Archives for May 2012

May Daily Download #14


LOTW Winner!!

Congratulations to Fran98765 for winning LOTW! What an amazing cluster of fishing elements. I love how the two circle pictures are displayed at the bottom to compliment the large photo.  Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

This awesome LO was created using Reel Men Fish by Pretty in Green and Pixels by Jen.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Weekly Wrap-up: May 13, 2012

Shh!! Don’t tell Ginger. This is late. Just a little. I have an excuse: MY DAUGHTER BRIDGED yesterday!! In Girl Scouts, you have levels. Each level, in the beginning, is about two grades. Daisies: K-1, Brownies: 2-3, Juniors: 4-5. In our troop, it’s 4-6, because we’re a K-6 school, are the Juniors. My daughter will be in 4th grade this next school year. So, she bridged to a Junior Surprised smile No. I am not READY to be the mother of a Junior.

SPEAKING of Mothers: I want to wish a happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there. We don’t care if you’re the mother of a puppy or a child. We’re all mothers!

Want a kit that’ll be perfect for scrapping something showing off your motherhood? You should really check out this month’s buffet: A Match Made in Heaven! It is just absolutely perfect!!

Not convinced? You should check out some of the layouts (including a hybrid!) that are popping up in the gallery using it!

Now, I’m not sure about you but I’m ready to go back out into the world and spend some time with my family! Make sure you let us know how you’re spending/spent your Mother’s Day! We’d love to hear about it!!

See you again next week. I promise to be on time then!!

May Daily Download #13


May Daily Download #12


Fresh Baked for May 11, 2012

Oh my! Is it really Friday? Are we sure? Someone check a calendar, I don’t believe it 😉
I’m just kidding. I just can’t believe how fast it’s come. It seems each week is getting shorter and shorter. Is it just me?

There are some awesome products coming out this week! So excited to share them with you!!

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this amazing grab bag, created by the talented Pretty in Green!×7-Album.html

Well, this is where I say goodbye, until next week. I know you’ll find something that’s just right for you!

May Daily Download #11


This Week’s Sneak Peeks

Good Morning, Scrappers!

I hope you were able to enjoy some, if not all, of iNSD weekend here at Gingerscraps! What a blast we had chatting with each other, doing scavenger hunts, guessing which designer went with which baby picture, posting in the gallery, and even playing truth or dare! There were numerous speed scraps, chats, and tons of fun give aways in the forum too! Oh my gosh! I have never had so much fun on my computer in my life! The Gingerbread Ladies really did a great job at cooking up loads of awesome fun for everyone!

And…they’re still busy cookin’ up stuff for us! Gee whiz, Ladies! You’re all so amazing and wonderful! Let’s see what’s cookin’ this week…

From Keep In Touch we have this beautiful kit. I love making vintage-y  looking layouts, and this is going to be perfect!


Stop on by the Gingerscraps Store on Friday, May 11, 2012, to see more of what our way awesome super fantabulous designers have created for us!

I am soooo excited to see more of what’s been cookin, how about you!?


Pull up a mouse, and a cup o joe, and join me in waiting for Friday’s new additions! I am super excited! These designers are super cool, and I want everything they create here at Gingerscraps!!!

Happy rest of the week to you!!!



May Daily Download #10


May Daily Download #09
