Archives for May 2012

May Daily Download #20


Weekly Wrap-up: May 20, 2012

Hey! Happy Weekend! I don’t know about you, but I’m honestly ready for the weekend to end. I have a good reason for that, though. My husband is off for NINE DAYS STRAIGHT. Oh, and it started today. Oye! Also, my kids are super excited because they are out of school soon. They have Monday all day, are off Tuesday (high school and middle school are in session though), and then have half a day on Wednesday. Then they are done until August something-or-other. :O INSANITY!

Oh wait, that’s a work-out 😉

Anyways, since it’s the end of the school year, which according to a thread in the forum started by @StarWarsFan, a lot of users’ kids get out soon, I figured why not share a couple things that are perfect for those end of the year activities:

Perfect for those grads on your list whom you want to make it just a little special 😀

I’ve got, for some reason, “Be True to Your School” by the Beach Boys stuck in my head when I look at Julie’s word art. I honestly have no idea, but hey, you can share in the fun:

The perfect kit for those end of the year activities. It’s also a new release 😀

Well, it’s the middle of the month, so things are getting kind of quiet. Everyone’s amped up, working on those challenges, and waiting for more information on what’s coming for June’s Buffet.

*shh* Don’t tell anyone, but the theme will be fit for the prince *and* princesses in your life. There was a discussion among the store CT ladies about when their kids were born, and wow, there were a lot of June babies. Most seemed to be girls too 😀

There’s also been given a hint (to the store CT) about the July buffet. I’m not going to give out any clues minus this: it’s a requested theme. There, that’s a hint 😀

Okay, I’m thinking that might be it :O

Before I sign off, I just want to send out a reminder that Statements by Jodi is having a retirement sale. I just wanted to say, personally, that Jodi, we’ll miss your designs, and we hope to at least still see you around the digiscrapping world!

May Daily Download #19


May Daily Download #18


Fresh Baked for May 18, 2012

Hi! How was your week? I hope you’ve had a great one. We’ve had an interesting one here at Gingerscraps! We’re hosting a leg of the journey that is ADSR! I’m so excited seeing all the new faces who have been joining in at the forum! If you’re one of them reading this, *WAVES* Hi! How ya doin’?

I’m starting off with a bit of news. Statements by Jodi is retiring. She’s closing up her doors, and she’s got her whole store on clearance. 75% off the entire store! Let’s remind Jodi how much we love her, adore her, and how much we’ll miss her by showering her with lots of love!

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this amazing grab bag, created by the talented Pretty in Green!×12-Temps-CU-Ok.html×12-Temps-CU-Ok.html×12-Temps.html×12-Temps.html

This Week’s Sneak Peeks


Good Morning, Scrappers!

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far! It is feeling alot like spring here, and even like summer. I love it when the sun stays out a bit longer each evening, I love the smell of fresh cut grass and of the flowers blooming in the yard, and I love the sound of crickets at dusk. Soon, in a few more weeks, we will start seeing fire flies in the yard. I just love spring turning into summer. People come out, and we see our neighbors and their children more often. It’s so nice to be outside! So when I am inside, I take a look around Gingerscraps to see what’s new…and I just love to see what’s cookin’ here in the Gingerscraps kitchen, too!

Let’s take a look-see at what’s been cookin this week!

From Find Your Bliss and River-Rose Designs, we have this coming your way….

What a perfect ensemble to honor the graduate in your life! What a wonderful kit to commemorate their success!!!

More from Find Your Bliss, with a template from the March 1-15 template challenge….What an awesome collection!


What a great time of year this is! And what a wonderful collection that is coming out to help celebrate such a joyous occassion and help make our memories of such moments live on and on!

Be sure to stop by Friday and see what else is fresh from the kitchen! I know I will be here, ready, waiting, waiting, ready, waiting, waiting….

So pull up a mouse, grab a cup of joe, and join me in the Gingerscraps Forum for a hootin’ good time while we wait til Friday to see what’s new!

Happy rest of the week to you!!!


May Daily Download #17


May Daily Download #16


Challenge Spotlight – Color Challenge

Hello and another happy Tuesday to all the lovely blog readers! 🙂 Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. I was SWAMPED all weekend long so I am exhausted and ready to just sit and scrap!

So, need a little push to scrap? An incentive? How about a discount coupon or gift certificate to the GingerScraps store?! Yeah, I think that’s a pretty good incentive to get to scrapping! This week I am spotlighting the color challenge hosted by JoyLynn of Blue Heart Scraps!

She has picked this bright and cheery palette for us to work with this month:

So pretty, I love it for spring and summer! To sweeten the pot, the ever-generous JoyLynn has even given you a paper pack freebie to get you started on the challenge; thanks, JoyLynn! 🙂

These colors are just great and the paper pack is such a sweet gesture to give everyone a start. She’s also suggested some kits in the store that coordinate! Need to see the colors in action? Here’s some inspiration to get you going!

by photom

by amyjo76

by skcosti

Ahh, they’re all so pretty and colorful! Can you tell I like bright colors? Hehe. Even more, I like bragging on my fellow GS forum gals, these are fantastic, gals; you’re all so talented! 🙂

So you’ve got some pretty colors to play with and an awesome freebie to boot! If you participate in the challenge, leave a comment in the May color challenge thread with a link to your layout in the gallery so we can leave you some love! Make sure to track your points and remember, if you have any questions about this or any of our other challenges, or how the points work, head on over to the Cookie Jar and someone will help you ASAP!

Take care and I’ll see you all next week with the next challenge spotlight! 🙂

May Daily Download #15
