Archives for July 2012
Fresh Baked for July 13, 2012
Friday the 13th. I don’t put a lot of stock in the superstition that it’s a bad luck day. I don’t know, but this date has been good luck for me.
Today, it just gets even better! There are some gorgeous kits coming out today, that are just perfect for summer. There are a couple collabs, a chance to get a little prehistoric (hey, who’s up for a trip back in time?), and even a chance to go on a road trip. I’m ready to get my scrap on! How about you?
Before we get into the yummy new goodies, I just want to share a reminder about the retirement of PsychoZoe Designs.
She’s an inspiring designer, and we wish her all the best. Susie, you better still be around the forum! We love all your layouts of your puppies!
She has some AMAZING prices for her items, and this is the last you’ll see of them! For example: – $1.80!! – $1.00!! – $0.80
Remember that when you spend $10 in the store, you get an amazing grab bag. This month’s was created by Ryan, of Roseytoes, and it’s JAM-PACKED full of stuff.
Paper Pack:
Worn Papers:
Chipboard Alphas:
The designers have such gorgeous kits, and wow, I can’t say enough about them.
Before we finish off this little sky tour, I just have to share this awesome news with you, a new Welcome Wagon kit has been released! If you do not know about our Welcome Wagon area, you should go check it out right away! Once you register in the forum, you will have access to the Welcome Wagon area. The designers create wonderful goodies and give them to you for FREE! The Welcome Wagon has been up and running, for over a year, so our designers are changing their goodies! New goodies, Free goodies! Keep checking the Welcome Wagon area, we will be reveling something new every few weeks!
This week Luv Ewe Designs has a “Forever” wish for you – Just all you have to do is register in the forum and you will have access!
I will say that there is some good luck going on at Gingerscraps. Tonight there is an amazing speed scrap going on with Terra of Sugar Kissed Designs.
So, go, in peace, and share some of your lucky stories in the forum! Or even if you’ve had some bad luck on the 13th. Let’s make today all about laughter and giggles. Let’s have some fun!
Also, share some love for Susie!! Make her know that we will all miss her as a designer!
This Week’s Sneak Peeks
Hello Digi Friends!
Here we are in the dog days of summer! My family is on vacation in my home town and we have met many a dog while hanging around here. We’ve met a beautiful Great Dane named Grimm at the BMX bike race, we met a tiny dog name Joe who was found a desert, and we met Henry, a bulldog down the street. It has literally been the Dog Days of summer for us! We don’t have a dog, so this has been exciting for my kids 🙂
I hope you are enjoying every bit of sunshine where you are, and all the adventures that come your way! I bet you are going to love the collections that will be in the Gingerscraps store this Friday! I sure do! These are sure to be your go to kits for scrapping all those adventures and summertime memories. I can’t wait to share them with you, so here we go!
First up is a collection of yummalicious colors and embellies from a Sugar Kissed Designs and Pretty in Green fab collab…. OMG, I just love this!!!!
And a collab from Find Your Bliss and Caroline S, we have this gorgeous collection for you. Perfect for those beachy keen photos, don’t you think?
Twin Mom Scraps has cooked up this pretty little kit, which I absolutely love and have to have! I love the florals in this!
These pretty colors rock my socks off! Joyful Heart Designs is bringing this to us this week, and I cannot WAIT to use it!! Check out this raffia ribbon, the shabby chic look of the papers and that ripped cardboard!!! Yum!!!
One last collection by Luv Ewe Designs!
Well, I for one cannot wait to hit up the Gingerscraps store this Friday for these goodies! So here I will be, tappin’ my toes, sippin my iced coffee, and waitin’ for the goodies! Pull up a mouse, sink your toes in the sand, and join me over at the Gingerscraps Forum for an awesome time while we wait!
Happy Summer, digi friends, keep on scrappin’!
Challenge Spotlight – Desktop Challenge
It’s Tuesday! Woo! Despite the work week just starting for me, I’m in an oddly good mood because some superfab summer plans are coming together and I’m excited to the point of being giddy! 😀 Plus, I get to blog about another awesome GS challenge! Can this day get any better?! (Answer: Only if ice cream is involved.) Enough of my rambly nonsense, let’s get to the matter at hand, spotlighting Crystal of Inspired Designs’ July Desktop Challenge! Crystal has made a really CUTE desktop template for you this month; let’s take a look!
I love that scalloped frame and spaces for all those fun summer pics! This fabulous template is yours absolutely free (no shipping & handling charges either, I swear!) when you join us for this month’s desktop challenge! I’m sure you’d love to see it in action first, though. Yes? Well, let’s see some inspiration from all the talented GS ladies!
By mamaape
By altimasport
By Carleys Digi Scraps
Really excellent job, friends! Everyone made the template their own and BOOM, wallpapers ready for next month! 🙂
So, are you ready to join us? I sure hope so, because I personally love seeing new people join in on the fun; we’re a goofy bunch of gals with some serious digitalent going on. Stop by the forum and see the silliness for yourself! 😉
Not only are the challenges a great way to improve your scrapping skills and make some new friends, you can also earn some flipping GREAT rewards, as well! As I mentioned last week, there is a new rewards system for our monthly challenges; make sure you stop by and read about it before you start your post in the July Challenge Points Tracking thread and tallying up how many challenges you’ve completed! Any questions about this or any of the GS challenges can be dropped off at the Cookie Jar where some smart GS cookie will help you out!
Alright, that’s it for me for this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic week and restful weekend! See y’all back here next week for some more challengey goodness! mmm MMM! 🙂