Love Blooms FREEBIES + Fresh Baked Friday at GingerScraps!

Happy Valentine’s Day! We love and appreciate each and every one of you, and today, we’re celebrating with something extra special!

Love Blooms in the Welcome Wagon is officially HERE! Our members-only forum area is overflowing with love, and our amazing designers have created the cutest freebies just for you!

Here’s how to join the fun:

1. Register or log in to your GingerScraps Forum account.

2. Head over to the Welcome Wagon area.

3. Visit each participating designer’s thread to find a sweet message and a FREE, exclusive product!

But that’s not all… It’s Friday, which means Fresh Baked new releases are in the shop today too! Don’t forget to check them out while you’re grabbing your freebies.

We hope your day is filled with love, happiness, and lots of scrappy fun! Celebrate Valentine’s Day the GingerScraps way—with creativity, community, and plenty of love. Let’s make this a Valentine’s to remember!

Join the Fun & Grab Your Freebies Now!

With love,
The GingerScraps Team

This month’s Free with Purchase kit is perfect for all your Valentine’s Day memories. Spend $10 in the store and you’ll get this great collab for free.

Let’s see what we have new this week.

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward! (Or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

Black Friday SALES! $2.00 Flash Sales & MORE!

Hello my wonderful scrappers! I hope you had a wonderful week!
During this season of gratitude, we want to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation for your ongoing support. While Thanksgiving may not be a part of everyone’s tradition, the spirit of gratitude is universal, and we are incredibly thankful for YOU!

In the spirit of giving, we are excited to share our gratitude with exclusive Black Friday deals just for you!

  • 50% Off Site-Wide Spectacular! (Some restrictions apply.)
    Your wish-list is about to get a whole lot shorter! Enjoy a jaw-dropping 50% off on all your favorites.
  • Daily $2.00 Flash Sales from 11/24-11/28!
    Hold onto your shopping carts! Our daily $2.00 Flash Sales from 11/24 to 11/28 promise sizzling steals you won’t want to miss. Swing by each day to discover the treasures up for grabs.
  • Special Black Friday Deals, Grab Bags, Build Your Own, and More! The excitement doesn’t stop there! Brace yourself for our Special Black Friday Deals, irresistible Grab Bags, Build Your Own bundles, and exclusive coupon offers. This is your chance to curate a shopping experience tailored just for you!

Who is ready to SHOP?!!?



September 30, 2022. Fresh Baked and DSD!

Hold onto your computer mice my friends, we’re going to have some fun. Happy Digital Scrapbooking Day (week)! A week because we can’t just celebrate something like this on one day (or weekend). 

There are a lot of new items from the designers in this post, but please make sure to check out the store for even more goodies.

One of the great things about a celebration at GingerScraps is the Free with Purchase Mega. Spend $20 in the store and get this fabulous kit. I’m ready to {relax & rejuvenate}.

This great kits is a free with any purchase over $10 today. 

This is just a sampling of the new and fun kits, grab bags, and sales in the store. 

You still have time to get your September challenges in. Complete 10 challenges and get this kit as a reward.



September 9, 2022: IT’S BIRTHDAY PARTY TIME!

There is SO much going on this week. I guess I should start off with the biggest thing, right?


And you know Ginger when it comes to celebrations. She doesn’t do them small. So we’re having a HUGE party!!

Have you participated in one of the Scavenger hunts? They are so much fun and I always find kits I “need” while I’m looking for that crazy Gingerbread Man (he’s a little sneaky).

And our designers have some fun games going on in the Forum as well!

Don’t forget this great Free With Purchase kit you get with any $10 spent in the store!

On top of all that fun, we have some great kits and other special sales and new releases!

How are you doing on the challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and get this great collab as a reward!


Tutorial Tuesday (Tips and Tricks)


Hey all you GingerScrappers! Digital Scrapbooking Day is coming up fast!! It’s on Saturday, October 2 and it’s going to be a blast. But don’t let “Day” throw you off. It’s not just a day, it’s a week-long celebration of our hobby and it’s always epic. This year’s theme is just perfect. Ginger has given me the go-ahead to share this sneak peak with you. Drum roll please!

All the digital scrapbooking stores around the worldwide web have special events and sales. Here at GingerScraps, there are a bunch of grab bags specifically designed for DSD, special challenges, another scavenger hunt, and a free-with-$20-purchase MEGA collab. (I’ve seen the MEGA collab… you’re going to love it!!!! It has about 100 papers… and the palette is beautiful.) Other stores will have designer blog hops and special events on their sites too…

So start with a PLAN! Don’t just jump into the deep end. Check out the forums at your favourite stores to see what they have going on. Then make yourself a calendar of events. Set some reminders so you don’t miss the entry deadlines, speed scraps or chats. If you’ve ever missed out on something amazing by a matter of an hour, you’ll understand the need for some nudges.

Make sure you have hard drive space for your purchases and freebies. Or invest in some thumb drives or an EHD to transfer some of your older stuff to so you have lots of room for your downloads. That MEGA is going to need a bunch of room. Label this extra storage right away so you don’t forget what you’ve put on it. Forgetting to label them could mean you lose track of all the awesome kits you’ve moved and you don’t want that! I have a brand new 6TB EHD just waiting for me to fill it up.

Set a BUDGET! It’s way too easy to overspend when you’re surrounded by smokin’ hot deals, and PayPal makes it painless… until later. Figure out how much you have to spend, and stick with it. I usually save a bit of money so I can spend $20-25 per favourite digishop (I have 3 that I like a lot) without feeling guilty. (With the slightly stronger Canadian dollar this week, I might be able to make my money go a bit farther. As long as there isn’t some catastrophe here that causes our currency to tank. ‘Cause that’s never happened before….. 😉 )

Don’t feel obligated to participate in anything that isn’t going to make you happy. If you don’t have time to join in on the games in the Forum, don’t worry about it! If you aren’t into speed scraps, that’s great! Extra challenges might be fun, but if you have better things to do, you have better things to do. Freebies take up a lot of space, both on your computer and in your head; if you don’t think you’ll ever use what the designer is giving away, you don’t have to take it. This is especially true of blog hop freebies; the topic and palette may be really exciting, but there will be some designers’ contributions that don’t fit into your style of scrapping, so don’t download them. Believe me, you won’t miss them.

While you’re waiting for the festivities to begin, go through your photos and choose some for those challenges you just won’t be able to resist. Let your family know when you’re going to need some uninterrupted time and don’t stay up too late! Because there’s still Black Friday next month – we have to pace ourselves!

Sharing our stories is important, both for us now and for those who come after us. The last 18 months have had quite an impact on all of us in one way or another. Some of us have lost loved ones, some of us have been sick ourselves, some of us have worked harder than ever before to help others and some of us have channeled our energies in new directions. But we all have learned what matters and what doesn’t. Let’s celebrate ourselves!

September 3, 2021: IT’S BIRTHDAY PARTY TIME!

I do not even know where to start this week. There is SO much going on in this post. Should I just start with the biggest?


Yep – we’ve hit the “teenage years”.

And you know Ginger when it comes to celebrations. She doesn’t do them small. So we’re having a HUGE party!!

Have you participated in one of the Scavenger hunts? They are so much fun and I always find kits I “need” while I’m looking for that crazy Gingerbread Man (he’s a little sneaky).

And our designers have some fun games going on in the Forum as well!

Don’t forget this great Free With Purchase kit you get with any $10 spent in the store!

On top of all that fun, we have some great kits and other special sales!



And to wrap it all up, have you seen the September Challenge Reward? This is perfect for those pics of the grandkids (or grandparents). It’s a reward for completing any 10 challenges.

Fresh Baked: FEBRUARY 12, 2021

Happy Friday Everyone!! Do you have big plans for Valentine’s Day? Our newsletter is full of great kits to scrap those Valentine’s Day photos. We have some great things in this weeks newsletter.

Hello lovely scrappers! We have a special treat for you, our 2021 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our participating designers newsletters and collect a ton of fun free goodies!

All you need to do is sign up to receive the following list of newsletters BEFORE February 24th.

The newsletters containing a new freebie will begin to arrive in your inbox on February 12th. If you are already a subscriber to a newsletter, don’t worry, you will also be receiving the new freebie too!

For a full list of all the participating designers and newsletter links, visit the forum here:!
Don’t forget to scroll down all the way to the end of this newsletter for the FREEBIE from the shop!

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this fabulous kit for free!

Let’s see what our designers have for us this week!

How are your challenges going? We’re almost halfway through February. Any 10 completed challenges gets this great reward!


Leap Year Hop!

Did you know 2020 is a Lead Year? Yep, that means we have one extra day in February! The GingerScraps designers wanted to show you some extra love, join us for a Newsletter Leap! Head over to the forum and sign up for every participating designers newsletters.
All you need to do is sign up to receive newsletters BEFORE February 26th. The full list is posted in the GingerScraps forum here:

If you are already a subscriber to a newsletter, don’t worry, you will also be receiving the new freebie too! To grab the FREEBIE from the GingerScraps shop make sure you scroll down the the end of this newsletter!

Forum Link with all the details:

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! One way to spend your Leap Day is to do a Random Act of Kindness!


Spread a little joy through the world.


























As promised, here is the Newsletter Leap Freebie just for our wonderful Newsletter subscribers!


Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


If you can imagine it, you can create it.

Valentines’ Day AND Newsletter Hop!

Did you know 2020 is a Lead Year? Yep, that means we have one extra day in February! The GingerScraps designers wanted to show you some extra love, join us for a Newsletter Leap! Head over to the forum and sign up for every participating designers newsletters.
All you need to do is sign up to receive newsletters BEFORE February 26th. The full list is posted in the GingerScraps forum here:

If you are already a subscriber to a newsletter, don’t worry, you will also be receiving the new freebie too! To grab the FREEBIE from the GingerScraps shop make sure you scroll down the the end of this newsletter!

Forum Link with all the details:

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! One way to spend your Leap Day is to do a Random Act of Kindness!


Spread a little joy through the world.




























As promised, here is the Newsletter Leap Freebie just for our wonderful Newsletter subscribers!


Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


If you can imagine it, you can create it.

Tutorial Tuesday (Potpourri)

Beyond the Ordinary – Holiday Photos

Wow, can it really be only 8 days until Christmas? Even fewer until the first night of Chanukah… Families all over are getting ready for the Main Event and of course, no special occasion is ever complete without the photos to prove it happened. I think I can speak for most of us when I say I’ve taken a LOT of really ho-hum photos over the years. If you’re like me and browsing through the Gallery in late December makes you envious of the amazing photos OTHER scrappers have scrapped, I’m going to offer some thoughts on how to make our holiday photos better. I’m not going to completely rehash this tut from last year but some things do bear repeating.

First, make sure you have fresh batteries and a large SD card for all the great shots you’re going to take. If you’re into phonetography, you might want to trim your in-phone collection by saving them to your computer or the Cloud, then deleting them from your internal storage.

Make a list – physical or mental – of the shots you MUST have. We all have our own preferences for what we want to document so don’t feel like you’re being forced to conform. But there are some sort of standard images we all like.

Even if you feel like decorating for the holidays is a dreaded chore, take some photos of the process. Get a shot of the decor while it’s still in the box. If your kids are helping, turn them into models for your portfolio. Remember to get down on their level. Even the cutest kids aren’t great photo subjects if they’re always shot from above. And get in close!!!! I know I’ve mentioned before that the best crop is the one you do in the viewfinder. so fill the frame! Don’t be afraid to zoom in. Same goes for your pets, if you want them in your photos.

When shooting your tree, look for a different approach than the typical 8-feet-away-so-the-whole-tree-and-gifts-are-in-the-shot. Maybe take some close-ups of your favourite ornaments. Use a portrait mode to soften the background and make the ornament totally the focal point. Get down on the floor and shoot up toward the topper, or shoot down through the branches and make the presents the subject. Turn off all the room lights and shoot the tree with just the tree lights. Experiment with shutter speed and aperture to create some lovely bokeh effects. Add a human or a pet to the frame. Or take a photo of the lights reflected in a window. (If you don’t want your reflection in your photo, stand at an angle to the window and look carefully at what’s in the viewfinder.) Or take a photo of the tree THROUGH the window! Turn off your flash though, so you don’t spoil the shot.

If you’re celebrating Chanukah, there are lots of great ways to take photos of your menorrah. A series, with each night’s new candle lighting, would make a lovely layout. Look at the angles. On the last night, when all the candles are burning, an angled shot from one end with each flame visible would be incredible. Some of my favourite photos of my grandsons are of them lighting a candle, with the soft glow of the flame on their cheeks and wonder in their eyes. (Their mom takes amazing photos.)

We’ve all got a folder full of group photos where everybody is stiffly lined up and fake-smiling at the camera. So how can we take better group shots? Having the subjects doing something together is a good start. If you have snow in your area, have the group build a snowman, or have a snowball fight. Or play football in the snow. Beach ball volleyball (in sand or snow) would make some entertaining shots. But if you just have to have a posed group shot, give some thought to who goes where. If you can arrange the people so that their faces form little triangles, you’ll have a nicer image. Have them turn their shoulders toward each other or the centre of the photo so they can get a bit closer together. Make sure you’ve chosen a landscape setting so everybody will be in focus. Think about trying not to cut people’s legs off. If you can, shoot everybody down front from the waist up. Your subjects will thank you.

Do you go all out with a gorgeous table-scape for your guests? I’ve never done it, but I love seeing how others do it. If you’re hosting and have your table all set well in advance (like the experts recommend for sanity’s sake 😉 ) take a few minutes to look at it with your photographer’s eye. Take a shot of a single place setting. Try and get the whole table in a shot, easiest if you shoot from one end. Take a closeup of your crystal.

Don’t forget to get some shots of the dinner prep. Be stealthy and get some candids of the main cook, or if that’s you, get some of your helpers. Look for interesting camera angles of your turkey, ham or standing rib roast. Ask someone to be the carver and get some action shots. And look for smiling faces as the meal commences.

What about gifts? Well, there’re lots of opportunities around gift opening. Get down on the floor with the kids. Try to capture the moment when they identify what’s in the package. If it’s your thing, you can take some of them channeling Vanna White, holding up a favourite gift. If there’s a very special gift being given, arrange for it to be delivered when you have a moment to frame your image. I really wish I had a photo of myself when I opened a gift from my sister quite a few years ago. It was a resin frame with dragonflies on it, but what made it truly special was that it held a photo of me with my grandfather, who died when I wasn’t yet 4 years old. If you know in advance, you can be ready to catch the emotion.

After the dust settles, you can relax, but don’t forget there might still be some great photos yet to happen. Like when a child falls asleep in the middle of a game, or the dog takes off with a long piece of ribbon… they could be the best shots you get all day. But don’t concentrate so hard on getting good photos that you don’t have fun! At a family reunion, my niece made a point of taking a selfie with every single one of us, and they were all fantastic. If you have mad selfie skills, give it a whirl. You might surprise yourself!

I’ll be taking next Tuesday off, as I expect most of you will too… bigger fish to fry! Merry Christmas! Mazel tov! Kwanzaa blessings to all!