw a letter written to me by a very good friend many years ago, which reminded me of her. She had passed away because of illness. So when I read that letter, I missed her. So I created this kit.

J: Ooh, I can see your melancholy and sadness over her passing in the vintage look of this kit. Your Creative Team did a beautiful job with it. [Click on the name of the kit for a direct link to the bundle in the shop.] Let’s do an about-face and talk about something fun… If you won the lottery, what would you do?

C: I would buy a big estate in the mountains and live there every day.

J: Wow! That’s pretty much what we did when my husband inherited a large sum of money. Our “estate” isn’t large – it’s actually pretty small – but we have a brand-new house on the side of a mountain and have an incredible view. We’re surrounded by orchards and there’s a winery under construction on the edge of our subdivision. Here’s another fun notion. If time travel was a possibility, would you travel into the past, or the future?

C: I want to go back in time. I especially want to go back to the time when there were dinosaurs. Or I want to go back to ancient Egypt. I like history very much and I like to study the history of every country. 

J: History is fascinating and we could perhaps make our future better if we paid more attention to our past. Did you ever think of becoming a historian, or did you have other dreams for your life when you were growing up?

C: I wanted to be a doctor. But because I was not good at chemistry, I studied liberal arts.

J: I was never good at math or science but I ended up a critical care nurse. If there isn’t a way through, there might be a way around. What one word would your friends and family use to describe you?

C: Very kind.

J: Carol, that’s two words. 🙂 Last question… What celebrity would you like to meet for coffee at Starbucks?

C: Woooo, I love this question!!If I had the chance, I would have coffee with Alexander Skarsgård! I like his TV plays and movies very much.

J: He’s so easy to look at! I can see why you’d like to meet him. Thank you for letting us into your world a little. Enjoy your Spotlight month!

Check out the Designer Spotlight Challenge in the Forum where Carol has a TON of gifts for you!! And before I close this post down, I want to remind you that Carol is also hosting the Daily Download this month. Carol‘s designs are both traditional and fresh; I love the colour palette she chose for her DD kit with lavender, blush pink, ivory and shades of green. Every day for the month of June you can pop over here to the Blog and pick up the day’s piece of the kit; the download links are active for 5 days. But if you’re not able to commit to all that Blog visiting or you miss a few days, the kit will be in the store later in July for purchase. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going shopping.


June 3, 2022: Fresh Baked

Hello everyone! How are you doing on this first Friday in June? Do you have plans for the weekend? We don’t yet, but I’m sure we’ll find something to get into. Have a great weekend!

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this wonderful collab for free!

Time to see what is new in the store!


Have you gotten started on your challenges? 10 completed challenges will get you this kit as a reward.


GingerScraps: NEW Buffet, New FREE with Purchase Collab, & MUCH MORE!

Welcome to June and the start of summer (according to weather people) and hurricane season. Let’s take a look at all the awesome new kits we have for the buffet.

Let’s start off with our Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

I just adore these bright colors and I love what the designers came up with. Remember, since they all use the same color theme, you can mix and match the kits to make whatever you need.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. This Free With Purchase was created by: Connie Prince, Lindsay Jane, Magical Scraps Galore, PrelestnayaP Design, and Trixie Scraps. It contains 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 45 Papers, and 100 Elements.

The June Monthly Mix is all about those {summer vibes}. The Monthly Mix was created by: ADB Designs, Alexis Design Studio, Karen Schulz, and Tami Miller Designs. It contains 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 50 Papers, and 72 Elements.

Now to the June Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Carol W Designs! Make sure you are checking the blog every day to get all the pieces of this kit!

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward! This was created by: Craft-tastrophic, Cutie Pie Scraps, Memory Mosaic, Polka Dot Chicks, and Tinci Designs. It contains 1 Alpha {Lowercase, Numbers & Some Punctuation}, 59 Papers, 91 Elements, and 4 12×12 Templates {page, png, psd, tif file formats}.

And now a little inspiration from our store CT using the Monthly Mix collab.