Archives for December 2019

Tutorial Tuesday (Photoshop Elements 2018)

Double Indemnity? Nope, Double Exposure!

Here we are, at the very end of 2019!! I hope you all had some wonderful times with family and friends over the holidays. If you’re celebrating tonight, stay safe!!

Are you ready for another Guided Edit? This one was only introduced with the 2018 version, but I LOVE it!! It’s under the Fun Edits tab and it creates a double exposure almost automatically. It caught my interest when I started seeing lots of double-exposure photos popping up on my Pinterest feed after I Googled PSE techniques. All the how-to’s were for Photoshop‘s full version and try as I might, I wasn’t getting the results I hoped for when I tried to find a work-around. Then I tried this. I know you’re going to love it. I’m playing with photos I downloaded from Pixabay and chose a black-and-white close-up portrait as my base photo.

Once I clicked on Guided>Fun Edit>Double Exposure this is the menu that comes up. (Remember, if you click on Cancel, you’re back to the Start Menu so be very sure that’s what you want to do…)

For this tutorial I just took the most basic route possible with my photo choices so as to make it as straight-forward as possible. I’ll be playing with it a lot more in the weeks to come, so you may see another more complex tut later. The Edit tools are lined up top-to-bottom for easy progression through the steps. If your photo needs to be cropped, this is when you’d do it, with the Crop tool. The Guide suggests cropping so your desired focal point is in the centre.

There’s also the option of Selecting only a portion of your photo. I skipped both the Crop and Select steps altogether.

Now, the software has some images already embedded in the Edit that you can use for your double exposures: a forest scene, a cityscape and some clouds. Here I’ve superimposed the forest scene over my photo; if you look in the upper left corner you can see the girl’s eye, but it’s pretty well concealed.

Thankfully the software knows that might not be the look you’re after. The Intensity of the superimposed photo can be easily adjusted by pulling the slider to the left. Here you can see the difference it makes to decrease it to about 47%.

There’s also the opportunity to move the superimposed image around a bit by using the Move tool. It can be activated either by clicking on the tool image in the upper left of your workspace, or by clicking on the tool bar in the menu.

The cityscape almost completely obliterates the original photo. Good thing it’s adjustable!

I decreased the Intensity to about 35% and the resultant image is really moody. It suggests the girl is homesick for this view, at least in my imagination…

What will the clouds do? Well, at first glance, we can see her nose and chin fairly clearly, but not her eye, and I think the eye is the key.

I’m conflicted as to which emotion this evokes. I think she looks wistful, so maybe it’s dream-like.

Okay, before we move on, I want to show you how to use another of your own photos. So instead of using a preset, I clicked on Import a Photo. It opened up Windows Explorer and let me find a suitable photo for the look I’m aiming for. Once I clicked on the thumbnail in the photos folder, I clicked on the Place button.

Wow! That’s a really dramatic image!! I don’t even know if there’s any adjustment needed.

But just to be sure, I decreased the Intensity  by 50%. There are still more ways to manipulate the image so let’s keep going.

Before I moved on, I opted to shift the rocks in the superimposed photo down and almost off her face. It makes the sky more of an element in the image and you can’t see the demarcation where the superimposed photo ends. Further down the menu, there are some more Effects presets. So working with the image with the superimposed photo at 50%, let’s hit it with each of the Effects to see what they do. The very first one, top left of the tool menu is No Effect… just the way it is.

I’ve circled the Effect with each image so you can see what they look like right out of the box. This one adds a lot of colour.

This one makes the original image more vivid and increases the contrast.

Here, it’s basically a black-and-white version. If my original photo had been a colour portrait, it might make a big difference to use this Effect.

This one is a soft, rainbow-hued look.

I think this one would be amazing with underwater photography, or for photos with a beachy, watery theme.

This adds a touch of cool colour to a tonal black-and-white image.

I’m showing my age. All that’s missing is a prism in the middle.

The last one gives the whole image a warm, golden look.

After seeing them all, I decided I like the third version best. I decreased the Intensity to 50% again and have a really eye-catching image. I might add an inspirational quote into the dark area to the right of her neck. What do you think?

Before I shut down for the night, I decided to play with a couple of other photos I had. The one of the stone bridge provided a perfect frame for a superimposed face, but I didn’t take the time to figure out how to use the Guided Edit. Instead… I took a lot more time doing it manually. Duplicated layers, layer masks, erased areas, clipping masks, more layer masks to bring out the blue in her eyes, blend modes, sheesh. There’s gotta be a better way! When I find it I’ll share it with you!

I hope that whatever 2019 brought your way is greatly improved on in 2020! I know there are big things coming up for our family, details to follow. Happy New Year, dear GingerScrappers!

Gingerscraps is Not Ready for 2020!

Not that we’re not actually ready, but WHERE did 2019 go?!?

2020 is going to be full of fun and changes, but don’t give up on 2019 just yet!

Templates abound, trickling around like leaves.


I love seeing things from past Christmases, so this is a perfect kit!

Before I start with the beautiful kits and products that the designers have created for you, I just have to share this awesome news with you, a new Welcome Wagon kit has been released! If you do not know about our Welcome Wagon area, you should go check it out right away! Once you register in the forum, you will have access to the Welcome Wagon area. The designers create wonderful goodies and give them to you for FREE! The Welcome Wagon has been up and running, for over a year, so our designers are changing their goodies! New goodies, Free goodies!

Today, you’re being given a new lovely gift by Dandelion Dust Designs!

























Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


Anyone else craving Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa, and Candy Canes right now?

Gingerscraps is “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”!

Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie
And we’ll do some caroling

Christmas is nearly upon us! 2020 is nearly here! Excuse me while I attempt to pick myself off the floor, because I’m ready for time to slow down!

But, since that’s not going to happen, check out this awesome sale going on:


Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Templates abound, trickling around like leaves.


I love seeing things from past Christmases, so this is a perfect kit!



























08Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


Anyone else craving Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa, and Candy Canes right now?

Sneak Peeks December 19th 2019

Happy Thursday! We have 6 more days until Christmas! This year has gone by sooooo fast! Are you ready for the new year? Have you scrapped your memories for 2019 yet? Our designers have more goodies to inspire you! Let’s take a peek at some CT pages!

From Mags Graphics

From Snickerdoodle Designs

From Aimee Harrison


From Tinci

From LDrag

From Alexis Designs

From Wimpychompers

Tutorial Tuesday (Potpourri)

Beyond the Ordinary – Holiday Photos

Wow, can it really be only 8 days until Christmas? Even fewer until the first night of Chanukah… Families all over are getting ready for the Main Event and of course, no special occasion is ever complete without the photos to prove it happened. I think I can speak for most of us when I say I’ve taken a LOT of really ho-hum photos over the years. If you’re like me and browsing through the Gallery in late December makes you envious of the amazing photos OTHER scrappers have scrapped, I’m going to offer some thoughts on how to make our holiday photos better. I’m not going to completely rehash this tut from last year but some things do bear repeating.

First, make sure you have fresh batteries and a large SD card for all the great shots you’re going to take. If you’re into phonetography, you might want to trim your in-phone collection by saving them to your computer or the Cloud, then deleting them from your internal storage.

Make a list – physical or mental – of the shots you MUST have. We all have our own preferences for what we want to document so don’t feel like you’re being forced to conform. But there are some sort of standard images we all like.

Even if you feel like decorating for the holidays is a dreaded chore, take some photos of the process. Get a shot of the decor while it’s still in the box. If your kids are helping, turn them into models for your portfolio. Remember to get down on their level. Even the cutest kids aren’t great photo subjects if they’re always shot from above. And get in close!!!! I know I’ve mentioned before that the best crop is the one you do in the viewfinder. so fill the frame! Don’t be afraid to zoom in. Same goes for your pets, if you want them in your photos.

When shooting your tree, look for a different approach than the typical 8-feet-away-so-the-whole-tree-and-gifts-are-in-the-shot. Maybe take some close-ups of your favourite ornaments. Use a portrait mode to soften the background and make the ornament totally the focal point. Get down on the floor and shoot up toward the topper, or shoot down through the branches and make the presents the subject. Turn off all the room lights and shoot the tree with just the tree lights. Experiment with shutter speed and aperture to create some lovely bokeh effects. Add a human or a pet to the frame. Or take a photo of the lights reflected in a window. (If you don’t want your reflection in your photo, stand at an angle to the window and look carefully at what’s in the viewfinder.) Or take a photo of the tree THROUGH the window! Turn off your flash though, so you don’t spoil the shot.

If you’re celebrating Chanukah, there are lots of great ways to take photos of your menorrah. A series, with each night’s new candle lighting, would make a lovely layout. Look at the angles. On the last night, when all the candles are burning, an angled shot from one end with each flame visible would be incredible. Some of my favourite photos of my grandsons are of them lighting a candle, with the soft glow of the flame on their cheeks and wonder in their eyes. (Their mom takes amazing photos.)

We’ve all got a folder full of group photos where everybody is stiffly lined up and fake-smiling at the camera. So how can we take better group shots? Having the subjects doing something together is a good start. If you have snow in your area, have the group build a snowman, or have a snowball fight. Or play football in the snow. Beach ball volleyball (in sand or snow) would make some entertaining shots. But if you just have to have a posed group shot, give some thought to who goes where. If you can arrange the people so that their faces form little triangles, you’ll have a nicer image. Have them turn their shoulders toward each other or the centre of the photo so they can get a bit closer together. Make sure you’ve chosen a landscape setting so everybody will be in focus. Think about trying not to cut people’s legs off. If you can, shoot everybody down front from the waist up. Your subjects will thank you.

Do you go all out with a gorgeous table-scape for your guests? I’ve never done it, but I love seeing how others do it. If you’re hosting and have your table all set well in advance (like the experts recommend for sanity’s sake 😉 ) take a few minutes to look at it with your photographer’s eye. Take a shot of a single place setting. Try and get the whole table in a shot, easiest if you shoot from one end. Take a closeup of your crystal.

Don’t forget to get some shots of the dinner prep. Be stealthy and get some candids of the main cook, or if that’s you, get some of your helpers. Look for interesting camera angles of your turkey, ham or standing rib roast. Ask someone to be the carver and get some action shots. And look for smiling faces as the meal commences.

What about gifts? Well, there’re lots of opportunities around gift opening. Get down on the floor with the kids. Try to capture the moment when they identify what’s in the package. If it’s your thing, you can take some of them channeling Vanna White, holding up a favourite gift. If there’s a very special gift being given, arrange for it to be delivered when you have a moment to frame your image. I really wish I had a photo of myself when I opened a gift from my sister quite a few years ago. It was a resin frame with dragonflies on it, but what made it truly special was that it held a photo of me with my grandfather, who died when I wasn’t yet 4 years old. If you know in advance, you can be ready to catch the emotion.

After the dust settles, you can relax, but don’t forget there might still be some great photos yet to happen. Like when a child falls asleep in the middle of a game, or the dog takes off with a long piece of ribbon… they could be the best shots you get all day. But don’t concentrate so hard on getting good photos that you don’t have fun! At a family reunion, my niece made a point of taking a selfie with every single one of us, and they were all fantastic. If you have mad selfie skills, give it a whirl. You might surprise yourself!

I’ll be taking next Tuesday off, as I expect most of you will too… bigger fish to fry! Merry Christmas! Mazel tov! Kwanzaa blessings to all!


Gingerscraps is Wondering “What’s This?”

What’s this? What’s this?
There’s color everywhere
What’s this?
There’s white things in the air
What’s this?
I can’t believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, jack, this isn’t fair
What’s this?

There is always a debate on what makes a Christmas movie. You have the Hallmark movies that are all about the romance and love and happy endings. Then you have those that say Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Well, I think Nightmare Before Christmas is the best movie. It encompasses all the holidays!

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Templates abound, trickling around like leaves.


I love seeing things from past Christmases, so this is a perfect kit!






















ADB Designs









Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


Anyone else craving Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa, and Candy Canes right now?

Sneak Peeks December 12th 2019

Happy Thursday!!! There is less than two weeks to Christmas! Are you ready? Our designers have some great products to get you in the festive mood! Let’s check out a peek!

From Tinci

From Snickerdoodle Designs

From JoCee

From Aimee Harrison

From Miss Fish

From Daglicious

From Lindsay Jane

Come back tomorrow to see all the new releases in the shop!

Tutorial Tuesday (Photoshop Elements)

DIY Christmas Card Workshop

Woohoo! I’m on deadline today!! Things are looking up. Today’s tutorial isn’t necessarily scrapbooking-related, but it definitely uses digital scrapbooking supplies. It’s also not really in time for this year, but it can be a thought for next year. I’m going to show you how to make 2 personal Christmas cards from 1 sheet of cardstock. The resulting cards are 4 1/4 inches by 5 1/2 inches. You can get 50 envelopes that will hold these beauties at Michaels for $8 (Canadian, so about $5 in the US).

If I would have been thinking I could have skipped this step by putting the dimensions in reverse in the New Document screen. But I didn’t so I had to Rotate the canvas 90°.

Next I snapped a line across the centre of the page, and another from top to bottom. I used the Ruler and the Pencil Tool. To snap a straight line in a project, select the Pencil Tool and set the size of the line you want. I wanted these lines to be faint, so I went with 1 pixel. Line up the cursor with the halfway point along one side of your canvas. You can see a moving dashed line on the Ruler so you’ll know when you’re in the right place. Click once just barely inside the edge of your canvas. Then hold down the Shift key and move the cursor to the same spot on the opposite side and click again. It’s just that easy. Then do the same with the top-to-bottom centre point. These are guidelines for placement of elements and for cutting and scoring later.

Then I opened up the folder where I’d collected the objects I wanted to use. I have a photo taken several Christmases ago, a 3D snowflake from Lindsay Jane‘s Snowed Under kit and a mask from PrelestnayaP‘s December Wishes.

Working in the lower left corner of the canvas, I opened up the Shape Tool, chose the Rectangle, set a Fixed Size of 5.25 by 4 inches and chose a darkish green colour.

The resulting rectangle will fit inside the guidelines for one card. and by Simplifying the layer, I can make adjustments to it as needed because it’s now a Smart Object.

The next step is to add the mask. I resized it to fit inside the green rectangle completely.

The photo went on top of the mask and was resized to approximately the size I’d need. I want the deer and some of the illuminated snow visible later.

Clipping the photo to the mask is simple. Right click>Create Clipping Mask or CTRL/CMD>ALT>G for more recent versions of PSE or just CTRL/CMD>G for versions pre-15.

Final position tweaks included a little shifting and a little more shrinking.

I chose a gold colour from my photo to use for the sentiment. Here’s where all those amazing fonts you have in your stash will come in handy. You can make this text as personal as you want, even making it family- or person-specific. But it still looked like it needed something. So I CTRL/CMD>clicked on the green rectangle layer’s thumbnail to select the outer edges of the rectangle. Then Select>Modify>Contract.

I pondered for a nanosecond how much I should shrink my selection and settled on 25 pixels.

And then I added a Stroke to the new selection. Edit>Stroke (Outline) Selection

I then used the same gold as for the text and added my Stroke. The position for this isn’t a make-or-break thing, so don’t obsess over it.

Yes, I think that’s what it needed.

The final step for this card is to add a trademark to the back. I went with the green for this.

Knowing that it’s on the BACK of the card and should be readable with the card right-side-up, I Rotated the text 180°.

I’m going for 100% honesty here… I saw a card like this second one on Pinterest so I’m not taking credit for the idea. (Ignore the typo on the screenshot please!) I added a new blank layer to the stack and Loaded some watercolour Brushes. These are from a set of 20 free brushes from Brusheezy. I chose 3 shades of wintery blue for the brush area.

I layered the brushes, each on its own layer so I can make adjustments to just one – or all – if I need to.

For a bit of contrast I chose an aqua for the topmost brush layer.

I added in the snowflake and sized it appropriately. But it wasn’t quite enough by itself. So I added a Layer Style from Ooh La La ScrapsIn the Frosty Air collection.

It still was missing something so I turned off the snowflake layer for a second and added a white paint splatter. That makes a big difference!

A few words and it’s pretty much what I was looking for.

A trademark on the back in the dark blue and it’s finished!

I saved the file as a .png so the printer wouldn’t need to add a white background to everything. To turn this into cards, I’ll load up my printer with white cardstock and print several copies. Using my guillotine cutter I’ll cut the cards apart on the top-to-bottom guideline and score then fold along the side-to-side guideline. I choose to print my sentiments for the inside of the card on resume paper (it’s a bit fancier than regular printer paper) and trim to fit the inside of the folded card. Word art would be perfect for this! Another option is to use a sentiment stamp and ink in a colour to match the front of the card. All that’s left is to sign them, pop them into their envelopes and mail them!

Whew… two weeks until Christmas Eve! Better get on that!

December Featured Designer – Kristmess Designs

Hey scrapbook friends. Hope you are enjoying your December and are grabbing the Daily Download from our Featured Designers. Kristmess Designs and Aimee Harrison Designs teamed up this month to bring us a gorgeous kit.

I had a chance to ask them a few questions. Let’s see what Kristina had to say.

How long have you been designing?

Almost 15 years.

What made you decide to design?

I have been designing my own papers and such for years, long before I ever had a computer and when I got one I just started doing it on that one thing lead to another and eventually I started selling the kits I’d made.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop and Affinity Designer on my iMac mainly, I also use Procreate on the iPad for drawings and watercolour stuff. I also use Affinity Photo and Designer on the iPad too although that is all fairly new to me.

Describe your design workplace.

Unfortunately I live in a very small house with 3 kids and no spare rooms of any kind so my desk is in a closet in our bedroom, the door came off and the desk went in, it’s a bit cramped but once I’m in my little bubble I don’t really notice.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Oh loads of things, things I see when out and about, stuff the kids do, that sort of thing.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

My favourite kit is usually my most recent one and usually changes as I make a new one! It’s hard to say an overall favourite but I suppose right now it is my Reverence kit, only because it is the first kit that I made primarily using my iPad. I was travelling at the time I drew the ballerinas and made the most of the kit. I am still learning my programs on the iPad so that was quite an achievement for me.

What was your first job?

The first job I ever had was working as a waitress in a restaurant near to where I grew up, whilst I was going through college.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Lot of people actually, with my husband’s line of work I meet famous people on a regular basis. I also worked on cruise ships and there were quite a few famous folks came on the cruises.

What are you reading right now?

I am afraid to say I am not a big reader, I am dyslexic and find it very difficult and time consuming to read. I read only things I have to and try to avoid the rest.

What is your favorite quote?

“My spelling is wobbly, it’s good spelling but it wobbles and the letters get in the wrong places” by A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Get organized!

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

No idea, sorry.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

I think I probably only have 3 apps on my smartphone! I don’t use it all that much, except for making phone calls of course. Now lets see, I think I would keep FaceTime, Transit (local bus schedule) and Mail.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Oh the housework, most definitely! I can’t stand doing housework and I would LOVE to have someone do that for me!

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Ancestors for sure!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?

Believe it or not I can’t think of one off hand, I guess I don’t listen to much in the way of commercials!’

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Hmm, Fanta cos that would make it Fanta Sea!!

Thanks Kristina. I loved your answers.  Make sure to check out her GingerScraps store, her Facebook Fan Page, and her blog.

Are you grabbing the Daily Download? I just love this Sneak Peek!

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime

The party’s on
The feelin’s here
That only comes
This time of year

My favorite part about this time of year is the classics that come onto the radio, into the commercials, and all of that goodness!

Each year, the designers take the classics and turn them into their own new classics, and I just love seeing how the layouts turn out! We can’t wait to celebrate this holiday season with you!

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Templates abound, trickling around like leaves.


I love seeing things from past Christmases, so this is a perfect kit!






















ADB Designs

ADB Designs

ADB Designs








Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


Anyone else craving Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa, and Candy Canes right now?